[Rank] Quinta die infra Octavam S. Assumptionis;;Semiduplex;;2;;vide sancti/08-15 [Rule] vide sancti/08-15; 9 lectiones [Lectio1] !Song 5:8-12 8 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, that you tell him that I languish with love. 9 What manner of one is thy beloved of the beloved, O thou most beautiful among women? what manner of one is thy beloved of the beloved, that thou hast so adjured us? 10 My beloved is white and ruddy, chosen out of thousands. 11 His head is as the finest gold: his locks as branches of palm trees, black as a raven. 12 His eyes as doves upon brooks of waters, which are washed with milk, and sit beside the plentiful streams. [Responsory1] @Sancti/08-15:Responsory1 [Lectio2] !Song 6:1-5 1 My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the bed of aromatical spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies. 2 I to my beloved, and my beloved to me, who feedeth among the lilies. 3 Thou art beautiful, O my love, sweet and comely as Jerusalem: terrible as an army set in array. 4 Turn away thy eyes from me, for they have made me flee away. thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from Galaad. 5 thy teeth as a flock of sheep, which come up from the washing, all with twins, and there is none barren among them. [Responsory2] @Sancti/08-15:Responsory2 [Lectio3] !Song 6:8-12 8 One is my dove, my perfect one is but one, she is the only one of her mother, the chosen of her that bore her. The daughters saw her, and declared her most blessed: the queens and concubines, and they praised her. 9 Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array? 10 I went down into the garden of nuts, to see the fruits of the valleys, and to look if the vineyard had flourished, and the pomegranates budded. 11 I knew not: my soul troubled me for the chariots of Aminadab. 12 Return, return, O Sulamitess: return, return that we may behold thee. [Responsory3] @Sancti/08-15:Responsory3 [Lectio4] De Sermone sancti Joannis Damasceni. !Orat. 2. de Dormitione Deiparae, sub finem. Ex antiqua accepimus traditione, quod tempore gloriosae dormitionis beatae Virginis, universi quidem sancti Apostoli, qui orbem terrae ad salutem Gentium peragrabant, momento tomporis in sublime elati, convenerunt Jerosolymis: cumque illic essent, eis visio apparuit angelica, et audita est psalmodia coelestium Potestatum; et sic cum divina gloria in manus Dei sanctam tradidit animam. Ejus autem corpus, quod Deum ineffabili quadam ratione suscepit, cura angelica et apostolica hymnodia elatum, in loculo fuit depositum Gethsemane: quo in loco Angelorum cantus mansit tres dies continuos. [Responsory4] @Sancti/08-15:Responsory4 [Lectio5] Post tres autem dies angelico cantu cessante, qui aderant Apostoli cum unus Thomas, qui abfuerat, post tertiura diera venisset, et quod Deum susceperat, corpus adorare voluisset, tumulum aperuerunt; sed orani ex parte sacrum ejus corpus nequaquam invenire potuerunt. Cum ea autem tantum invenissent, in quibus fuerat compositura, et ineffabili, qui ex iis proficiscebatur, essent odore repleti, loculum clauserunt. Ejus mysterii obstupefacti miraculo hoc solum cogitare potuerunt, quod cui placuit ex Maria Virgine carnem suniere, et hominera fieri et nasci, cura esset Deus Verbum, et Dominus gloriae: quique post partura incoruptam servavit ejus virginitatem, eidem etiam placuit et ipsius, postquara migravit, iramaculatum corpus, incorruptum servatum, translatione honorare ante communem et universalem resurrectionem. [Responsory5] @Sancti/08-15:Responsory5 [Lectio6] Aderant tunc cum Apostolis sanctissimus Timotheus, primus episcopus Ephesiorum, et Dionysius Areopagita, sicut ipse testatur in iis, quae de beato Hierotheo, qui ipse quoque tunc aderat, scripsit ad praedictum Timotheum, sic dicens: Nam etiam apud ipsos a Deo afflatos sacrorum antistites, quando nos quoque, ut nosti, et multi ex sanctis nostris fratribus, ad contuendum corpus, quod vitae principium dedit, et Deum suscepit, convenissemus (aderat autem et Domini frater Jacobus, et Petrus, suprema et antiquissima theologdrum summitas): et viso sacro corpore, placuit omnibus, prout quisque poterat, hymnis celebrare infinitam bonitatem divinae potentiae. [Responsory6] @Sancti/08-15:Responsory6 [Lectio7] From the Holy Gospel according to Luke !Luke 10:38-42 At that time Jesus entered into a certain village, and a woman named Martha received Him into her house. And so on. _ Homily by St. Augustine, Bishop (of Hippo.) !27th on the Words of the Lord. The troubling about many things passeth away, but the love for the one thing remaineth. Therefore that which Mary hath chosen shall not But that which thou hast chosen, O Martha, it must needs follow, it must needs be understood, shall be taken away from thee. But it will be taken away from thee for thy good, that that which is better may be given unto thee. Work will be taken away from thee that thou mayest rest. Thou art on the voyage Mary is already in port. [Responsory7] @Sancti/08-15:Responsory7 [Lectio8] Ye see then, my dearly beloved brethren, and, as I think, ye now understand that in these two women, who were both well-pleasing in the sight of the Lord, both lovely, both disciples, ye see, I say, and whosoever ye be that understand, ye understand something great, which ye also that do not understand ought to hear and know, that in these two women there were figured two lives, that which now is, and that which is to come, the toilful and the restful, the sorrowing and the blessed, the temporal and the eternal. [Responsory8] @Sancti/08-15:Responsory8 [Lectio9] There are two lives. Think more about them. Whatsoever this present life hath, I say not of evil, not of wickedness, not of crime, not of uncleanness, not of ungodliness, but toilsome and full of troubles, chastened by fears, and tried by temptations, so, I say, is even the guileless life which Martha must have. Look into this, then, as well as ye can, and, as I have said, think more about it than I speak. There was no wrong life in that house, either in the case of Martha, or in the case of Mary, and if ever there had been, it fled away when the Lord came in. &teDeum