[Rank] S. Titi Episcopi et Confessoris;;Duplex;;3;;vide C4 [Rule] vide C4;mtv 9 lectiones [Oratio] O God, Who didst glorify thy blessed Confessor and Bishop Titus with the graces of an Apostle, grant unto us for his sake and at his prayers, that we may so live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, that hereafter we may worthily attain unto the Fatherland which is in heaven. $Per Dominum [Commemoratio] !Commemoration of St. Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr @Commune/C6:Oratio proper $Oremus O Lord, we pray thee, that thy blessed virgin and martyr, Dorothy, in whom Thou hast ever been well pleased, because of her worthy chastity and her profession of thy might, may entreat thy pardon on our behalf. $Per Dominum [Lectio4] The Apostle Paul had no sooner by his preaching gathered the Cretans to the Sacraments and doctrines of the Christian Faith, than he made Titus their Bishop. It is agreed that the holiness of Titus shone with so bright a light before the infant Church, that he earned fellowship with the disciples of the Teacher of the Gentiles. Being taken to share in the work of preaching, he so endeared himself to Paul by his faithfulness and zeal in declaring the Gospel, that the Apostle saith When I came to Troas to preach Christ's Gospel, and a door was opened unto me of the Lord, I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother but taking my leave of them, I went from thence into Macedonia. (2 Cor. ii. 12, 13.) And again he saith: When we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears. Nevertheless, God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus. (vii. 5, 6.) [Lectio5] It was this affection of Paul toward Titus, which had induced him to send him to Corinth upon a Mission which mainly concerned the collection of alms from the charity of the faithful for the relief of the poor Hebrew Saints at Jerusalem. This mission Titus discharged with such wisdom and gentleness, that he not only strengthened the Corinthians in the faith, but also stirred up in them an earnest desire, a mourning, a fervent mind toward Paul, their earliest teacher. ~(vii. 7.) Many were the other journeys by land and sea which Titus undertook in order to sow the seed of God's word among men of diverse nations, tongues, and countries. Filled with bold loyalty to the banner of the Cross, he went with Paul to the island of Crete. Of the Church of Crete the Apostle himself made him the first Bishop; and we may not doubt that, as such, he was what his Teacher bade him be, in all things showing himself a pattern of good works, in doctrine, in uncorruptness, in gravity. (Tit 2:7) [Lectio6] Like a candle, he gave forth the light of faith in the midst of men sitting in the darkness of idolatry and falsehood, as in the shadow of death. He is said to have sweated mightily to unfurl the banner of the Cross among the Dalmatians. He was full of days and good works, when, upon a 4th of January, in the 94th year of his age, he died one of those deaths which are precious in the sight of the Lord. He was buried in the Church of which the Apostle had made him the minister. His praises have been mostly written by St. John Chrysostom and St Jerome. The 4th of January is the day upon which his name is read in the Roman Martyrology, but Pope Pius IX. assigned for his Festival, to be kept with an Office and Mass by the clergy secular and regular throughout the Catholic world, the first free day afterwards. [Lectio93] !Commemoration for St. Dorothy. The maiden Dorothy, of Caesarea in Cappadocia, was betrayed to Apricius the President by her two sisters, Chrysta and Callista, who had denied the faith, in the hope that he would induce her to do likewise. She was arrested, but it came not to pass as they hoped. On the contrary, she brought them back to the Christian worship, and they received martyrdom. She was long tormented upon the rack, and scourged with palm branches, and in the end was beheaded, receiving the double palm of virginity and martyrdom. &teDeum [Lectio94] Titus, bishop of Crete, had the privilege of being associated with the disciples of the Doctor of the Gentiles. He was so particularly dear to Paul for his zeal in preaching the Gospel and for his faithfulness that, when Paul had gone to Troas for the sake of the Gospel of Christ, he declared that his spirit had no rest because he had not found his brother Titus there. And a little later, on his way to Macedonia, he confirmed his love for Titus by writing, "But God, who comforts the humble, comforted us by the arrival of Titus." The Apostle sent him to Corinth, and he carried out with great wisdom his commission there, which was particularly for the purpose of collecting alms to aid the needy Church of the Hebrews. In the meantime, to spread the seed of the divine word among peoples of different places and languages, after many journeys and toils under Paul's leadership, he reached the island of Crete. Later, when he was made bishop of this Church by the Apostle himself, he gave an example of good works. It is said that he went to Dalmatia and made great efforts there to unfurl the standard of the Cross. At length full of merits, he died in the Lord at the age of ninety-four years. &teDeum