78 (2014): 165 88 THE SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY1 KHALED ANATOLIOS I T HAS BECOME customary in recent theology to presume that the primary linguistic and logical components of soteriological doctrine are metaphors, none of which are doctrinally normative, which give rise to distinct “models” for depicting the mystery of Christian salvation. The “Salvation” article in makes a statement that is typical in this regard: The Christian church has never made a single theory definitive for the meaning of atonement, and has rather relied upon a series of metaphors for understanding the work of Christ, derived from different social contexts.2 1 An earlier version of this paper was delivered at the Thomistic Circles Conference, "Jesus Christ, True God and True Man: The Promise of Chalcedonian Christology," at the Thomistic Institute, Washington, D.C., on October 6, 2012. I am grateful to all the conference participants for the discussion that followed the presentation of this paper and especially to Robert Imbelli, Bruce Marshall, and Thomas Joseph White, for their helpful comments. 2 Paul S. Fiddes, “Salvation,” , ed. John Webster, Kathryn Tanner, and Iain Torrance (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 180 81. It is interesting to note the progressive development of this approach, which can be illustrated by reference to three influential treatments that appeared in the last century. In his classic work, (Gustaf Aulén, “Die drei Haupttypen des christlichen Versöhnungsgedankens,” 8 [1930]: 501 38; Eng. trans., !" # $ " , trans. A. G. Herber, S.S.M. [London: SPCK, 1930; repr.: Eugene, Ore.: Wipf & Stock, 2003]), Gustaf Aulén speaks of “the three main types of the idea of the atonement”: what he calls “the classic idea” which is that of ; the 165 166 KHALED ANATOLIOS It is of course undeniable that the lexicon of Christian discourse, beginning with the Scriptures themselves, contains a variety of characterizations of both the negative features of human life considered apart from Christ’s salvific work and the positive transformation that this work effects. Nevertheless, even a cursory consideration of the development of the core doctrines of Christian faith should prompt us to question whether an adequate treatment of Christian salvation can re strict its focus to these metaphorical representations without reference to the Trinitarian and Christological dogmatic frame work which normatively regulates their authentic meaning. By exemplary contrast, the Church Fathers indeed did use a multiplicity of images and metaphors to characterize Christ’s salvific work, but underlying these was always a Christological framework that identified the content of salvation as the unity of humanity and divinity in Christ by which humanity was enfolded in the life of the divine Trinity. We already find a full articulation of this Christological soteriological framework in Irenaeus’s second century work, " : The Lord is most compassionate and merciful and loves the human race. Therefore, as I have already said, he caused humanity to cling to and be united Latin or Anselmian idea; and the subjective idea. But for Aulén, these are not alternative or complementary paths to the same mystery. Rather, the idea is the true one that reigned throughout the New Testament and the patristic period, then became occluded by the rise of the Anselmian doctrine until it was retrieved by Luther. On the other hand, the Latin and subjective approaches are simply distortions of the authentic proclamation of salvation in Christ. In contrast, H. E. W. Turner’s % & ' # !" & ( # & ) )( , published some two decades later (London: A.R. Mowbray & Co., 1952) contends that there is “no single theory” (114) of the doctrine of redemption in the patristic era. Turner identifies four main approaches to depicting the salvific work of Christ: illumination (Christ as Teacher); sacrifice (Christ as Victim); victory over demons and death (Christus Victor); and deification. In his concluding lines, Turner makes some tantalizing remarks about the first three streams being “partial significances of that truth upon which the deification theory fundamentally insists” (122), but he does not elaborate on how this can be so beyond adverting to the mystical largesse of the deification theory. Closer to our own time, Colin Gunton’s " " !" # ' (London: T&T Clark, 1998) begins with a prolegomenon consisting of an apology for the truth telling value of metaphors, after which Gunton analyzes Christian salvation according to the metaphors of victory, justification, and sacrifice. SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 167 with God. For unless it was a human being who had vanquished the enemy of humanity, the enemy would not have been justly vanquished. Conversely, unless it was God who had granted salvation, we would not have possessed it securely. And unless humanity had been conjoined to God, the human being would not have become a participant in incorruption. For it was fitting for the Mediator between God and humanity, by his kinship with both, to bring them to friendship and concord so that God may receive humanity and humanity may give itself to God.3 In this short passage, we can see a number of metaphors and motifs that describe the process and effect of Christ’s salvific work: the “Christus Victor” theme of Christ vanquishing the enemy, incorruptibility, and divine human friendship. But the overarching conception that enfolds these various motifs is that salvation is a divine human interactivity and communion that coincides with the unity of humanity and divinity in Christ himself. In the Irenaean passage quoted above, and in patristic theology generally, Christology and soteriology form a single grammatical system which regulates the syntax and discourse of the Christian proclamation. The play of metaphors is grounded in this Christological soteriological grammar which enables and determines their signification. As a contribution to the contem porary retrieval of this grammar, this essay will attempt three tasks. First, I will trace, though admittedly in fairly broad strokes, the soteriological grammar of the nexus of Christologi cal councils consisting of Ephesus (431), Chalcedon (451), Constantinople II (553), and Constantinople III (680 81). In doing so, I am deliberately counteracting a tendency in modern Western theology to reduce conciliar Christological doctrine to the “fully human, fully divine” phraseology of Chalcedon.4 I believe that this Chalcedonian reduction, which is both 3 Irenaeus, " 3.18.6 7 ($ * * + , ** ( -, vol. 2, ed. L. Doutreleau and A. Rousseau, * 211 [Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1974], 364 66). 