[07:32:12] Patrick McCloskey: If you wish an education, you will go to college [07:32:13] Saint in Potency: =) [07:32:18] Patrick McCloskey: But tome does not go to college [07:32:26] Patrick McCloskey: TF tom does not wish an education [07:32:39] Saint in Potency: or tom doesn't have cash [07:32:54] Marcel and Roman: or tom don't ave smarts [07:33:22] Saint in Potency: or the college stinks and he knows that [07:33:38] Geremia: so: "those who wish an education go to college" [07:34:04] Patrick McCloskey: Every who wishes an education goes to college [07:34:17] Geremia: every who? [07:34:18] Geremia: haha [07:34:27] Saint in Potency: lol [07:34:38] Marcel and Roman: stole my line [07:34:48] Patrick McCloskey: But tom does not go to college [07:34:54] Patrick McCloskey: TF Tom does not wish an education [07:35:18] Marcel and Roman: 2nd [07:35:20] Marcel and Roman: figure [07:36:03] Marcel and Roman: I don't know [07:36:04] Marcel and Roman: =? [07:36:16] Geremia: all those who go to college don't necessarily wish it [07:36:19] Saint in Potency: i don't know either but i'm not going to say so ...oh wait [07:37:02] Marcel and Roman: hmmmmm [07:37:08] Marcel and Roman: what's wrong here....... [07:37:10] Saint in Potency: so...it's not invalid? [07:37:27] Saint in Potency: haaaaaaax [07:37:28] Marcel and Roman: WICKED TRICKSY FALSE!!! [07:37:37] Marcel and Roman: rome said it not me?!! [07:37:52] Marcel and Roman: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [07:37:57] Marcel and Roman: it's valid [07:38:00] Marcel and Roman: but not true If you wish an education, you will go to college. --> Everyone who wishes an education is someone who will go to college. (A) But Tom is not someone who will go to college. (E) ∴ Tom is not someone who wishes an education. (E) So, it's 2nd figure (AEE = Camestres). How is it untrue, though? Is it because "Everyone who wishes an education is someone who will go to college." ≠ "Everyone who will go to college is someone who wishes an education", i.e., they cannot be converted?