THE THOMIST A SPECULATIVE QUARTERLY REVIEW OF THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY EDITORs: THE DoMINICAN FATHERS OF THE PRoviNCE oF ST. JosEPH Publishers: The Thomist Press, Washington 17, D. C. VoL. XIII OCTOBER, 1950 No.4 FATIMA: THE ROSARY AND THE HEART OF MARY F ATIMA is a name of light and hope for all those souls who are striving for the kingdom of God. The Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, with its tall, white tower rising up over the hill, is as a lighthouse in this turbulent hour of the world. The hours of history sometimes can be very long. This present hour, so tremendous, is still the same which thirty years ago obliged Our Lady, Mother of God and men, miraculously to appear in order to give us a message of salvation. The evils of humanity not only persist but are increased. But she also, invisibly present, persists in her eagerness to help us. Her saving watch-words still retain their full vigor and are awaiting fulfillment. We ourselves wish to help make known and accomplished those things most insistently recommended by her, that. is, the practice of the Rosary and the devotion to her Immaculate Heart. This is the second time that we have attempted this, 453 454 MARCELIANO LLAMERAS for as early as July, 1944, we presented a study concerning the value and relationships of the two devotions in the HispanoPortuguese Assembly, celebrated in Fatima by the Spanish Mariological Society.* In the same place where our heavenly advocate appeared as Our Lady of the Rosary and besought veneration and reparation for her maternal Heart, we attempted to explain, in the light of sacred science, the causes of her requests. Why, we asked, are these devotions petitioned? What titles of excellence, or of efficacy, make them so commendable? Why is it Our Lady of the Rosary who beseeches devotion to her Heart? Is it perhaps because they constitute one and the same devotion, since it would be unfitting to separate them, or is there a great advantage in uniting them? What natural connection exists between them? Today, we again respond not only on account of the occasion of Our Lady's message, but also because the message itself is conformed to a value and to a permanent connection between the Rosary and her Heart, which merit a more attentive study. The Rosary is a means of perennial efficacy for transfusing into our souls the evangelical spirit. For it is not only consubstantial with the Gospel, but it is a gospel in action: a popular evangelical program of faith, morals, and Christian piety. It is, at the same time, a constant revelation of the Heart of Christ and of the Heart of His divine Mother. For the Rosary unceasingly proposes for the loving commemoration of souls the great accomplishments of Their love, which are the mysteries of the redemption. Without a doubt this is the divine reason for Fatima, for Our Lady knows very well the theology of her Rosary and of her Heart. Thus, by way of serving her maternal intentions, we wish to reflect upon her the little that our limitations will permit. To this end we shall recall first the history of the Rosarian and Cordimarian revelations of Fatima. Then we shall consider the value or efficacy of both devotions and their mutual * This study was published in Estudios Marianos, IV, Madrid, 1945, pp. 341-410, under the title: " La Devocion a! Immaculado Corazon de Maria y el Santisimo Rosario." It has been especially adapted by the author for publication in English. FATIMA: THE ROSARY AND THE HEART OF MARY 455 connection or dependence, with the consequences which derive from all this. I. THE RosARY AND THE HEART oF MARY IN THE APPARITIONS OF FATIMA We shall begin our study by recalling the Rosarian-Cordimarian message of Fatima which was delivered during the apparitions and was contained in the recommendations of the heavenly visitor and in the conduct and testimony of the children. The message itself, as understood by its best interpreters, will be the final proof of our doctrine concerning the compenetration of the two devotions. Being desirous of historical authenticity we shall limit ourselves in this chapter to its ordered presentation, reproducing to the letter the narration which seems to us most exact. I. THE VISIONS THEMSELVES The wonderful Lady who appeared to the children seems to be between fifteen and eighteen years old. Her tunic, white as snow and ringed at the neck with a cord of gold, descends to her feet which hardly the leaves of the oak tree. A mantle, similarly white and bordered with gold, covers her head and almost her whole person. From her hands which are joined at her breast, as in prayer, there hangs a Rosary with white pearl-like beads, terminating with a small crucifix of buxnished silver. Her face, of most pure and extremely delicate features, is surrounded by an aureola of sun, but it appears as though shadowed with sorrow. 1 Thus she appeared six times. 2 In the first and third vision she promised the children: " In 1 L. G. DaFonseca, S. J., Our Lady of Light, p. !l. We quote preferably Father Fonseca because his work is the best concerning Fatima with which we are acquainted. how the children testify to this in the questionings. Cf. Fonseca, op. cit., pp. 8, 4, 5, 6, 7. In the sixth and last vision she appeared in the same guise, although later she assumed others signifying the three phases of the mysteries of the Rosary: The joyful (vision of the Holy Family), sorrowful (vision of Our Lady of Sorrows), and glorious (vision of Our Lady in majesty or Our Lady of Carmel) cf. Fonseca, op. cit., pp. 10-11. 456 MARCELIANO LLAMERAS October I shall tell you who I am." 3 In the sixth and last apparition, which occured on the thirteenth of October, Lucia . asked the vision: " Who are you, and what do you want of me? " The vision responded: " I am the Lady of the Rosary." 4 Lucia asked if she were going to leave her alone, and the vision answered," No, daughter. Do you suffer much? ... Do not lose heart! I will never abandon you. