Issue: October 1985


From the Editor

The Carmelites, the Archbishop's travel plans, and upcoming ordinations.

Open Letter to Confused Catholics Chapter 5

Another selection from His Grace's recent book: "You're a Dinosaur!"

The Carmel of the Most Holy Trinity: Letter to Friends and Benefactors (No. 1)

The Carmelites are here!

The Carmelites Arrive in America!

A note from the Editor about the Carmelites' arrival.

An Example to Follow...

A controversy in England over the third-party purchase of an old convent church by the SSPX affords a lesson on how to wage the culture war in the pages of the press.

God's Fool: The Life and Times of Saint Francis of Assisi

Dr. Malcolm Brennan reviews a life of St. Francis of Assisi by Julien Green, well worth the read!

Our Father: A Commentary by St. Thomas Aquinas

We continue the Commentary of St. Thomas on the Our Father.

The Pentecost Pilgrimage Paris to Chartres May 1985

One of the most encouraging events since the imposition of the New Mass took place in France at Pentecost this year. It took the form of a pilgrimage from the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris to the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Chartres.

On the Unity of the Church

These texts of His Holiness Pope John Paul II are presented here because they are typical of a "new language," a Modernist language...

The Monks of LeBarroux Visit St. Mary's

Some Benedictine monks from the monastery at Le Barroux, France, visited St. Mary's.  Mary Gentges reports.

News Briefs

Results of a Catholic seminary study, the USCB delegation to the November Synod, and the pope's choice of Cardinals Krol and Law and reported on by the RNS.

Ask Me...

Father Carl answers questions about abortion, Father Feeney, and standards of modesty.