4 So, for example, Karl Rahner’s landmark 1954 essay, Chalcedon: End or Beginning.” (translated into English as “Current Problems in Christology,” $ ( 1, trans. Cornelius Ernst [New York: Crossroad, 1982], 149 200) simply takes it for granted that the Church’s normative Christological confession is fully contained in and reducible to “the Chalcedonian formulation.” 168 KHALED ANATOLIOS historically and theologically misleading, has contributed significantly to the breakdown of an integral Christological soteriological grammar. It is only when we see the tetraptych of these councils in their continuity that we can derive the basic rules for proclaiming the mystery of the person and work of Jesus Christ.5 Second, I will offer a response to the modern criticism that Chalcedonian doctrine is burdened with an inherent contradiction inasmuch as the solidarity of God with the human condition indicated by the doctrine of the hypostatic union is undercut by positing a divine nature that remains impermeable to human limitations. My response will be that Chalcedonian doctrine, when understood within the broader grammar of the tetraptych of Christological councils, does not in fact exclude the divine nature from solidarity with the human condition but rather ensures the salvific teleology of this solidarity—in other words, that it is a solidarity which brings about the deifying exaltation of the human condition, not the demise of God. Finally, in the third part of this essay, I will apply my reconstruction of the soteriological grammar of conciliar Christology to three key utterances of the Christian proclamation: that Christ became sin for us, that he suffered for us, and that he died for us. I. THE SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF THE CHRISTOLOGICAL COUNCILS The Chalcedonian decree is nothing if not obsessive in its symmetrical juxtaposition of the inner constitution of Jesus Christ as containing an integral divinity and an integral humanity. Taken by itself, the overall effect can seem to corroborate the modern complaint that its Christological conception is static and ontological rather than functional and soteriological.6 However, the Chalcedonian definition must be 5 It should be noted that, beginning with Constantinople I, all subsequent ecumenical councils saw their work as further elucidation of the Nicene Council. 6 For a classic statement of this criticism, see K. Rahner, “Christology Today?” in $ ( 17, trans. Margaret Kohl (New York: Crossroad, 1981), 24 38. For a critique of Rahner’s critique and a defense of Athanasius’s Christology on SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 169 seen in its broader historical context as an affirmation and further elaboration of the preceding Council of Ephesus and that council’s endorsement of the theology of Cyril of Alex andria. It is justifiable, then, to look first of all to Cyril for insights into the theological foundation of the series of mutually interpreting Christological councils, stretching from Ephesus to Constantinople III.7 For Cyril, the proclamation of the gospel happens with all its proper force and fullness when Christians compose sentences that make God the subject of human experiences and attributes. This proclamation must include such affirmations as the claim that, in Jesus, God was born of a woman and thus the woman who gave birth to him in the flesh should be called “ , Mother of God.”8 We must likewise say that, in Jesus, it was really the Word of God who “suffered in the flesh, was cruci fied in the flesh, and tasted death in the flesh.”9 The essential point at issue between Cyril and Nestorius was not whether Jesus Christ was both human and divine—they agreed that he was both—but rather the kind of unity between God and humanity that had been effected in Jesus Christ. The foundation of Cyril’s conception is that this union took place on the level of being, such that the very person of the Son and Word is the subject of human experiences. Combining the Trinitarian language of three “hypostases” sharing a single nature with Athanasius’s Christological language of the “appropriation” of “functional” and “soteriological” grounds, see K. Anatolios, “Athanasius's Christology Today: the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ in $ in $ / $ !0 1 0 0, & 1, ed. P. Martens (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008), 29 49. 7 Because of space restrictions, I am leaving out of explicit consideration the earlier councils of Nicaea and Constantinople, which affirmed the full divinity of Christ, as well as the application of Christological doctrine to the question of the legitimacy of icons at Nicaea II (787). For an excellent treatment of the latter, see Christoph Schönborn, & 2$ !0 (Schaffhausen, Germany: Novalis Verlag, 1984). On the Christological issues embedded in the Trinitarian controversies of the fourth century, see my ' ( 3 ! & ( # & . (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2011). 8 Cyril + 3 (%4 77:48D). 9 Cyril, + 3 (%4 77:121D). 170 KHALED ANATOLIOS the humanity by the divinity, Cyril speaks of the “union according to # ,” by which the Son comes to own the human condition.10 At the same time, Cyril is always prompt to deny that this ownership reduced the divinity to the level of humanity. In Jesus Christ, God really is the subject of human experiences, and yet this ownership does not in any way harm the integrity and perfection, the “impassability,” of the divine nature. Admittedly, Cyril is less concerned with the question of what this divine ownership of the human condition meant (or felt!) for God than he is with the proclamation that it means salvation for human beings. Nevertheless, he is occasionally constrained to wrestle with the question of how divine impassibility can be reconciled with God’s saving appropriation of human weakness. In a passage from one of his most mature works, he puts the matter this way: He suffers with regard to the flesh that is his own, not with regard to the nature of the divinity [σαρκὶ τῇ ἰδίᾳ παθών, καὶ οὐ θεότητος φύσει]. The exposition of these things is altogether ineffable, and there is no mind that can attain to such subtle and transcendent thoughts. Yet, following the most correct expositions and carefully considering the most reasonable explanation, we do not reject speaking of his suffering—otherwise, we would be saying that the birth according to the flesh was not his but someone else’s—but neither do we declare that the things belonging to the flesh transpired in his divine and transcendent nature. Rather, as I said, he should be thought of as suffering with regard to the flesh that is his own, but not suffering in any such manner with regard to the divinity [νοοῖτο δ’ ἄν, ὡς ἔφην, σαρκὶ τῇ ἰδίᾳ παθεῖν, καίτοι θεότητι ὴ παθὼν κατὰ τοιόνδε τινὰ τρόπον]. . . . It is like iron, or some other such material, when it is put into contact with fiery flames. It receives the fire into itself and exudes the flame. But if someone strikes it, the material