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the road which will lead you to God." While saying these words the Lady opened her hands, and for the second time that intense light reverberated over the children in which they saw themselves as though submerged in God. It seemed as though Francisco and Jacinta were in a ray of light which went up toward Heaven, where they were soon to be taken. Lucia, however, seemed to be in a ray that extended over the earth. In front of the right hand of the vision they saw a heart surrounded with thorns which pierced it in every part. They understood that it was the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and that she was asking for penance and reparation. 5 Thus, for a moment during this apparition, in front of her right hand which held the Rosary, the Blessed Virgin revealed a symbolic heart illuminated by the light which was projected from her hand. 6 II. OUR LADY'S RECOMMENDATION The Blessed Virgin recommended the holy Rosary in all six apparitions. In the first apparition: After a few moments the apparition recommends to the little children to recite the Rosary with devotion every day as they had done a little • Ibid., p. 8 and p. 5. • Lucia again asked, ". Who are you, and what do you want. of me? " The vision finally responded that she was the Lady of the Rosary ... Ibid., chap. Vlll, The Sixth Apparition, p. 4. 5 Ibid., chap. III, The Apparition, p. 4. 6 In conformity with the indications of Lucia and with the approbation of the Bishop of Leiria as of March W, 1948, this figure of Our Lady of the Rosary showing us her Heart is being reproduced in images and holy cards. Cf. Jose de Castro, 0. F. M. C., Apariciones de la Santisima Virgen en Fatima, Seville, 1948, chap. XXV, pp. FATIMA: THE ROSARY AND THE HEART OF MARY 457 while- before, in order to obtain peace for the world.7 In the second: " What do you want of me? " Lucia had asked anew. The apparition responded that they should return there the thirteenth of the next month and she recommended again the recitation of the holy Rosary. 8 In the third: The beautiful lady, after having reminded them not to fail to come the 13th of the following month, insisted for the third time upon the daily recitation of the holy Rosary in honor of the Blessed Virgin with the intention of obtaining the anxiously desired end of the war, for she alone could help them. 9 In the fourth: She exhorted them again to recite the holy Rosary and to be present in the Cova da Iria the following :months on the prefixed day and hour. 10 In the fifth: The Blessed Virgin told the children to persevere in the recitation of the Rosary in order to 9btain the cessation of the war, and she promised to return in October with St. Joseph and the Child Jesus. 11 In the sixth: Lucia repeats again the question, " Who are you and what do you want of me? " And finally the .vision responds that she is Our Lady of the Rosary and that she desires in that place a chapel in her honor. She recommended for the sixth time they continue to recite the Rosary every day, adding that the war was almost over and that the soldiers would not be long in returning to their homes.12 In the first, second, and third apparitions the Virgin of the Rosary spoke to the little shepherds beseeching devotion, reparation, and consecration to her Immaculate Heart. In the first: " Do you wish to offer yourselves to Our Lord, disposed to sacrifice yourselves and to accept with pleasure all the sufferings which He may will to send you, in reparation for so many sins by which the Divine Majesty is offended, in order to obtain the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the Fonseca, op. cit., chap. ll, the 1st Apparition, p. 4. Ibid., chap. S, The 2nd Apparition, p. 2-S. 9 Ibid., chap. IV, The Srd Appa1ition, p. 5. 10 Ibid., chap. V, The 4th Apparition, p. 10-11. 11 Ibid., chap. VI, The 5th Apparition, p. 5. 12 Ibid., chap. VIII, The 6th Apparition, p. 4. 7 8 458 MARCELIANO LLAMERAS blasphemies and all the offenses against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." 18 In the second: Lucia continued;" I would like to ask you to take the three of us to Heaven." " Yes, I shall come to t1lke Jacinta and Francisco very soon. But you must remain longer here below. Jesus wishes to use you to make me known and loved. He wishes to establish in the world the devotion to my Immaculate Heart." " Then I must remain alone? ", she asked sadly while she was thinking, no doubt, of the persecutions which were harassing her for almost three weeks. "No, daughter. Do you suffer much? ... Do not lose heart! I will never abandon you. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the road which will lead you to God." H In the third: " Afterwards, in order to renew my cooled fervor," Lucia humbly confessed, "She admonished us again: 'Sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say frequently, especially when making some sacrifice: 0 Jesus! for your love, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 15 You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. In order to save them Our Lord wishes to establish in the world the devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If it is done what I shall tell you, many souls shall be saved and peace shall come. The war will end soon. But if they do not cease to offend Our Lord, it will not be long. In the next pontificate (that of Pius XI) there will begin another much worse. When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light know that that is the great sign which God is giving you that the punishment of the world for its many transgressions is near. It will be by means of a war, hunger, and persecutions against the Church and against the Holy Father. In order to prevent this I shall come to ask the consecration of the world to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of reparation on the first Saturday of the month. If they are attentive to my supplication Russia will be converted and there will be peace. Otherwise, an impious propaganda will diffuse its '" Ibid., chap. II, The 1st Apparition, p. 3-4. >