[Rank] SS. Marci et Marcelliani Martyrum;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C3 [Rule] vide C3; [Oratio] O Almighty God, grant, we beseech thee, that we who do keep the Birthday of thine Holy Martyrs Mark and Marcellian, may through their prayers be delivered from all evils which do presently hang over us. $Per Dominum [Lectio93] Mark and Marcellian were two brothers, Romans, who were arrested by Duke Fabian for believing in Christ, and fastened to a beam, to which their feet were nailed. The Judge said to them Wretched creatures, do think for a moment, and free yourselves from such suffering. But they answered him We have never enjoyed any dinner so much as we do what we are now undergoing here for Jesus Christ's sake. We have got ourselves a little fast to His love now. Would that He would let us suffer this as long as we are clad in this corruptible body. Still suffering, they for a day and a night sang the praises of God continually, and in the end were thrust through with darts, and so attained the glory of Martyrdom. Their bodies are buried upon the Way to Ardea. &teDeum