itself takes the hit but the nature of the fire in not at all harmed by the one who strikes. This is how you should understand how the Son is said to suffer in the 10 On Cyril’s appropriation theory, see John McGuckin, " ( (Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2004), 201 7. On the Athanasian provenance of this conception, see K. Anatolios, " , The Early Church Fathers (London & New York: Routledge, 2004), 66 74; and Andrew Louth, “The Use of the Term IDIOS in Alexandrian Theology from Alexander to Cyril,” % 19 (1989): 198 202. For an exemplary instance of Cyril’s language of union καθ̓ ὑπόστασιν, see his + 3 (%4 77:45B C). SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 171 flesh but not to suffer as far as the divinity [ἐν τῷ σαρκὶ λέγεσθαι παθεῖν, θεότητι δὲ ὴ παθεῖν τὸν Υἱόν].11 This passage presumes Cyril’s consistent emphasis that our salvation happens because our human condition is appropriated by the divine Word. This emphasis is what motivates Cyril, here as elsewhere, to insist that whatever is predicated of Christ’s flesh must be predicated of the Word who is the genuine owner of that flesh. But, in response to the objection that this owner ship would compromise the integrity of the divine being, Cyril is striving to make certain qualifications and distinctions, and we should note that he is doing this without the benefit of the later Chalcedonian distinction between “person” and “nature.” First, we find in this passage the famous Cyrillian paradox: in Jesus Christ, God both suffers and does not suffer. Then a distinction is implied between 5 of both the suffering and not suffering, which in both cases is God, and the divine and human according to which this subject acts and/or suffers. It is crucial to note that, for Cyril, both the suffering according to the flesh and the not suffering according to the divine nature have God as their subject. So the Cyrillian rule still remains unbroken which insists that everything that happens in the flesh happens to God the Word as its subject. Yet, what happens by way of the flesh does not happen / (κατὰ τοιόνδε τινὰ τρόπον) with reference to the divine nature. Finally, there is what he calls the “feeble image” of the iron in the fire. Following closely the terms of this comparison, we should note that the relation between the fire 11 G. M. de Durand, 6" ! & 7 Sources chrétiennes 97 (Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1964): 302 514; translated into English as , " ! 8 , trans. J. McGuckin (Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1995), 130 31 (I have modified the translation). McGuckin’s translation raises an important issue in the articulation of the patristic logic that governs speaking of the suffering of Christ. Where Cyril typically uses the dative case to deny that Christ’s suffering applies to the divine nature (θεότητι ὴ παθὼν), McGuckin uses the preposition “in” (“does not suffer in the divinity”). While correct, this articulation tends to encourage a conception of the divine and human natures as two separate “locations” such that the person of the Word incarnate can be present in one location and not the other, depending on what he is doing or suffering. I have adjusted McGuckin’s translation so as to avoid spatial prepositions which are not present in Cyril’s Greek. 172 KHALED ANATOLIOS and the iron is one of “contact” (ὁ ιλέω). So, divine impassibility is not here envisaged as a condition in which human attributes do not “touch” God. However, the contact creates an asymmetrical effect with respect to the things in contact; fire remains as it was in itself and is not at all harmed, but the iron “receives the fire into itself” and is transformed. Notwithstanding the paradoxes and ambiguities of this passage, it can help us complete our description of Cyril’s soteriological Christological framework. The cornerstone of this framework is that human salvation happens when the divine Word takes ownership of our human condition in his very being; this ownership transforms our condition without changing the divine being. In endorsing Cyril and anathematizing Nestorius, the Coun cil of Ephesus of 431 affirmed this fundamental Christological soteriological framework. But it left unsettled the further question of whether within this unity of subject there persists wholly intact the distinction between the divinity and humanity of Jesus. The Council of Chalcedon attempted to settle this question by synthesizing the Antiochene emphasis on the integrity of the distinction between the divine and human natures, even after the Incarnation, with the Cyrillian emphasis on the unity of divinity and humanity in the single subject. It used the language of “person” (# # # ) to design nate the single subject and the language of “nature” (# ) to designate the distinct realities of divinity and humanity which are jointly predicated of “one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.” As we noted, the Chalcedonian definition largely restricts itself to this pattern of an ontological description of the unity and distinction of the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ and thus can give the appearance of setting forth a static, nonfunctional Christology. But we can readily see the soterio logical and functional framework undergirding this symmetrical ontology in a passage from Pope Leo’s ) ( , which is one of the texts whose authority is cited by the Council of Chalcedon: SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 173 Therefore, inasmuch as the proper character of each nature and substance is preserved and come together in one person, lowliness is assumed by majesty, weakness by power, and mortality by eternity. In order to settle the debt that accrued to our condition, the nature that is inviolable is united to the nature that is passible, so that, as was required for our healing, the one and same Mediator between God and human beings, the man Jesus Christ, may die in virtue of the one nature and be incapable of death, by virtue of the other. Therefore, true God was born in the whole and perfect nature of a human being, complete in what is his, complete in what is ours.12 In this passage, Leo uses the metaphor of debt repayment to characterize Christ’s salvific work, but the choice of this particular image is incidental to the overarching Christological framework and, in principle, is replaceable by other soterio logical metaphors. What is not incidental is essentially the same soteriological framework that we found in Cyril, and which we can now analyze as synthesizing three central affirmations: (1) human salvation is brought about when divinity and humanity are so united in Jesus Christ that God becomes the subject of the human condition; (2) this unity is not a static juxtaposition but a transformation of the human condition by the divine which does not