[Rank] S. Agnetis Virginis Martyris secundo;;Commemoratio;;1.1;;vide C2 [Rule] vide C2; 9 lectiones [Ant 1] The blessed Agnes stood in the midst of the fire * and stretched forth her hands unto the Lord, and prayed, saying O Thou Who Alone art Almighty! Who Alone art to be adored! Who Alone art to be worshipped! Who Alone art to be feared! I bless thee, and glorify thy Name for ever and ever! [Oratio] O God, Who year by year dost gladden thy people by the solemn feast of thy blessed Virgin and Martyr Agnes, grant unto us, we beseech thee, not only devoutly to observe the same, but also to follow after the pattern of her godly conversation. $Per Dominum