Pascal (Penées S168/L136): "man's unhappiness arises from one thing alone: that he cannot remain quietly in his room." (Ariew's transl.) "tout le malheur des hommes vient d’une seule chose, qui est de ne savoir pas demeurer en repos dans une chambre." St. Alphonsus (Discourse to pious maidens): "How much more easy is it for devout girls to become holy in their own houses than in a convent!" St. Catherine of Siena (Legenda maior): “Make yourself a cell in your own mind from which you need never come out.” St. Thomas Aquinas (letter to Friar John on how to study): "Love spending much time in your cell, if you want to be led into the wine cellar." St. Jerome's letter to St. Eustochium ( "Now paradise is your home too." "Go not from home nor visit the daughters of a strange land" "Let foolish virgins stray abroad, but for your part stay at home with the Bridegroom"