thereby annihilate the structure of either nature; (3) this transformation happens precisely because the divine nature is not itself harmed or lessened by its unity with the humanity but rather, it is humanity that is exalted.13 These three affirmations are all integral to the logic of Leo’s assertions that, in Christ, human lowliness, weakness, and mortality are as sumed and transformed by divine majesty, power, and eternity. If Chalcedon is understood in light of its explicit affirmation of Ephesus and of Cyril’s letters to Nestorius, as well as its condemnation of “two sons,” there can be no doubt about its intention to affirm Cyril’s single subject Christology.14 Yet, in its 12 Leo, #, 28 to Flavian (%+ 54:763A B). Cf. Leo, Sermon 22 (%+ 54:201B): “He assumed the form of a servant without the stain of sin, elevating the human without diminishing the divine. That self emptying by which the invisible made himself visible came about through the extension of compassion and not through the defection of power” (“Assumpsit formam servi sine sorde peccati; humana provehens, divina non minuens: exinanitio enim illa qua se invisibilis visibilem praebuit, inclinatio fuit miserationis, non defectio potestatis”). 14 As Aloys Grillmeier points out, the Chalcedonian definition, when compared with Cyril, “looks symmetrical and undynamic because of the juxtaposition of the divine and 13 174 KHALED ANATOLIOS symmetrical alternation between affirming the two natures and the single person, Chalcedon had not succeeded in un ambiguously locating the unity of person. It can also be argued that the modern tendency in Western theology to rely on Chalcedon as the only “Christological” council has resulted in the inclination toward just such a Christology of juxtaposition, which is much clearer in affirming the two distinct natures than the location and dynamism of the union. All this is not to say that the Chalcedonian confession is in itself faulty but only that it represents a stage in the development of Christological doctrine and not the final and sufficient articulation of this doctrine. The standard modern question, first posed by Rahner, of “Chalcedon: End or Beginning,” leaves out the more historically accurate option of “Middle.”15 As I have been insisting, Chalcedon has to be interpreted in continuity with the Council of Ephesus’s affirmation of Cyrillian doctrine; at the same time, it has to be understood in light of the retrieval of the Cyrillian emphasis on the single subject of Christ in the Second Council of Constantinople, in 553. The latter undertook the task of resolving the ambiguity of Chalcedon by affirming that the unity of humanity and divinity took place within the person of “the Word, one of the Holy Trinity.” Constantinople II pointedly applies the basic principle of Cyrillian Christology, which posits God as the subject of human predication, to the the human natures. . . . At the same time, Chalcedon leaves no doubt that the one Logos is the subject of both the human and the divine predicates” ( , vol. 1, ) "# " , trans. John Bowden [Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1975] 552). See also the discussion of this point in Gerald O’Collins, ! " 1 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), 192 93. The prelude to the Chalcedonian definition of faith itself declares that “the council has accepted as in keeping [with the Nicene creed and the teaching of Constantinople I] the conciliar letters of the blessed Cyril, then shepherd of the church of Alexandria, to Nestorius and to those of the Orient” (see E. Schwartz, ed., " , tome 2, vol. 1 [Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1914 ], 325; English translation: Richard Price and Michael Gaddis, trans., " , Translated Texts for Historians 45 [Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2005], 203). 15 See n. 4 above. For a similar assessment of Chalcedon as “neither an end nor a beginning . . . but as an important way station, one among several,” see Brian E. Daley, S.J., “Seeing God in Flesh: The Range and Implications of Patristic Christology,” 1 # 1 14 (2007) 27 44, at 41. SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 175 limit case of the cross: “If anyone does not confess that the one who was crucified in the flesh, our Lord Jesus Christ, is true God, and Lord of glory and one of the Holy Trinity, ,”16 Up to and including Constantinople II, the overarching focus was the identification of the proper subject of the divine and human attributes of Christ. But the soteriological framework we have identified always implicitly posited a divine activity of appropriating and transforming human nature, as well as a human activity of receiving this transformation, and thus a unified interactivity whose term was human deification. How ever, a terminological and conceptual clarification of the distinc tion and unity of divine and human activity in Christ was still lacking. On this question, Chalcedon was again tantalizing. It merely hinted that the union of natures involved a unified dynamism of activity: “the character of each nature is preserved and concurs [συντρεχούσης] in one # # and one # ,” but it did not clarify further how this concurrence, or literally, “running together,” can be envisioned in terms of the distinction and unity of the activities of the two natures. After Chalcedon, Constantinople II had located the unity of subject in Christ within the person of the Son, but still left untreated the question of the dynamism of divine human working in the Incarnate Word. In the seventh century, one proposal that emerged for resolving this question was to speak of “one activity and one will” in Christ. This doctrine of “monenergism” and “monotheletism” was rejected by the sixth ecumenical council, Constantinople III, in 680 81. Constan tinople III affirmed “two natural wills and activities, concurrin in him for the salvation of the human race [δύο φυσικὰ θελή ατά τε καὶ ἔνεργέιας δοξάζο εν πρὸς σωτηρίαν τοῦ ἀνθρωπίνου γένου καταλλήλως συντρέχοντα].”17 As much as Cyril’s theology was decisive for the Council of Ephesus and Leo’s for Chalcedon, so was that of Maximus for 16 Canon 10; Denzinger Schönmetzer, 432: “Εἴ τις οὐχ ὁ ολογεί τὸν ἐσταυρω ένον σαρκὶ κύριον ἡ ῶν Ἰησουν Χριστὸν εἶναι ἀληθινὸν καὶ κύριον τῆς δόξης καὶ ἕνα τῆς ἁγιάς τρίαδος, ὁ τοιοῦτος ἀνάθε α ἔστω.” 17 Denzinger Schönmetzer, 558. 