[Rank] S. Julianae de Falconeriis Virginis;;Duplex;;3;;vide C6 [Rule] vide C6; 9 lectiones [Capitulum Vespera] !2 Cor 10:17-18 v. But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. For not he who commendeth himself, is approved, but he, whom God commendeth. $Deo gratias [Hymnus Vespera] v. To be the Lamb's celestial bride Is Juliana's one desire; For this she quits her father's home, And leads the sacred virgin choir. _ By day, by night, she mourns her spouse Nailed to the cross, with ceaseless tears, Till in herself, through very grief, The image of that spouse appears. _ Like him, all wounds, she kneels transfixed Before the Virgin-Mother's shrine; And still the more she weeps, the more Mounts up the flame of love divine. _ That love so deep the Lord repaid His handmaid on her dying bed; When, with the food of heavenly life, By miracle her soul he fed. _ All praise to thee, O Maker blest! Praise to the everlasting Son; Praise to the mighty Paraclete While ages upon ages run. Amen. [Versum 1] V. In thy comeliness and thy beauty. R. Go forward, fare prosperously, and reign. [Ant 1] Come, Bride of Christ * and take the everlasting crown which the Lord hath prepared for thee [Oratio] O God, Who, when thy blessed hand-maiden Juliana was lying sick unto death wast pleased in wondrous wise to comfort her with the Precious Body of thy Son, be Thou entreated for the same thy servant's sake, and grant unto us also the same Comfort in our last agony, that we may go in the strength of that Meat unto our very Fatherland, which is in heaven. $Per eumdem [Commemoratio 1] !Commemoration of Sts. Gervase and Protase, Martyrs Ant. For theirs is the Kingdom of heaven * who love not their lives in this world, and have attained unto the revard of the Kingdom, and have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. _ V. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous. R. And shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart. _ $Oremus O God, who dost every year by the solemn memorial of your blessed martyrs, Gervase and Protase, grant us grace, we beseech thee, not only to rejoice because of their worthy deeds, but also to tread in their footsteps. $Per Dominum [Lectio4] Juliana was a daughter of the noble family of the Falconieri, and was born in the year 1270. Her father was the same who at his own costs so splendidly built from the foundations the Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation as it now standeth at Florence. Her mother's name was Reguardata. They were both well stricken in years, and, until the birth of Juliana, had been childless. From her very cradle she gave tokens of the holiness of life to which she afterwards attained. And from the murmuring of her baby lips was caught the sweet sound of the names of Jesus and Mary. As she entered on her girlhood, she delivered herself up entirely to the pursuit of Christian godliness, and so excellently shone therein, that her uncle, the Blessed Alexius, scrupled not to tell her mother that she had given birth to an Angel rather than to a woman. So modest was her carriage, and so clean her soul from the lightest speck of indiscretion, that she never in her whole life stared a man in the face, and that the very mention of sin made her shiver, and when the story of a grievous crime was told her, she dropped down nearly fainting. Before she had finished her fifteenth year, she renounced her inheritance, although a rich one, and all prospect of an earthly marriage, and made to God a vow of virginity, before holy Philip Benizi, from whom she was the first to receive the religious habit of what are called the mantled nuns. [Lectio5] She put herself for instruction under her daughter. Thus in a little while their number increased, and she became the foundress of the Order of Mantled nuns, to whom she gave a rule of life full of wisdom and godliness. Holy Philip Benizi, having thorough knowledge of her excellence, chose her above all living to whom at his death to leave the care not of the women only but of the whole of the Order of the Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of which he had been the propagator and director. Juliana, who deemed ever lowly of herself, even when she was the mistress of the others, ministered to her sisters in the meanest offices of the work of the house. She passed whole days in incessant prayer, and was often rapt in spirit, and the remainder of her time she toiled to make peace among the citizens, who were at variance together, to recall transgressors from the ways of iniquity, and to nurse the sick, to cure whom she would sometimes even use her tongue to remove the matter that ran from their sores. It was her custom to afflict her own body with