[Rank] S. Simeonis Episcopi et Martyris;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C2 [Rule] vide C2; [Oratio] @Commune/C2::s/N\./Simeon/ [Lectio93] Simeon, the son of Cleophas, (Matth. xiii. 55,) was chosen the second Bishop of Jerusalem, (in the year 62,) being the first after James. Under the Emperor Trajan he was accused before the Pro-Consul Atticus, as being both a Christian and a relation of Christ, this being the time when all were arrested that were of the lineage of David. He underwent with great suffering the same things that were inflicted on our Saviour, and all men marvelled to see with how great boldness and firmness he endured the grievous torment of the cross, at his great age, for he was an hundred and twenty years old. (a.d. 107 or 116.) &teDeum