[Rank] S. Marcelli Papae Martyris;;Semiduplex;;2;;vide C2 [Rule] vide C2; 9 lectiones [Oratio] O Lord, we pray thee, mercifully give ear unto the prayers of thy people who rejoice at the memory of the victory through suffering of thy blessed Martyr and Bishop Marcellus, and for his sake succour us. $Per Dominum [Lectio4] This Marcellus was a Roman, and held the supreme Pontificate from (the year of our Lord 304, in) the reign of Constantius and Galerius, till (310, in) that of Maxentius. It was through his persuasion that the Roman lady Lucina left the whole of her property to the Church of God. As the believers increased, he instituted new titles in the City, which he divided after the manner of dioceses for their convenience, and for the baptism and penance of heathens converted to Christianity, and for the burial of the martyrs. These proceedings excited the wrath of Maxentius, who threatened Marcellus with the heaviest punishment, unless he would lay down the Popedom and sacrifice to idols. [Lectio5] The servant of God treated with contempt the mad cries of this man, who accordingly took him and sent him to a menagerie, to take care of the beasts which were fed at the public cost. Marcellus remained at this place for nine months, which he spent in continual fasting and prayer, and, as he could not visit the parishes in person, he wrote letters to them. Some clerks rescued him, and the blessed Lucina hospitably received him into her house, in which he dedicated a Church, which is now called St. Marcellus'. Here the Christians met to pray, and the blessed Marcellus himself preached. [Lectio6] These proceedings came to the knowledge of Maxentius, who thereupon had the wild beasts brought from the menagerie and located in the church, where Marcellus was made to feed them. The noisomeness of the place and the filthiness of his occupation broke down a constitution already enfeebled by many ailments, and he fell asleep in the Lord. The blessed Lucina buried his body in the cemetery of Priscilla, on the Salarian Way, on the 16th of January. He sat on the throne of Peter for five years, one month, and twenty-five days. He wrote an epistle to the Bishops of the Patriarchate of Antioch on the primacy of the Roman Church, wherein he proveth the right of the same Church to be called the head of all the Churches. In this letter he likewise saith that no Council can be lawfully gathered together except by the authority of the Roman Pontiff. He ordained at Rome in the month of December twenty - five Priests, two Deacons, and twenty - one Bishops for diverse Sees. [Lectio7] @Commune/C4:Lectio71 [Lectio8] @Commune/C4:Lectio81 [Lectio9] @Commune/C4:Lectio91 [Responsory8] R. O Lord, thou hast prevented him with blessings of sweetness: * Thou hast set on his head a crown of precious stones. V. He asked life of thee: * and thou hast given him length of days for ever and ever. R. Thou hast set on his head a crown of precious stones. &Gloria R. Thou hast set on his head a crown of precious stones. [Lectio94] Marcellus of Rome was Pope from the reign of Constantius and Galerius to that of Maxentius. At his suggestion the Roman lady Lucina willed her property to God's Church. Because the number of the faithful in the city had increased, he set up new parishes and divided the City into various districts. This angered Maxentius and he threatened Marcellus with heavy punishments unless he would abandon his pontificate and sacrifice to idols. The Pope resisted steadfastly, and so Maxentius had him sent to the stable to take care of the beasts fed at the public expense. Marcellus spent nine months there, and since he could not be present in his parishes in person, he visited them by his letters. He was rescued from this place by some clerics and given hospitality by Lucina in whose house he dedicated a church where he preached to the faithful. Then Maxentius ordered the beasts moved from the stable to the church, so that Marcellus again had to take care of them. The foul atmosphere of the place and his hardships soon proved fatal to Marcellus. He died in the Lord, and was buried in the cemetery of Priscilla on the Salarian Way by blessed Lucina, on January 16. &teDeum