176 KHALED ANATOLIOS the doctrine endorsed by Constantinople III. For Maximus, the question of Christ’s human activity and willing is strictly derivative of the question of the number and distinction of natures and so should be considered to have been settled at Chalcedon. Every nature possesses a capacity for willing (θέλη α), which is radically oriented toward perseverance and flourishing according to the specific mode of one’s being, as well as a distinct mode of operation and activity (ἐνέργεια) that corresponds to and defines its being. In Christ, both the divine and human natures are active according to their distinct modes of operation, but the activity of both is oriented to the unification of the two. God acts to be united with humanity, and humanity acts to be united with God. At the same time, there is a hierarchical arrangement to this synergy, whereby the human will and activity flourish to the point of deification through submission to the divine will and activity. The paradigmatic moment in which this dramatic structure of divine human interactivity is displayed is Jesus’ prayer at Gesthemane, “Not my will [θέλη α] but your will be done” (Luke 22:42). In this prayer, Jesus humanly wills to submit his human will to the divine will, thus enacting the unity of divine and human willing and activity.18 In surveying the tetraptych of Christological councils stretching from Ephesus to Constantinople III, we find ample grounds for questioning the common modern assumption that soteriology lies outside the parameters of defined dogma. Rather, this overview enables us to identify a set of soterio logical principles that should be considered as possessing the same level of normativity as the Christological formulations to 18 “If, however, you understand the subject of the phrase + / $ / / / # ( to be not the man just like us but the man we consider as Savior, then you have confessed the ultimate concurrence of his human will with the divine will, which is both his and the Father’s; and you have demonstrated that with the duality of his natures there are two wills [θελήσεις] and two operations [ἐνεργείαι] respective of the two natures, and that he admits no opposition between them, even though he maintains all the while the difference between the two natures from which, in which, and which he is by nature” (Maximus the Confessor, # 6 [%4 91:68A]; English translation: 1 ! 9 , , trans. Paul M. Blowers and Robert Louis Wilken [Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2003], 174). SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 177 which they correspond. Essentially, as we have seen, the content of human salvation is understood to be the deifying appro priation of the human condition, including its postlapsarian negativities, by the subject of the divine Word and Son of the Father. This work of salvation is both a divine and human work, and it consists not in the mere juxtaposition of divinity and humanity but in the active transformation and deification of the human by the divine and the active reception of this transformation and deification by the human. Both divine impassibility and the attribution of human predications to the divine Word are equally indispensable to this framework. If divine impassibility is compromised, then the divine resources that enable human deification are rendered ineffective; if the human condition is not directly predicated of God, then they are not transformed unto deification. II. TWO NATURES CHRISTOLOGY AND DIVINE SOLIDARITY In tracing the soteriological framework of conciliar Christology, I have identified as a foundational element in this edifice Cyril’s persistent emphasis that the essence of the gospel is that God has drawn near to humanity to the extent of making the human condition fully his own, thereby transforming it unto deification. In battling with Nestorius, it was always Cyril’s primary intent to safeguard the legitimacy of ascribing to God all the features of the human condition: it was God himself who was born of the womb of a young Jewish woman; it was God who was nailed to the tree and suffered and died. Yet, we have also seen that Cyril tried to clarify that such attributions are not to be imputed to Christ’s divinity in exactly the same way that they are understood with reference to his humanity. It is just such a move that is implicated in the modern criticism that what “classical Christology” gives with one hand in affirming that God is the subject of all the human experiences of Jesus, it takes away with the other by denying that these experiences take 178 KHALED ANATOLIOS place in the divine nature.19 From the standpoint of conciliar Christology and soteriology, we can indeed make the rebuttal that imputing human attributes to the divine nature leads to a confusion of natures and dismantles the transformative salvific dynamism by which human nature is assimilated to the uncompromised divine perfection. But we should also not fail to acknowledge the challenge that this modern criticism poses for the Chalcedonian framework, even in the terms proper to that framework itself. Just how are we to understand the affirmation that, in Christ, God becomes really the subject of human limitations without thereby being limited by these limitations? Cyril himself, as we have seen, was acutely aware of the depths of this mystery. But he also recognized that the goal is not ultimately to explain the mystery but to state it in the right away so that nothing less than the gospel is proclaimed. One solution that suggests itself is to ascribe human limitations to the human nature and not to the divine nature. We can say for example that the Incarnate Word suffers the human nature but not the divine nature or ( the human nature rather than ( the divine nature. It is in just those terms that modern critiques of conciliar Christology accuse the latter of simply separating the divine nature from the properties and passibilities of Christ’s humanity. Jürgen Molt mann describes the fundamental logic of classical Christology thus: If one considers the events on the cross between Jesus and his God in the framework of the doctrine of the two natures, then the Platonic axiom of the essential # of God sets up an intellectual barrier against the recognition of the suffering of Christ, for a God who is subject to suffering like all other 19 Thus, J. Moltmann’s characterization of the inconsistency of Cyril on this point: “Even Cyril of Alexandria, who more than any one else stressed the personal unity of Christ against those who pressed for the distinction of the two natures, was not able to remedy the ‘error’ which the whole of early Christian theology demonstrates at this point. As a consequence of his christology of unity he really had to refer the cry of the forsaken Christ on the cross to the complete, divine and human person of the Son. ‘But Cyril cannot manage that . . .’” ( 4 , trans. R. A. Wilson and John Bowden [Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993], 229. Moltmann’s quotations refer to W. Elert, & " !0 8 ( % 0 & (Berlin: Lutherisches Verlagshaus, 1957). SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 179 creatures cannot be ‘God’. Therefore the God man Christ can only have suffered ‘according to the flesh’ and ‘in the flesh’, that is in his human nature.20 It might seem that