[Rank] In Vigilia S. Jacobi Apostoli;;Simplex;;1.5;;ex C1v [Rank1960] Commemoratio S Christinae;;Simplex;;1 [Rule] ex C1v; Responsory Feria Preces feriales Versum Feria no Te Deum Laudes 2 [Oratio] Grant we beseach thee that the worshipful feast of thy blessed Apostle James, may avail us to the increase of both of godliness toward thee and the healthfulness of our own soul $Per Dominum [Commemoratio 2] !Commemoratio S. Christinae. @Commune/C6:Oratio proper $Oremus O Lord, we pray thee that thy blessed handmaiden and witness Christina in whom Thou hast ever been well pleased, because of her worthy maidenhood and her mighty showing-forth of thy power, may entreat thy pardon on our behalf. $Per Dominum