[Rank] S. Bartholomaei Apostoli;;Duplex II classis;;5.5;;ex C1 [Rank1960] S. Bartholomaei Apostoli;;Duplex II classis;;5;;ex C1 [Rule] ex C1; 9 lectiones Psalmi Dominica Antiphonas horas [Oratio] O Almighty and everlasting God, Who hast given unto us this day to be a day worshipful, and holy, and joyful, because of the Feast of thy blessed Apostle Bartholomew, grant, we beseech thee, unto thy Church both to love that which he believed, and to preach that which he taught. $Per Dominum [Lectio4] The Apostle Bartholomew was a Galilean. In the division of the world among the Apostles it fell to his lot to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in hither India. He went thither and preached to those nations the coming of the Lord Jesus, according to the Gospel of St. Matthew. When he had turned many in that province to Jesus Christ, and had endured many toils and woes, he came into the Greater Armenia. [Lectio5] There he brought to the Christian faith Polymius the King, and his wife, and likewise the inhabitants of twelve cities. This stirred up a great hatred against him among the priests of that nation. They so inflamed against the Apostle Astyages the brother of King Polymius, that he savagely ordered Bartholomew to be flayed alive and beheaded; under the which martyrdom he gave up his soul to God. [Lectio6] His body was buried at the town of Albanopolis in the Greater Armenia, where he had suffered. It was afterwards taken to the Island of Lipari, and thence carried to Benevento. Lastly, the Emperor Otto III brought it to Rome, where it was laid in the Church dedicated to God in his name on the Island in the Tiber. [Lectio6] (rubrica tridentina) His body was buried at the town of Albanopolis in the Greater Armenia, where he had suffered. It was afterwards taken to the Island of Lipari, and thence carried to Benevento. Lastly, the Emperor Otho III. brought it to Rome, where it was laid in the Church dedicated to God in his name on the Island in the Tiber. His Feast is kept at Rome upon the 25th day of August, and is celebrated by great crowds of people at the Church above mentioned, during the eight days following. [Lectio7] From the Holy Gospel according to Luke !Luke 6:12-19 At that time Jesus went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, He called unto Him His disciples. And so on. _ Homily by St. Ambrose, Bishop (of Milan.) !Bk. v. Comment. on Luke 6 All they who go up into the mountain are the great and the aspiring. It is not to every man that the Prophet saith: O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, get thee up into the high mountain, Thou that tellest good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with strength. (Isa. xl. 9.) Not with bodily feet, but by high deeds get thee up into this mountain, and follow Christ, that thou mayest be a mountain thyself. Therefore it is that thou findest in the Gospel that none but His disciples went up into the mountain with the Lord. The Lord therefore prayeth, not to entreat anything for Himself, but to obtain somewhat for me. For, albeit the Father had given the Son power over all flesh, that He might give eternal life to as many as He had given Him, (John xvii. 2,) the Son Himself, being found in fashion as a man, (Phil. ii. 8,) thinketh well to pray the Father (John xiv. 16) on our behalf, inasmuch as He is our Advocate with the Father, (1 John ii. 1.) [Lectio8] And continued all night in prayer to God. Herein, O Christian, a pattern is set before thee, an example is given thee, after the which thou oughtest to aspire. What doth it not behove thee to do for thy salvation, when Christ spent an whole night in prayer for the same What doth it become thee to do, when thou willest some good work, when Christ prayed before He sent forth His Apostles He prayed first, and He prayed alone. Neither, unless I am mistaken, do we anywhere find that He ever joined in prayer with His disciples. He ever prayed alone. Human desires cannot grasp the counsel of God, nor can any man, however spiritually minded, share the thoughts of God. [Lectio9] The Evangelist continueth thus: And when it was day, He called unto Him His disciples and of them He chose twelve whom He sent forth to help the salvation of men by sowing the seed of the faith throughout the whole world. Consider here the counsel of heaven. He chose out for His mission men, not wise, nor rich, nor noble, but fishermen and publicans, lest He should seem to have converted any to His grace by skill, or bought them with money, or drawn them by the power and authority of greatness, and the simple force of the truth, not the charms of argument, might have the victory. &teDeum