[Rank] S. Rosae a Sancta Maria Limanae Virginis;;Duplex;;3;;vide C6 [RankNewcal] S. Rosae a Sancta Maria Limanae Virginis;;Duplex optional;;2;;vide C6 [Rule] vide C6; 9 lectiones [Oratio] Almighty God, from Whom cometh down every good and perfect gift, and Who didst cause the dew of thy grace to fall early from heaven upon this blessed Rose, making the same to blossom in the Indies, as a flower whose loveliness was virginity and long-suffering, grant unto thy servants, who do run after the smell of her perfumes, worthily themselves to become a sweet savour unto Christ. $Qui tecum [Commemoratio] !Commemoration of St. Felix and Adauctus, Martyrs @Commune/C3:Oratio proper $Oremus v. We humbly beseech thy Majesty, O Lord, that as Thou dost make us exceeding glad at the remembrance of thine holy servants, so Thou wouldest ever shelter us under their prayers. $Per Dominum [Lectio4] The first flower of holiness which came to full blossom in South America, was the maiden Rose. She was born at Lima, of a Christian father and mother, (upon the 20th of April, in the year 1586,) and was remarkable from her childhood for marks of saintliness. The occasion of her name was a strange likeness to a rose, which her face assumed when she was a babe. To this name she afterwards added that of the Virgin Mother of God, desiring to be called St. Mary's Rose. At the age of fifteen years she uttered a vow of perpetual virginity. As she grew older, lest her parents should force her to marry, she polled her head of all her hair, which was very beautiful. She fasted to a degree almost superhuman, passing whole Lents without taking bread, and eating day by day only five pips of a lime. [Lectio5] She took the habit of the Third Order of St. Dominic, and then doubled her former severities. She wore a long and very rough hair-cloth, into which she inserted small pins. She wore day and night under her veil a crown, the inner side of which was armed with pricks. In imitation of the hard steps of St Katharine of Sienna, she girded her loins with a threefold iron chain. She made to herself a bed of knotty sticks, and filled the gaps with broken bits of potsherd. She built herself a very small hut in the farthest corner of the garden, where she gave herself up to thoughts of heavenly things, and to punishing her body with often scourging, starvation, and sleeplessness. But she waxed strong in spirit, and though she often had to fight with evil ghosts, she conquered them, fearlessly prostrated them, and triumphed over them. [Lectio6] She suffered greatly from painful illnesses, from the maltreatment of the servants, and from slanderous accusations, but still complained that she did not suffer as much as she deserved. For fifteen years she pined in misery from desolation and dryness of spirit, bravely enduring torments worse than any form of death. After this period she began to overflow with consolation, to be enlightened by visions, and to melt with love like a Seraph's. She attained, by the frequency of visions, to a strange personal familiarity with her Guardian Angel, with St. Katharine of Sienna, and with the Virgin Mother of God, and she earned from Christ the words, Rose of My Heart, be thou My bride. She was famous for many miracles, both before and after she departed hence, and was happily transplanted into the Bridegroom's garden, (upon the 24th of August 1617, being aged 31 years.) Pope Clement X. with solemn pomp inscribed her name in the list of holy maidens. [Lectio93] !Commemoration for the Holy Martyrs. Felix was arrested in the reign of the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian, on the charge of having embraced the Christian Faith, and was brought to the temple of Serapis. When he was ordered to offer sacrifice, he spat in the face of the brazen idol, which thereupon fell down. When this happened a second and third time in the temples of Mercury and Diana, he was accused of impiety and magic, and tortured upon the rack. It was not long, however, before he was led out to the second mile-stone upon the road to Ostia, to be smitten with the axe. As they were on the way thither, they chanced to meet a certain Christian, who, when he knew that Felix was going to finish his testimony, said aloud, I live by the same law as he doth I worship the same Christ Jesus. And therewith he kissed Felix, and they were beheaded together, upon the 30th day of August. What the name of the second person was the Christians never knew, and he is therefore honoured under the title of Him-who-was-added x that is, added to the company of the Holy Martyr Felix in winning of the crown. &teDeum [Lectio94] The first flower of holiness in South America was the maiden Rose. She was born of Christian parents at Lima and in her cradle early gave signs of her future sanctity, for the child's face was wonderfully transformed into the likeness of a rose, and this gave her her name. Lest she be compelled by her parents to marry, she secretly cut off her lovely hair. The austerity of her life was most singular. She took the habit of the Third Order of St. Dominic and followed the difficult path of St. Catherine of Siena. For fifteen years, she would suffer terribly for hours at a time from desolation of spirit and from aridity, and bravely bore agonies more bitter than any death. Through frequent apparitions, she enjoyed a wonderful companionship with her Guardian Angel, St. Catherine of Siena, and the Virgin Mother of God, and she was privileged to hear Christ say these words, Rose of my Heart, be thou my bride. Famous for many miracles both before and after her death, she was enrolled in the list of holy Virgins by Pope Clement X. &teDeum