whips, knotted cords, iron girdles, watching, and sleeping upon the ground. Upon Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, she ate very sparingly some unpalatable food, upon Fridays she took nothing except the Bread of Angels, and upon Saturdays, besides the Holy Communion, only bread and water. [Lectio6] The self-inflicted hardships of her life brought upon her a disease of the stomach, whereby, when she was seventy years of age, she was brought to the point of death. She bore the daily sufferings of her illness with a smiling face and a brave heart. The only thing of which she was heard to complain was that, her stomach being so weak that she could not keep down any food, she was withheld by reverence for the Sacrament from drawing near to the Lord's Table. Finding herself in these straits she begged the Priest to bring the Bread of God, and, as she dared not take It into her mouth, to put It as near as possible to her heart. The Priest did as she wished, and, to the amazement of all present, the Divine Bread at once disappeared from sight, and at the same instant a smile of joyous peace crossed the face of Juliana, and she gave up the ghost. All were confounded until the virgin body was being laid out after death in the accustomed manner. Then there was found upon the left side of the bosom a mark like the stamp of a seal, reproducing the form of the Sacred Host, the mould of which was one of those that bear a figure of Christ crucified. The noise of this and other wonders got for Juliana a reverence not only from Florence, but from all parts of the Christian world, which so increased through the course of four hundred years, that Pope Benedict XIII. commanded an office in her honour to be said by the whole Order of Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Clement XII., a munificent Protector of the same Order, finding new signs and wonders shedding lustre upon her memory every day, numbered her among Holy Virgins. [Lectio93] !Commemoratio for the Holy Martyrs Gervase and Protase. Gervase and Protase were the sons of Vitalis and Valeria, both of whom testified even unto death for the Lord Christ's sake, the father at Ravenna, and the mother at Milan. After the victory of their parents, Gervase and Protase gave all the inheritance to the poor, and set free their slaves. This act of theirs stirred up against them a savage hatred on the part of the heathen priests, and when the Count Astasius was about setting forth to war, they believed they had got a good occasion for the destruction of the two godly brethren. They persuaded Astasius that their gods had revealed to them that he had no chance of conquering in the war, unless he had first made Gervase and Protase to deny Christ and to offer sacrifice to the gods. Being commanded so to do, they flatly refused, and Astasius then ordered Gervase to be lashed until he died between the stripes, and Protase to be cudgelled and beheaded. A servant of Christ named Philip took away their dead bodies by stealth, and buried them in his own house, and, in after times, St. Ambrose, being warned of God, found them, and bestowed them in an hallowed and honourable place. They suffered at Milan upon the 19th day of June. &teDeum [Commemoratio 2] !Commemoratio Ss. Gervasii and Protasii Mart. Ant. Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered * fear not therefore; ye are of more value than many sparrows. _ V. The saints shall rejoice in glory: R. They shall be joyful in their beds. _ $Oremus. O God, Who gladden us by the annual festival of Your Martyrs, Gervase and Protase, grant that we may be inspired by the example of those in whose merits we rejoice. $Per Dominum [Lectio94] When Juliana, of the noble family of the Falconieri, was still in her cradle, her baby lips were heard to utter, without any prompting, the sweet names of Jesus and Mary. Before she was fifteen years old, she renounced a rich inheritance and an earthly wedding and took a solemn vow of virginity in the presence of St. Philip Benizi. She was the first to receive from him the habit of the religious called the Mantellates. When many noble ladies followed her example, and even her mother gave herself over to her daughter to be instructed in the religious life, Juliana founded the Order of the Mantellate Nuns. She excelled in a wonderful humility, a constant zeal for prayer and an amazing abstinence. When her health failed so that she could take and retain no food at all, and was therefore kept from the Eucharistic table, she asked the Priest to place the divine Bread on her breast, since she could not receive it with her mouth. When he did so, the holy Bread disappeared at once, and Juliana, smiling, departed this life. &teDeum