[Rank] S. Pudentianae Virginis;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C6 [Rule] vide C6; [Oratio] Hear us O God our saviour, that we who are gladdened by the Festival of blessed Pudentiana thy virgin may learn from it piety and devotion. $Per Dominum [Lectio93] The maiden Pudentiana was the orphan daughter of Pudens the Roman Senator. She was a Christian of eminent godliness. She with her sister Praxedes distributed to the poor the money which they obtained by the sale of their inheritance. She gave herself continually to fasting and prayer. By her care the whole of the household, being ninety-six persons, were baptized by Pope Pius. Whereas the Emperor Antonine had forbidden the Christians to offer sacrifice in public, Pope Pius used to meet with them in Pudentiana's house, to celebrate the holy rites. She was a gracious hostess to them, and ministered to them in such things as are needful for the body. She thus busied herself in works of Christian godliness until she passed from this present life to a better. She was buried in her father's sepulchre in the cemetery of Priscilla on the Salarian Way upon the 19th day of May. &teDeum