[Rank] Ss. Primi et Feliciani Martyrum;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C3 [Rule] vide C3; [Oratio] Make us, O Lord, we beseech thee, ever heartily to rejoice over thine holy martyrs Primus and Felician, and grant to us at their prayer the gift of thy safe-keeping. $Per Dominum [Lectio93] Primus and Felician were two brothers who were accused of Christianity during the persecution by Diocletian and Maximian, and thrown into irons, which an angel broke, and so freed their limbs. In the presence of the Praetor they most earnestly clave to the profession of their faith, and were immediately parted one from the other. Felician's was the steadfastness which was first tried in diverse ways. They, however, that strove to argue him into sin, when they found that words availed nothing, fastened his hands and feet to a post, and left him to hang there three days without food or drink. On the fourth day the Praetor called Primus before him, and said to him Seest thou how much thy brother is wiser than thou He hath obeyed the Emperors, and they have made him honourable. Thou hast only to follow his example to be made partaker of his honours and favours. Primus answered him: What hath befallen my brother I know, for an angel hath told me. God grant that, seeing I have the same will that he hath, I may not be divided from him in uplifting of testimony. These words raised the wrath of the Praetor, and to the torments which he had already inflicted on Primus, he added this also, that he had boiling lead put into his mouth, compelling his brother Felician to be present and see it done. After that, he had them led into the theatre and two lions let loose upon them, in the presence of about twelve thousand people who were gathered together to see the show. The lions only fawned upon the knees of the Saints, making friends with them with motions of their heads and tails. This exhibition turned five hundred persons and their households to Christ. The Praetor, then, moved beyond all endurance by what had passed, caused Primus and Felician to be beheaded. &teDeum