Issue: December 2010

Letter from the Editor

After the inaugural Angelus Press conference on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Society of St. Pius X here in Kansas City from October 15-17, we can collect some impressions and summarize some opinions.

Interviews with Bishop Fellay

Two recent interviews with Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X.

Cardinal Newman's "Biglietto Speech"

Blessed John Henry Newman is one of England's most famous converts to the Catholic Faith. Extracted from an early-20th century biography, this article includes his famous “Biglietto Speech.” Here, his analysis of and opposition to liberalism is made clear.

Christian Politics

An interview with Fr. Guillaume Devillers to mark the publication of his book: Politique chrétienne, à l’école de saint Thomas d’AquinChristian Politics: The Teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas.

Summa Theologiae

Fr. Albert explains St. Thomas's five ways to prove the existence of God.

The Defense of Tradition

A report about the 2010 SSPX Conference..

Book Excerpt: The Pilgrim's Guide to Rome's Principal Churches

The Pilgrim's Guide to Rome's Principal Churches

Angelus Press is pleased to provide a sample chapter of our newest title.

The Authority of Vatican II

In the homily he delivered at Ecône on November 1, 1990, on the Society’s 20th anniversary, Archbishop Lefebvre once again decried the sin of conciliar liberalism

The Lord's Prayer

“And lead us not into temptation”

Church and World

Twenty-four new cardinals. The Bishop of Fargo keeps his promises. Canonical erection of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery.

Questions and Answers

Why did Our Lord not allow St. Mary Magdalene to touch him?

The Last Word

The Bishop and the Rabbi