Cyril was adopting exactly this strategy in his explanation that the human suffering occurred with reference to the flesh and not to the divine nature (σαρκὶ καὶ οὐ θεότητος φύσει). Similarly, Leo clarifies that Jesus Christ died in virtue of the human nature but not in virtue of the divine nature ( ,,, ). But it would be a mistake to interpret either of these statements as resolving the problem by merely differentiating and separating the natures, without seeing that in both cases the distinction of natures is posited within their union in the single person of Christ. It might happen that Cyril or Leo, for polemical and rhetorical reasons, defend the im passibility of the divine nature separately from the affirmation of the appropriation of the human by the divine. But it has perhaps now become a necessary task of a constructive retrieval of their theologies to condition the one emphasis by the other so as to bring out a more transparently synthetic treatment. Such a synthesis would claim its foundation in the fundamental Cyrillian insight that merely distinguishing the human and divine attributes of Christ does not in itself amount to the proclamation of the gospel. After all, the distinction between the divine and human natures was completely established in the act of creation and did not require the Incarnation. The heart of the gospel and its ( is rather the supreme mystery that human nature was united with the divine nature in a single # without impairment to the integrity of either nature. It is the integrity of the two natures / , not the integrity of the natures as such, that has any value with reference to the good news of Jesus Christ. Indeed, if we merely separate Christological predications into discrete compartments representing the divine and human natures respectively, are we not trying to describe the features of the Incarnation in pre Incarnation terms? Are we not thereby positing a separation of natures and making the incarnate Word the subject and agent of 20 Moltmann, 4 , 228. 180 KHALED ANATOLIOS this separation instead of the subject and agent of the unity of the two natures? Are we not, finally, interpreting the mystery of Christ according to a logic that was transcended by the very advent of that mystery? If the fundamental grammar of conciliar Christology and soteriology constrains us to reject both the separation of Christological predications into divine and human compart ments, and the direct attribution of human attributes to the divine nature, how should we talk about the mystery of God’s deifying appropriation of our human nature and condition? The answer to this question, again inspired by Cyril, must simply be that whenever we talk about the Christological mystery. That is to say, we cannot talk Christological sense by making either affirmations or negations with respect to the natures of Christ while considering each separately and apart from the other. Christological sense is made only when we talk about the unity and dynamic interactivity of the two natures in the person of the Word, an interactivity whose content is always the deifying trans formation of the human nature by the divine nature. Nothing less than this whole salvific dynamism and its internal hier archical structure can be intelligibly predicated of Christ, whose entire person and entire work consists in nothing other than this very dynamism. So, with regard to every Christological predication, it is not sufficient merely to pose the question, to which nature this predication should be applied. Without further supplementation, that is a question that belongs to a pre Incarnation logic. The mere denial of the attribution of a human predication to the divine nature, while admittedly part of the logic of patristic Christology, nevertheless needs to be qualified by and synthesized with the emphasis on the unity of natures through the hypostatic union. At the same time, we must reject any simplistic attribution of the human content of a Christological predication directly to the divine nature, which would at once evacuate God of divinity and deprive humanity of deification. I am suggesting, however, that there is a third way, which is both faithful to the fundamental grammar of patristic Christology and soteriology and responsive to its SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 181 modern critiques. According to this third way, the appropriate way of stating the question of interpreting Christological predications must take something like the following form: How does this predication belong to the divine person of the Son, who is the subject of both the divine and human natures, such that it refers both to the activity of the divine nature in communicating its perfections to the human nature and the activity of the human nature in receiving these perfections unto deification? III. THE CHRISTOLOGICAL SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF THE GOSPEL We may test this approach by reference to three key sentences in the Christian proclamation: “Christ became sin for us” (2 Cor 5:21); “Christ suffered for us” (1 Pet 2:21; 4:1); “Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8).21 Following the approach indicated above, we will in each case be looking to identify the properly human and divine activities which “run together” such that a given aspect of the human condition is deified by an analogous feature of the divine life. This approach assumes as an a priori principle that the inner meaning of each Christo logical statement will always be reducible to the proclamation that in Christ, God has become “for us” by his “appropriation” and transformation of the human condition, thus enabling us to reappropriate this Christ appropriated and deified humanity. While I am proposing that this logical structure, in which Christology and soteriology constitute a single grammar, is in fact normative for the interpretation of Christological state ments, the particular inflections by which this structure is implemented in the following speculative interpretations are not meant to be themselves normative but simply illustrative of how such a structure can be applied. 21 In the following, I am not treating these three utterances exegetically, with reference to their scriptural meaning in their original context, but rather as models of the application of conciliar Christological soteriological grammar to key elements of the Christian proclamation. The question of how this grammar itself was derived from scriptural material is a fundamental one, but beyond the scope of the present article. 