[Rank] S. Dominici Confessoris;;Duplex majus;;4;;vide C5 [Rule] vide C5;mtv 9 lectiones [Oratio] O God, Who hast been pleased to shed throughout thy Church the light of the worthy deeds and healthful teaching of thy blessed Confessor Dominic, grant unto the same, with the help of his prayers, that she may never be either helpless in things temporal, or barren in things spiritual. $Per Dominum [Lectio4] Dominic was a Spaniard, a son of the noble family of Guzman. He was born at Calaruega, (in Old Castile,) in the year of our Lord 1170, and was sent to be taught worldly and sacred learning at Palencia. He attained great success in his studies, and became, first, a Regular Canon of the Cathedral Church of Osma, and afterwards Founder of the Order of Friars Preachers. While his mother was great with child, she dreamt that what was in her womb was a little whelp dog with a lighted torch in his mouth, and that when she was delivered of him, he set all the world on fire. By this dream was figured that burning and shining light of holiness of life and power of doctrine, whereby he should enkindle godliness throughout whole nations. The end proved the truth of the image, for this is in good sooth what his work was, a work which he hath continued to do through the Brethren of his Order. [Lectio5] But his wisdom and bravery were most chiefly shown in confounding the ~(Albigensian) heretics, who were fain, with their pestilential falsehoods, to corrupt the people of the county of Toulouse. In this business he spent seven years. Afterwards he came to Rome to the Fourth Lateran Council, along with the Bishop of Toulouse, that the Order which he had founded might be confirmed by Innocent III. While the matter was under consideration, Dominick, by the advice of the Pope, went home, that he might put his Rule into shape. He returned again to Rome (in 1216,) and obtained from Honorius III., the immediate successor of Innocent, the confirmation of the Order of Preachers. At Rome Dominic founded two Convents, one for men, and one for women. He raised three dead men to life, and worked many other miracles, where through the Order of Preachers became exceedingly spread abroad. [Lectio6] By his work convents were already during his life-time established in all countries, and almost countless persons embraced the life of prayer and godliness. In the year of Christ 1221 he fell sick of a fever at Bologna. When he understood that he was about to die, he called together his brethren and disciples, and exhorted them to innocence and uprightness. Lastly, he left to them as his legacy, love, lowliness, and poverty, and as the brethren were all praying, and the words were being said, "Come ye to help him, ye Saints of God run ye to meet him, ye Angels", he fell asleep in the Lord. It was the 6th day of August. Pope Gregory IX. afterwards placed his name among those of the Saints. [Lectio94] Born at Calaruega in Spain of the noble family of Guzman, Dominic studied the liberal arts and theology at Palencia. At first he was made a canon of the church of Osma; later he became the founder of the Order of Preachers. His genius and virtue were most conspicuous in the conversion of the heretics who were trying to pervert the people of Toulouse. He went to Rome and asked Pope Innocent III to approve and confirm his Order, and obtained this approval from his successor Honorius III. After seeing his efforts bring innumerable men to a religious and holy life, he bequeathed charity, humility and poverty as a solid heritage to his disciples, and fell asleep in the Lord at Bologna on the 6th day of August, 1221, while these words were being said: Come ye to help him, O ye Saints of God! run ye to meet him, O ye Angels! Pope Gregory IX enrolled him among the Saints. &teDeum