The successful abolition of Roe v. Wade

Published on 26/06/2022

By Sébastien Renault

Roe v. Wade (the American "Veil Law", with important nuances, first of all those imposed by the distinction between constitutional law and legislative independence of the States) was repealed yesterday by the Supreme Court of the United States at the constitutional level, on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist - who, a few months earlier, had leaped for joy in his mother's womb (Lk 1:41), in other words, in his state of being unborn.

It should be remembered that the U.S. federal government exercises its authority over national matters. Its powers are conferred by the U.S. Constitution as interpreted by the Supreme Court. In the case of in utero termination, better known by the sugar-coated French acronym of abortion, this so-called "right" has never been attached to their Constitution. In legal terms, Roe v. Wade was, for 49 years, a true "constitutional" aberration that is now rightly rectified by its revocation.

By contrast, the decentralized branch of government, which administers the regulated legal sector on a state-by-state basis in conjunction with the two legislative branches of the U.S. federal government, exercises authority over matters limited to the jurisprudential domain of each state. The powers of the 50 U.S. states are granted by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. With the repeal of Roe v. Wade, the homicidal treatment of the unborn (abortion) was simply returned to the realm of state-specific policy-making and regulation.

While much remains to be done, this is a real victory for life, after years of activism often thwarted by the enactment of iniquitous laws and measures on the counter-constitutional, yet federal, basis for protecting "universal access" to abortion (including barbaric post-natal butchering). Let us also remember that U.S. federal law does not mean constitutional law, as some activists on the American left sometimes claim. Perhaps they have already forgotten, too busy with righteous "anti-racist" reporting on social networks, that slavery was once a federal right in the United States; but was never a constitutional right.

In the meantime, we're treated to a nice, unsurprising fest of fury and hypocrisy from the "right to choose" advocates, who have long since rationalized sacrificing children conceived to satisfy whatever self-centered priorities (promiscuity, physical appearances, career, vacation, you name it).

They manage, without blushing, to go from wanting to impose on everyone the obligation to be injected with experimental products that are both dangerous and ineffective (in other words, your body is not your choice!) to calling for the great mobilization for the "right" to torture one's own offspring according to one's desires (your body = your choice, a slogan that is, by the way, quite silly, but which highlights just how much these people are consummate hypocrites).

These madmen, having now lost an important battle, are therefore ready, once again, to provoke chaos - as they did two years ago in the name of falsely "anti-racist" "wokism". Here they come in force, urging "action against patriarchal supremacy" [2] :

"We need the state to feel our anger. We need them to be afraid of us. If abortions are not protected [in other words, by the federal state], then neither are you [in other words, we will come and harass you, vandalize and destroy your private property, if possible murder you]."

Finally, a reminder to the champion of "freedom of conscience": when a woman becomes pregnant, the result is two distinct bodies, two distinct heartbeats, two distinct DNA profiles, two distinct brainwaves, two distinct fingerprints, and above all, two distinct souls. And therefore, by unavoidable implication, two distinct choices (which should nevertheless be directed towards the same object), even though the conceived child cannot yet make this known. This is why the responsibility of respecting the latter's implicit choice, manifested by the very fact of its still hidden but real existence, falls not only on the parents, but on the whole of society, based on respect for the inalienable right to life.

For Life!


