[Rank] S. Emerentiana Virginis et Martyris;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C6 [Rule] vide C6; [Oratio] O Lord, we pray thee that thy blessed handmaiden and witness Emerentiana in whom Thou hast ever been well pleased, because of her worthy maidenhood and her mighty showing-forth of thy power, may entreat thy pardon on our behalf. $Per Dominum [Lectio93] Emerentiana was a Roman maiden, and the foster-sister of the blessed Agnes. While she was still a Catechumen she was inspired by her faith and love to rebuke the fury of the idol-worshippers against the Christians, whereupon a mob assembled, and stoned her so severely that she was only able to drag herself to the grave of holy Agnes, where, while she prayed, she gave up her soul to God, being baptized, not in water, but in her own blood, so freely shed for Christ. &teDeum