Issue: August 1979


The Archbishop Speaks

The 1979 ordination sermon delivered by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on the occasion of the ordinations at the International Seminary of Saint Pius X Ecône, Switzerland, on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul 1979.

Saint Ralph Sherwin

A life of the relatively unknown English martyr Ralph Sherwin, who was a companion of St. Edmund Campion in martyrdom.

The Development of the Roman Mass

Part 2 of an Open Lesson for a Bishop, wherein Mr. Davies discusses the Bull Quo Primum and the principles of liturgical reform and development.

News from Econe

A seminarian reports from the Valais on this summer's ordinations ceremony.

A Sermon for the Feast of the Assumption

The present time has been called "The Age of Mary," and not without reason.


Women priests? It sounds incredible. But those of us who've seen so many drastic changes in the Church in the past fifteen years know that not only is it possible but chances are it will be a reality in the next ten years at the rate things are "progressing"...

H. Fraser's Letter to Father Arrupe

Hamish Fraser passes in review the responses, both Jesuit and non-Jesuit, he received regarding his challenge to Jesuits who seek to collaborate with Marxists, which he published in his open letter.

Mary Martinez writes from Rome

Angelus Press's resident vaticanista wonders: What can they mean, these traditional gestures that have begun to emerge from the Vatican? How do they tally with the Pope's decisive condemnation in Mexico City: "Those who cling to the incidental aspects of the Church, aspects which were valid in the past but which have been superseded, cannot be considered the faithful"?

On the Modernist Doctrine of Religious Immanence

What the Conciliar Church says on the subject as expressed by Vatican II expert Fr. Chenu, O.P., is contrasted with the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in St. Pius X's encyclical on Modernism.

Angel Talk

A novena of Angels to the Blessed Mother for the Feast of the Assumption.

The Mass at Lille

Mr. Davies informs us that the historic Mass at Lille was professionally recorded...

Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre

Volume One is now in print!

Ask Me...

Father answers questions about teaching evolution in Catholic schools, the validity of the New Mass, a critique of popular devotions in a previous issue of the Angelus, and an accusation by Fr. Malachi Martin of the Church's care for the poor and young in the past.