[Rank] S. Georgii Martyris;;Semiduplex;;2;;vide C2 [Rank1960] S. Georgii Martyris;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C2 [RankNewcal] S. Georgii Martyris;;Semiduplex;;2;;vide C2 [Rule] vide C2; 9 lectiones [Oratio] O God, Who dost gladden us through the worthy deeds and prayers of thy blessed martyr George, mercifully grant that all they which seek thy mercy through him may effectually obtain the gift of thy grace. $Per Dominum [Lectio94] The martyr George beareth among the Easterns the title of the holy and glorious Archmartyr, He suffered a glorious death, for Christ's sake, in the persecution under Diocletian. When peace was given to the Church soon after, under Constantine, the memory of the martyr began to be celebrated, and churches were built under his invocation at Lydda in Palestine and at Constantinople. For thenceforth an extraordinary enthusiasm with regard to him grew up among the faithful, first in all parts of the East, and afterwards in the West. Of old time, when Christian armies had been about to fight, they have been used to call as patrons upon holy George, Maurice, and Sebastian. There had been already special honour paid in England to the holy martyr George, and the supreme Pontiff Benedict XIV. declared him the protector of the whole kingdom.