182 ": ; KHALED ANATOLIOS 8< To say that Christ became sin for us is to say that when he appropriated our human nature and condition, he also counted our sins as his own. I understand this to mean not that he merely wallowed in the imputed guilt of humanity’s sins but rather that he took upon himself our sins in the mode of repentance. That is, he repented of our sins as if they were his own.22 Christ’s perfect human repentance included all the features by which that disposition is scripturally described and prescribed: displeasure at sin, recognition of the sovereignty and love of God, total obedience, and ultimately a complete self giving in fulfillment of the psalmist’s utterance: Sacrifice and offering you do not desire, but you have given me an open ear. Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required. Then I said, “Here I am in the scroll of the book it is written of me. I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.”23 But the divine depths of Christ’s human repentance consisted in his eternally perfect glorification of the Father in the Spirit, which was always the standard against which he measured and lamented the dishonor to God brought about by sin.24 This 22 That Christ’s “satisfaction” for human sin consisted, at least partly, in his repentance on our behalf is strongly suggested by Thomas Aquinas when he attributes to Christ the sadness that produces repentance (cf. 2 Cor 7:10) ( III, q. 46, a. 6, ad 2). Later in the same article, St. Thomas again seems to attribute to Christ the pain of penance, this time with reference to Isaiah 53:4 (ibid., ad 4). 23 Ps 40:6 8 (NRSV) 24 On Christ’s redemptive work as a “sacrifice of worship” (“ein latreutisches Opfer”) consisting in his glorification of God, see Matthias Scheeben, & : 9 % # ( [Mainz: Matthias Grünewald Verlag, 1925], esp. 410 23). For Scheeben, “the most sublime function of the God man is the infinite glorification of God, which He is to achieve in Himself and in His mystical body. . . . By carrying out this mission He procures for men their reconciliation and pardon with God, but in such a way that, once men have been reconciled and pardoned, they are to join Him as his living members for the purpose of SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 183 intra Trinitarian glorification which takes place in the divine nature is communicated to Christ’s humanity within the divine Son’s appropriation of the full extent of human sinfulness. To say that Christ became sin for us is therefore to say that in Christ the Son’s eternal glorification of the Father in the Spirit was communicated to Christ’s humanity as repentance for sin. It means conversely that through Christ we can repent for our sins to the point of entering fully into the Son’s glorification of the Father in the Spirit. Christ’s becoming sin for us in the mode of repentance is thus an affirmation that applies to both the divine and human natures and unifies them while retaining the distinctive dynamism of each nature. :; 8< Too often questions about the suffering of Christ and of God are treated in a pre Chalcedonian manner that does not make use of the precisions of the person nature framework, not to mention treatments that are explicitly anti Chalcedonian. Alternatively, as I indicated earlier, it is sometimes said in sup port of a Chalcedonian logic that Christ suffers in the human nature but not in the divine nature, which, for reasons that I also indicated earlier, seems to me to be an inadequate for mulation. Moreover, with regard to the question of Christ’s suffering, what is often missing from the discussion is not only an appreciation of the conciliar Christological grammar but also a consideration of the mysterious nature of human suffering itself. To take only one aspect of this mystery, we can wonder at the paradox evoked by the typical way in which we talk about whether we “can suffer” this or that. For example, Jesus asks his disciples whether they can drink the cup from which he is going to drink (cf. Matt 20:22). Sometimes people say that they “can” or “cannot” withstand a type or measure of suffering. The paradox lies in the juxtaposition of the language of capacity and the language of suffering, given that suffering, by definition, glorifying God” ( Crossroad, 2006], 431). , trans. Cyril Vollert, S.J. [New York: 184 KHALED ANATOLIOS designates a kind of incapacity. So, “I can accept this suffering,” really must mean something like: “I am capable of this in capacity,” or “I have the capacity to withstand this incapacity.” Generally, we speak of the person who “can” suffer as more capable than the person who “cannot” suffer. In the person who “can” suffer, the incapacity represented by the suffering is matched or transcended by the other capacities of that person. In the person who “cannot” suffer, the incapacities represented by the suffering are not countered by any compensating capacities of that person and so the incursion of the suffering simply annihilates that person. A distinctive intensification of the paradoxical nature of suffering is the mysterious activity of compassion. In that case, the ontological or psychological incapacity of one person is voluntarily appropriated by another person; we speak of someone “identifying” with another’s suffering. This appro priation of another’s incapacity in the act of compassion is considered in itself as a positive capacity which manifests the supreme capacity of love. So, in the act of compassion, the capacity of one person’s love enfolds the incapacity of another person’s suffering without necessarily diminishing the capacities of the compassionate person. It seems to me that we must envision divine compassion in some such way as a perfect ca pacity to identify with human suffering without any diminish ment of divine capacities or qualification of the perfection of divine bliss. Applying all this to the statement that Christ suffers for us, we have to reiterate the principle that any affirmation about Christ can only ultimately mean the communication of the features of the divine nature to the human nature, which communication itself constitutes the single person of the incarnate Word. One application of this principle with regard to statements about the suffering of Christ is to understand these statements as adverting to the mystery of the communication of divine compassion to the suffering of the human nature of Christ and through him to all of human nature. Through Christ, human suffering becomes perfectly transparent to divine compassion such that the incapacity of this suffering is enfolded SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 185 by the perfect capacity of divine compassionate love and the perfect bliss of this love. It is because this transaction took place in the person of Christ that we have the capacity to give heed to St. Paul’s exhortation to “boast in our suffering” (Rom 5:3) as he himself “rejoices” in his suffering (cf. Col 1:24). We can only boast and rejoice in our suffering through the one who definitively joined all the divine joy with all of human suffering in his very person. In this way, we can