[Rank] S. Leonis Papae Confessoris;;Semiduplex;;2;;vide C4 [Rule] vide C4; 9 lectiones commemoratio3 OPapaC=Leo; [Oratio] O God, Who didst make the blessed Pope Leo to work deeds worthy of thy Saints, mercifully grant that we who do keep glad holiday in his memory, may steadfastly follow after the example of his life. $Per Dominum [Lectio4] Leo II. was a Sicilian. He was learned in sacred and worldly letters in the Greek and Latin tongues, and was moreover an excellent musician. He re-arranged and improved the music of the sacred hymns and Psalms used in the Church. He approved the acts of, the sixth general Council, which was held at Constantinople, under the Presidency of the Legates of the Apostolic See, in the presence of the Emperor Constantine (the Bearded,) the Patriarchs of Constantinople and Antioch, and one hundred and seventy Bishops. Leo also translated the decrees of the Council from Greek into Latin. [Lectio5] It was in this Council that Cyrus, Sergius, and Pyrrhus were condemned for teaching that there is in Christ only one Will and one Working. Leo broke the pride of the Archbishops of Ravenna, who had puffed themselves up under the power of the Exarchs to set at naught the power of the Apostolic See. Wherefore he decreed that the elections of the clergy of Ravenna should be nothing worth, until they had been confirmed by the authority of the Bishop of Rome. [Lectio6] He was a very father to the poor. Not by money only, but by his work, his labours, and his advice he relieved the poverty and loneliness of widows and orphans. He was leading all to live holy and godly lives, not by mere preaching, but by his own life, when he fell asleep in the Lord, having sat as Pope nine months and twenty-seven days. He was buried in the Church of St. Peter upon the 28th day of June. In the month of June he held one ordination whereat he ordained nine Priests, three Deacons, and twenty-three Bishops for diverse places. [Lectio94] Leo II, Supreme Pontiff, a Sicilian, was learned in sacred and profane letters in Greek and Latin, and was moreover an excellent musician; for he reduced to better harmony the sacred hymns and psalms used in the Church. He approved the acts of the sixth Council, which was held at Constantinople, and translated them into Latin. It was at this Council that Cyrus, Sergius, and Pyrrhus were condemned, for teaching that there is in Christ only one will and one operation. He was indeed a father to the poor; for not by money alone, but by his deeds, his labours, and his advice, he relieved the poverty and loneliness of needy widows and orphans. He fell asleep in the Lord on the 3rd day of July in the year 683, in the eleventh month of his pontificate, and was buried in the Basilica of St. Peter. &teDeum