Issue: April 2003


Pastoral Letter: On the Problems of the Modern Apostolate

Questions 22–26 of Bishop de Castro Mayer's Catechism of Opportune Truths, on the soul of the apostolate.

How Are Catholics to Respond to the Present Crisis in the Church?

Fr. Scott exposes the root cause of the crisis in the Church and outlines a program for Catholics to follow in order to remain faithful and true.

Intra-Article Sidebar: Questions & Answers By Rev. Fr. Peter R.Scott

Is it possible to say that the post-conciliar Church is a new religion, and if so, how can it be considered Catholic? Father Scott explains the eight fundamental positions underlying eight substantial changes in the Church...

Catholic Whiggery

The term "Catholic Whiggery" has been used by some authors to designate the movement among Catholic thinkers to defend the American political and economic ideology while at the same time dodging Catholic social doctrine. Dr. Chojnowski explains the terms of the discussion and the historical backdrop.


What Is a Whig?

Dr. Chojnowski explains the meaning of a key term in political history and contemporary political and economic thought; we find out what a Tory is, too. A short and fascinating history lesson, indispensable to understanding the American Founding. 

Our Adoption by God in Jesus Christ

In Sacred Scripture, sometimes the Lord is called the only Son of God, and sometimes He is called the eldest Son of the Father, the first-born child of the Virgin. How can we reconcile these apparently opposed claims?

Tournus: St. Philibert Abbey

Dr. Hilgar's appreciation of the Burgundian Romanesque St. Philibert's Abbey may justify adding Tournus to any list of must-visit places in France: "Tournus is a triumph of wise simplicity. Romanesque art has not left us anything more perfect..."

The Catholic Notion Of Beauty

From Da Vinci to Dadaism, the idea of beauty has taken a hit. Yet "there is nothing that does not participate in the beautiful." What a world of difference between our modern, trite conception of the beautiful and the richness of St. Thomas Aquinas...