understand Christ’s compassionate suffering as applicable to both the divine and human natures, preserving the distinction between them, while affirming their communion or “running together” for our salvation. :; & 8< At this point, we arrive at the very heart of the paschal mystery, and the rules of Christological and soteriological grammar must lead us back to a reaffirmation of that mystery. These rules constrain us to attribute the death of Christ directly to the person of the Word, who cannot be ontologically separated from the divine nature. To say that the Son died in the human nature and in the divine nature is an inadequate formulation even if it is correct as far as it goes. On the other end of the spectrum, we have the musings of Moltmann about “the death of Jesus as a trinitarian event between the Son and the Father.”25 Moltmann paints a scenario in which the Son dies and the Father thereby also suffers “the death of his Fatherhood in the death of the Son,”26 while their mutual death causes the procession of “the spirit of life, love, and election to sal vation.”27 This is not the place to embark on a detailed critique of the convolutions of Moltmann’s position.28 For our present purpose, it is sufficient to note that his essential Christological 25 Moltmann, 4 245. Ibid., 243. 27 Ibid., 26. 28 This has already been admirably accomplished in Bruce Marshall, “The Dereliction of Christ and the Impassibility of God,” & ( $ # , ed. James Keating and Thomas Joseph White, O.P. (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2009), 246 98. 26 186 KHALED ANATOLIOS error is to attribute to the divine nature the human meaning of what “death” entails without positing the appropriate analogical distance between human and divine predications in the personal unity of Jesus Christ. As we have seen, the conciliar grammar of Christological statements indicates exactly the opposite directionality. What happens for our salvation in Christ is not the transformation of the divine nature by the human nature, so that God can be diminished in solidarity with our diminish ment, but rather the transformation of the human nature by the divine, so that we may be exalted by our communion with divine glory. Therefore, when we say something about Christ, we are speaking of the deifying communication of an aspect of the divine nature to a corresponding aspect of the human nature such that this communication itself establishes the proper analogy between the two natures and the ultimate fulfillment of human nature as made in the image of God and perfected in the likeness of God. In the case of Christ’s death, we have to ask, what is the aspect of the divine nature that properly cor responds to, even while reversing, human death? And we must find our answer not by dint of sheer speculation but by reference to the scriptural account of the words and actions of Jesus. There we find a clear announcement by Jesus himself of the inner content of his own death. In the synoptic accounts of the Last Supper and the corresponding Priestly Discourse of the Gospel of John, Jesus reveals the content of his death as an act of Eucharistic self giving. This self giving, as a personal act of the incarnate Word, who is the owner of both the divine and human natures, must be explicated with reference to both natures. As a human activity, Jesus’s Eucharistic self giving to the Father in the Spirit reached the point of physical death in obedience to the divine plan of salvation. As a divine activity, Jesus’s Eucharistic self giving eternally characterizes his mutual relations with the Father and the Spirit which constitute the indestructible divine life. Therefore, as Roch Kereszty puts it, “in handing over his human life to the Father on the cross, the eternal Son has completed the ‘translation’ into the finite acts of SOTERIOLOGICAL GRAMMAR OF CONCILIAR CHRISTOLOGY 187 an alienated human existence the eternal act of returning his divine being to the Father in the Holy Spirit.”29 We can say, therefore, that in the death of the God Man, Jesus’s human and divine modes of self giving “run together” in such a way that his human death is reversed by his eternal self receiving and self offering to the Father in the Spirit—and it is this union of his human and divine modes of self giving that constitute his death as well as his and our Resurrection. CONCLUSION Throughout this paper, I have been proposing in essence that the promise of Chalcedonian Christology is nothing less than the deification of our humanity. In presenting an overview of the soteriological grammar of conciliar Christology, I have cautioned against the tendency to reduce this grammar, which was developed over a whole series of ecumenical councils, to the ontological symmetry of the two natures which dominates the Chalcedonian definition. Chalcedon’s emphasis on the en during integrity of the two natures needs properly to be enfolded within the overarching and foundational stress, going back to Cyril, on the hypostatic union by which the human nature is transformed through its communion with the divine nature in the person of the Word. Modern critiques that have dismissed two natures Christology as undermining divine soli darity with the human condition are themselves in thrall to a narrow Chalcedonian reductionism that fails properly to contextualize patristic affirmations about the distinction of natures within a foundational stress on the hypostatic union. I have argued that an integral consideration of conciliar Christological and soteriological grammar should guide us to make sense of every Christological predication in terms of the dynamic union of the divine and human natures in Christ, such that the human nature is transformed by the divine unto deification while the divine nature retains all its perfections and 29 Roch Kereszty, 1 2002), 405. !) (New York: Alba House, 188 KHALED ANATOLIOS communicates them to the human nature. It should be evident that, according to this principle, soteriological grammar is clearly constitutive of Christological statements and their proper intelligibility. I have applied this principle to three key sentences of the Christian proclamation of Christ’s saving work: “Christ became sin for us”; “Christ suffered for us”; “Christ died for us.” On the basis of the last example, we can finally say that this pattern is inscribed by a Paschal grammar, in which every predication applied to Christ ultimately signifies the Passover in Christ from our human limitations and negativities to our deifying participation in divine life. Whatever we say about Christ, what we are saying in reality, according to the soterio logical grammar of conciliar Christology, is that Christ is our Passover from sin and death to a participation in the Son’s glorification of the Father in the Spirit. ! 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