Issue: February 2002


Campos-Vatican Accord

The official press release of the Vatican and Bishop Licinio Rangel about the newly erected apostolic administration for the traditionalists of the diocese of Campos, Brazil.

ZENIT Announcement & Interview of Fr. Cottier

John Paul II's decision to allow a formerly schismatic fraternity to celebrate Mass according to the St. Pius V rite should not be seen as a setback for Vatican Council II, says the theologian of the Papal Household.

Press Release of the Society of Saint Pius X Regarding the Priests of Campos

Communiqué of the SSPX upon the news that the traditional priests of the diocese of Campos, Brazil, under the leadership of Bishop Rangel, have been organized into an apostolic administration by Rome.

Before the Fact: An Open Letter to the Priests of Campos

Nearly three months ago, Fr. Fleichman posted this letter on the Internet to make known his disapproval of the agreement then being planned between the Vatican and the priests of the diocese of Campos, Brazil.

After the Fact: An Open Letter to the Priests of Campos

Dr. David Allen White, author of an in-depth study of the successful traditionalist diocese of Campos, Brazil, (The Mouth of the Lion) under Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer, upon learning that Campos had rallied to Rome published this open letter.


Dr. David Orr offers six practical things we must do in order to resuscitate dying language and shrinking vocabulary.