[Rank] Quarta die infra Octavam S. Laurentii;;Semiduplex;;2;;vide Sancti/08-10 [Rule] vide Sancti/08-10; 9 lectiones [Lectio4] Let us not pass by the holy Lawrence, who began to weep when he saw Sixtus his Bishop being led to martyrdom, not because Sixtus was going to suffer, but because he himself was going to remain behind. And so he began to say to him such words as these Father, whither goest thou without thy son Holy Priest, dost thou fare hence without a Deacon It hath never been thy use to offer sacrifice without a minister. What therefore in me hath displeased thee, my Father Hast thou tried me and found me unworthy to be called thy son Make trial if I am indeed an useless servant, even I, whom thou didst choose to commit unto me the administration of the cup of the Blood of the Lord unto me, to whom thou gavest part in the celebration of the Sacraments, dost thou refuse part with thee in thy blood-shedding [Lectio5] !Lib. 2., cap. 28., post medium. When he was asked for the treasures of the Church, he answered that he would show them. The next day he brought the poor. When he was asked where were the treasures which he had promised, he pointed to the poor and said These are the treasures of the Church. And in good sooth, he was right. They are treasures indeed, in whom Christ is, and in whom the belief in Christ is. The Apostle saith We have this treasure in earthen vessels. (2 Cor. iv. 7.) What better treasures hath Christ than they in whom He hath said that He Himself is For thus is it written I was an hungered, and ye gave Me meat I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink I was a stranger, and ye took Me in, and then Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me. (Matth. xxv. 35, 40.) These were the treasures which Lawrence showed, and he had the better of his persecutors, for these were treasures which they could not take away. [Lectio6] Was it not said to blessed Lawrence Thou hadst no right to disperse the riches of the Church, or to sell the vessels which were used for the Sacraments If any man is to do thus, it is a thing which must be done with the most upright honesty and the most wise discretion. If any man do it for his own profit, it is surely a sin, but if it be done to help the poor or redeem slaves, it is a work of mercy. For no man can say, Why doth the needy live or, Why ought we to ransom slaves No man can challenge it, if it be done to build the temple of God. No man can rebuke it, if a rule be stretched to bury the remains of the faithful. No man can grieve that the departed find rest in Christian burial-places. For these three objects it is lawful to break, melt down, or sell the vessels of the Church, even after they have been in use. [Lectio7] From the Holy Gospel according to John !John 12:25-27 At that time Jesus said unto His disciples Amen, Amen I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone. And so on. _ Continuation of the Homily by St. Augustine, Bishop (of Hippo. As on Aug. 11.) He which suffereth martyrdom hath followed Christ, even to the point of having that love, greater than which no man hath, even that a man lay down his life for his friends. (John xv. 13.) Hereby also he hath laid down his life for Christ, Who hath said touching His members Inasmuch as ye have done it unto these, ye have done it unto Me. (Matth. xxv. 35, 40.) Such a servant as this He was pleased to make and to call Himself, as He saith: The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many. ~(Matth. xx. 28.) A servant of Christ, therefore, is so called for the same reason that Christ is called, a servant. And thus it cometh that if any man serve Christ, him will the Father honour, even with the great honour that, where His Son is, there shall also His servant be and his joy will never wane. [Lectio8] When, therefore, my brethren, ye hear how that the Lord saith Where I am, there shall also My servant be, think not that He speaketh only of good Bishops and Clergymen. Do ye also do your little to serve Christ, by living well, by giving alms, and by proclaiming His Name and doctrine to such as ye can. Let every man who is father of a family know that this very name implieth that he should bear them a fatherly love. For Christ and for life eternal let him warn, teach, exhort, correct all that belong to him let him shew kindness, let him use discipline upon them. And so shall he discharge in his own house the office of the Church and, as it were, of a Bishop, serving Christ, that where He is, there also he may be. [Commemoratio] !Commemoratio Ss. Marti Hippolity and Cassiano @Commune/C3:Oratio proper $Oremus Grant, we beseech Thee, O Almighty God, that the worshipful Feast of Thy blessed Martyrs Hippolytus and Cassian may avail us to the increase both of godliness toward Thee, and healthfulness to our own souls. $Per Dominum [Commemoratio 3] !Commemoration of S. Eusebius, Confessor Ant. I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. _ V. The Lord loved him and beautified him. R. He clothed him with a robe of glory. _ $Oremus O God, Who, year by year, dost gladden us by the solemn Feast-day of Thy blessed Confessor, Eusebius, mercifully grant unto all who keep his birthday, grace to follow his steps toward thee. $Per Dominum