[Rank] Ss. Tiburtii et Susannae Virg. Martyrum;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C3 [Rule] vide C3; [Lectio93] !Commemoratio for the Holy Martyrs Tiburtius and Susanna. Tibutrius was son to Chromatius, Praefect of the city of Rome, and was converted to Christianity by holy Sebastian. On this account he was brought before Fabian the judge, and spake boldly in his presence many things concerning belief in Christ. Then Fabian broke out in anger and caused the pavement to be spread with live coals. Now, Tiburtius, said he, thou must either sacrifice to our gods, or walk barefoot on these coals. Tiburtius armed himself with the sign of the Cross and walked boldly on the coals. Learn from this, said he, that there is no God but He whom the Christians worship; for the coals are to me like flowers. For this (in the year 286) he was credited with art magic, led forth without the city and smitten with the sword at the third milestone on the Lavican Road, where he was buried by the Christians. On the same day, (about the year 295,) the noble maiden Susanna, having refused the offer of marriage of Galerius Maximianus, son to the Emperor Diocletian, because she had made a vow of her virginity to God, after diverse torments wherewith her holy resolution was tried, was smitten with the sword, in her own house, by order of the Emperor, and passed to heaven to receive the double reward of virginity and martyrdom. &teDeum [Oratio] Lord, let the constant succour of Thine holy Martyrs Tiburtius and Susanna continually defend us, for Thou never failest to look in mercy upon all them unto whom Thou dost grant the aid of such helpers. $Per Dominum