[Rank] S. Apollinaris Episcopi Mart;;Duplex;;3;;vide C2 [RankNewcal] S. Apollinaris Episcopi et Mart;;Duplex optional;;2;;vide C2 [Rule] vide C2; 9 lectiones; [Oratio] O God, Who art thyself the exceeding great Reward of all faithful souls, and in Whose sight this day is holy because thy blessed Priest Apollinaris did hereon lift up his last earthly testimony, we beseech thee to grant unto us thy servants, who do keep his worshipful Feast-day, to obtain by his prayers thy gracious remission for our offences. $Per Dominum [Commemoratio] !Commemoration of St. Liborius, Bishop and Confessor @Commune/C4:Oratio proper $Oremus. v. Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that the venerable solemnity of blessed Liborius, thy confessor and bishop, may increase our devotion and promote our salvation. $Per Dominum. [Commemoratio Sabbat] !Commemoratio S. Liborii Ep. Conf. @Commune/C4:Oratio proper $Oremus v. Hear, O Lord, we beseech thee, the prayers which we offer thee on this the solemn feast-day of thy blessed Confessor and bishop Liborius, and, for the sake of him who so nobly served thee, forgive us our trespasses. $Per Dominum [Lectio4] Apollinaris came from Antioch to Rome with the Prince of the Apostles, and was by him ordained a Bishop, and sent to Ravenna to preach the Gospel of the Lord Christ. He had already converted a great number of persons to the Christian Faith, when the idolatrous priests caught him and gave him a sharp flogging. A second riot was got up against him on account of one Boniface, a nobleman who had long been dumb, speaking, and his daughter being delivered from an unclean spirit. On this occasion Apollinaris was flogged again, and made to walk barefoot over hot embers. The fire did him no harm, and he was expelled from the city. [Lectio5] Apollinaris lay hid for a while with certain Christians. Thence he went to Emilia, where he restored to life the dead daughter of the Patrician Rufinus, so that the whole household of Rufinus might believe in Jesus Christ. This affair greatly incensed the Praefect, who sent for Apollinaris, and earnestly dealt with him to induce him to cease spreading the Christian Faith in that city. As Apollinaris paid no heed to the Prefect's orders, he was tortured on the rack, boiling water poured on his wounds, and his mouth bruised with a stone, after which he was ironed and cast into prison. On the fourth day he was put on board a ship and sent into banishment. The ship was wrecked, and he so came to Mysia, thence to the shores of the Danube, and afterwards into Thrace. [Lectio6] However, the devil in the temple of Serapis declared that he could not give oracles, while the disciple of the Apostle Peter abode in these parts, and after a long search Apollinaris was found and commanded again to take ship. Thus he went back to Ravenna, where he was denounced by the same idolatrous priests as before, and given into the keeping of a centurion. This centurion was a secret worshipper of Christ, and in the night he let Apollinaris go. When it became known some of the officers of justice followed after him, caught him on the road, beat him till they thought he was dead, and left him. Some Christians took him up, but on the seventh day, still exhorting them to stand firm in the Faith, he departed this life with the glorious splendour of martyrdom. His body was buried hard by the wall of the city. [Lectio7] From the Holy Gospel according to Luke !Luke 22:24-30 At that time There was a strife among the disciples, which of them should be accounted the greatest. And so on. _ Homily by St. Ambrose, Bishop (of Milan.) !Bk. x. on Luke xxii. My kingdom, our God hath said, is not of this world. (John xviii. 36.) Man, then, must strive, not to be equal with God, but to be like unto God. Christ alone is the full image of God, as being the brightness of His Father's glory, and the express image of His Person. (Heb. i. 3.) But the righteous man is made after the image of God, in so far as, for the sake of following the example of his God, he, through knowledge of God, setteth no esteem upon this world, and looketh down upon all carnal motions of the will, through having taken in that Word whereby we are fed unto life everlasting and this is the end whereto we eat the Body of Christ, namely, that we may have eternal life. (John vi. 50.) [Lectio8] The reward which is promised unto us is not meat and drink, but a part in that grace and that life which come down from heaven. Neither are the twelve thrones ~(Matth. xix. 28) to be understood as meaning chairs for bodies to sit in, but as meaning a dignity like that of God Himself, wherein they that have left all and followed Christ shall judge as Christ doth, not by dint of cross-examinations, but by simple knowledge of the heart, rewarding the good, and condemning the evil. Thus are the Apostles erected into a ghostly tribunal, for the rewarding of faith and the cursing of unbelief, by their might breaking back errors, and laying upon blasphemers the just punishment of hatred. [Lectio9] Let us, then, turn about, and look well to it that there be no strife among us, which of us shall be accounted the greatest. That this strife arose among the Apostles, is not an excuse but a caution for us. If it was only after a while that Peter was converted Peter, who had started up at the first command of the Lord who can promise himself to be converted forthwith? Have a care, then, of boasting; have a care of the world. He who was commanded to strengthen his brethren (Luke xxii. 32) was he who was able to say, Behold, we have forsaken all, and have followed thee. (Matth. xix. 27.) &teDeum [Lectio94] Apollinaris came from Antioch to Rome with the Prince of the Apostles, who ordained him a bishop and sent him to Ravenna to preach the Gospel of the Lord Christ. Here, when Apollinaris had converted many pagans to faith in Christ, he was seized by the priests of the idols and beaten severely. When his prayers brought the gift of speech to a nobleman named Boniface who had been dumb for a long time and freed his daughter from an unclean spirit, a commotion was again raised against Apollinaris, and he suffered many kinds of torments. Afterwards, preaching the Gospel throughout Emilia, he turned many of the people away from the worship of idols. He came back to Ravenna, exhorted the Christians to constancy in the faith and died the glorious death of a martyr. His body was buried near the city wall. &teDeum [Commemoratio 3] (rubrica divino aut rubrica tridentina) !Commemoratio S. Christinae. @Commune/C6:Oratio proper $Oremus O Lord, we pray thee that thy blessed handmaiden and witness Christina in whom Thou hast ever been well pleased, because of her worthy maidenhood and her mighty showing-forth of thy power, may entreat thy pardon on our behalf. $Per Dominum