[Rank] S. Blasii Episcopi;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C2 [RankNewcal] S. Blasii Episcopi;;Duplex optional;;2;;vide C2 [Rule] vide C2; [Oratio] O God, Who, year by year, dost gladden us by the solemn Feast-day of thy blessed Confessor and Pontifex Blase, mercifully grant unto all who keep his birthday, grace to follow after the pattern of his godly conversation. $Per Dominum [Lectio93] !Commemoration for St. Blase. This Blase was chosen Bishop of the city of Sebaste in Armenia, in which place he enjoyed a great reputation for virtue. When Diocletian began to make the Christians the objects of his insatiable cruelty, the Saint hid himself in a cave on Mount Argasus, where he lay till he was found by some of the soldiers of Agricolaus the President, who were out hunting. He was brought before the President, who commanded him to be thrown into irons. While he was in prison, Blase healed many of the sick, who were brought to him on account of his reputation of saintliness, and among others a boy who had been despaired of by the physicians, and who was at the point of death, from a thorn which had become fixed in his throat. Blase appeared twice before the President, but neither cajolements nor threats could induce him to sacrifice to the gods. He was first beaten with rods, and afterwards put on the rack, where his flesh was mangled with iron combs. At last his head was cut off, whereby he finished a noble testimony to the faith which is in Christ our Lord. He bore witness on the 3rd day of February, (in the year of salvation 316). &teDeum