Issue: September 1986


From the Editor...

The month of September provides us with the model of all purity: the Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross (September 15th).

Humanist Philosophies Versus Catholic Doctrine

Today many ''humanist" or "personalist" philosophies are diffused everywhere in the world. What is worse is that many of the faithful are contaminated by some of these ideas. Father Laisney shows here the core of these philosophies—their consequences, how false they are and how opposed to Catholic Doctrine.

Our Lady of Sorrows

For the month of Our Lady's Sorrows, reflections from "Don Bosco's Madonna."

The Contemporary Catholic Crisis in Its Historical Perspective

The beginning of an 8-part series by Michael Davies.

Saint Vincent De Paul

A sermon by Cardinal Manning delivered on the 200th anniversary of the saint at St. Edward's, Westminster, 27 September 1861.

On Peace and Security

Quotations contrasting the spirit of Vatican II and Catholic truth.

The Lord Loves the Pure of Heart

Emanuel Valenza highly recommends Chastity: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults by the Rev. Gerald Kelly, S.J., more timely now than in 1941, when it was originally published.

The Third Order of the Society of St. Pius X

The Society of St. Pius X has a third order, founded in 1980. Here are its rules and information about how to become a member.

For Protestants, a Catholic Apology for Becoming Unpredictable

This article appeared in a "Special" to the Religious News Service.

Letters to the Editor

Father Pierre de la Place, Society of St. Pius X priest, a teacher at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, recently sent the following item to us. Father de la Place, as well as other Society priests, have received questions about "the John XXIII Mass" or, "the Dialogue Mass."

News Briefs

For the first time, the Vatican has stripped an American theologian of the right to teach theology in a Church university...

Ask Me...

Father Carl answers questions about the New Mass, Galileo, and St. Pius X's reforms.