Issue: March 1990


Baptism of Desire and the Salvation of Souls

Father Laisney explains the Church's teaching about baptism of desire.

For Exiled Nuns, It's Too Late

Banished by the Communist regime, Czechoslovakia's Sisters of Vila Voda were symbols of persecution. Now most are too old or weak to benefit from the revolution.

The Irish Madonna of Hungary

The extraordinary story of the Irish Madonna in Gyor is not a legend, but appears as a reality based on fact and the testimony of reliable witnesses.

Was Jesus Christ the Man Buried in the Shroud?

The concluding article of the series about the Shroud of Turin, authored by the St. Ignatius Retreat House.

1970 -1990: Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Society of St. Pius X

The SSPX celebrates its 20th anniversary.

A New Rectory at St. Vincent's Parish

Parishioner Al Walters recounts the impressive do-it-yourself project achieved by St. Vincent de Paul's parish to refurbish the priests' quarters in the Academy building.

Rock Musicians' Album Covers, Acts Promote Satan, Violent Reactions

A freelance writer from Louisville explains the dark side of rock'n'roll. Parents, do you know what your children are listening to?


A pro-life poem.

Pilgrimage to France

American pilgrims visit Catholic France.

News Briefs

Clippings from the columns of the Religious News Service chronicle the Church in our times.

The Paternity of St. Joseph

In this response to a letter, Fr. Laisney briefly explains why St. Joseph can (in a certain sense) be called the father of Jesus.

Ask Me...

Father Carl answers questions about the state of grace, the condemned works of Teilhard de Chardin, private ownership of a church, and doing penance.