[Rank] Nativitate Beatae Mariae Virginis;;Duplex II classis cum Octava simplici;;5.1;;ex C11 [Rank1960] Nativitate Beatae Mariae Virginis;;Duplex II classis cum Octava simplici;;5;;vide C11 [Rule] ex C11; 9 lectiones Psalmi Dominica Antiphonas horas Doxology=Nat [Ant Vespera] This day was born the glorious Virgin Mary, * a child of the seed of Abraham, a daughter of the tribe of Judah, a Princess of the lineage of David.;;109 This day is the Birthday of the holy Virgin Mary, * whose famous life still sheddeth lustre upon all the Churches.;;112 Mary was a maiden of illustrious birth, * the daughter of a Kingly race. We earnestly entreat her to help our minds and souls by her prayers.;;121 With all our heart and with all our soul let us sing praise to Christ * on this the solemn Feast-day of Mary, the mighty Mother of God.;;126 Let us keep with rejoicing the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, * that she may pray for us to our Lord Jesus Christ.;;147 [Versum 1] V. This day is the Birthday of the holy Virgin Mary. R. Whose famous life still sheddeth lustre upon all the Churches. [Ant 1] Let us tell again * of the right worthy Birth of the glorious Virgin Mary, who gained the honour of Motherhood without losing the guilelessness of a Maid. [Oratio] Grant unto us thy servants, we beseech thee, O Lord, the gift of thy heavenly grace, unto whom Thou didst give the first sight of a Saviour as the offspring of a Blessed Virgin, and grant that this Feast, which they keep in honour of the same Virgin, may avail them unto the increase of peace. $Per Dominum [Invit] Let us keep the Birthday of the Virgin Mary. * Let us worship Christ, her Son, and her Lord and ours. [Responsory1] R. This day was the Blessed Virgin Mary born of the lineage of David. * The same is she through whom the salvation of the world hath been manifested before the eyes of all believers. This is she whose glorious life hath given light to the world. V. Let us keep with rejoicing the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. R. The same is she through whom the salvation of the world hath been manifested before the eyes of all believers. This is she whose glorious life hath given light to the world. [Responsory2] R. Let us keep right heartily the Birthday of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, * That she may pray for us to our Lord Jesus Christ. V. Let us keep with right hearty rejoicing the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. R. That she may pray for us to our Lord Jesus Christ. [Responsory3] R. Let us tell again of the right worthy Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. * The same is she whose lowliness the Lord regarded, she who by the message of an Angel conceived the Saviour of the world. V. Let us keep right earnestly the Birthday of the most Blessed Virgin Mary. R. The same is she whose lowliness the Lord regarded, she who by the message of an Angel conceived the Saviour of the world. &Gloria R. The same is she whose lowliness the Lord regarded, she who by the message of an Angel conceived the Saviour of the world. [Lectio4] From the Sermons of St. Augustine, Bishop (of Hippo.) !18th on the Saints. Dearly beloved brethren, the day for which we have longed, the Feast-day of the Blessed and Worshipful and Ever-Virgin Mary, that day is come. Let our land laugh and sing with merriment, bathed in the glory of this great Virgin's rising. She is the flower of the fields on which the priceless lily of the valleys hath blossomed. This is she whose delivery changed the nature that we draw from our first parents, and cleansed away their offence. At her that dolorous sentence which was pronounced over Eve ended its course to her it was never said: "In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children." (Gen. iii. 16.) She brought forth a Child, even the Lord, but she brought Him forth, not in sorrow, but in joy. [Responsory4] R. This day was born the glorious Virgin Mary, a child of the seed of Abraham, a daughter of the tribe of Judah, a Princess of the lineage of David. * This is she whose famous life still sheddeth lustre upon all the Churches. V. This day was the Blessed Virgin Mary born of the lineage of David. R. This is she whose famous life still sheddeth lustre upon all the Churches. [Lectio5] Eve wept, but Mary laughed. Eve's womb was big with tears, but Mary's womb was big with gladness. Eve gave birth to a sinner, but Mary gave birth to the sinless One. The mother of our race brought punishment into the world, but the Mother of our Lord brought salvation into the world. Eve was the foundress of sin, but Mary was the foundress of righteousness. Eve welcomed death, but Mary helped in life. Eve smote, but Mary healed. For Eve's disobedience, Mary offered obedience and for Eve's unbelief, Mary offered faith. [Responsory5] R. Let us keep with rejoicing the Birthday of the Blessed Mary, * That she may pray for us to our Lord Jesus Christ. V. With all our heart and with all our soul let us sing praise to Christ on this the solemn Feastday of Mary the mighty Mother of God. R. That she may pray for us to our Lord Jesus Christ. [Lectio6] Let Mary now make a loud noise upon the organ, and between its quick notes let the rattling of the Mother's timbrel be heard. Let the gladsome choirs sing with her, and their sweet hymns mingle with the changing music. Hearken to what a song her timbrel will make accompaniment. She saith: "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For He hath regarded the lowliness of His hand-maiden, for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed for He That is Mighty hath done to me great things." The new miracle of Mary's delivery hath effaced the curse of the frail backslider, and the singing of Mary hath silenced the wailing of Eve. [Responsory6] R. Thy Birth, O Virgin Mother of God, was a message of joy to the whole world; * For out of thee rose the Sun of righteousness, even Christ our God, Who hath taken away the curse and brought a blessing, confounded death, and given unto us everlasting life. V. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb. R. For out of thee rose the Sun of righteousness, even Christ our God. &Gloria R. Who hath taken away the curse and brought a blessing, confounded death, and given unto us everlasting life. [Lectio7] From the Holy Gospel according to Matthew !Matt 1:1-17 The Book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac begat Jacob. And so on. _ Homily by St. Jerome, Priest (at Bethlehem.) !Bk. i. Comm. on Matth. In Isaiah (liii. 8) we read: "Who shall declare His generation?" Let us not think that there is any contradiction between the Prophet and the Evangelist, because the Prophet saith that this thing cannot be done, and the Evangelist beginneth by doing it. The one speaketh of the generation of the Divine (Word by the Eternal Father,) the other of the (family in which the) Incarnation (took place.) Matthew beginneth with carnal things, that by learning of men we may go on to learn of God. "The Son of David, the son of Abraham." The reversal of the order in these clauses is a needful change. If Abraham had been put first and David afterwards, Abraham would have had to be taken again, in order to marshal the pedigree properly. [Responsory7] R. All generations shall call me blessed, * For the Lord that is mighty hath magnified me, and holy is his Name. V. And his mercy is on them that fear him throughout all generations. R. For the Lord that is mighty hath magnified me, and holy is his Name. [Lectio8] Matthew first calleth Christ the Son of these twain Abraham and David without making mention of the others, because unto these twain only was promise of Christ made unto Abraham, where it is said: "In thy seed" (that is, in Christ) "shall all the nations of the earth be blessed," (Gen. xxii. 18) and unto David, in the words "Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne." (Ps. cxxxi. 11.) "And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar." It is to be remarked that in the genealogy of the Saviour none of the holy women are named, but those women only are named against whom the Scripture hath to say something amiss. He Who came to save sinners was born of sinners, that He might wash away all sin. Afterwards are named Ruth, who was a Moabitess, and Bathsheba, who had been the wife of Uriah. [Responsory8] R. Blessed are thou, O holy Virgin Mary, and most worthy of all praise, * For out of thee arose the Sun of Righteousness, even Christ our God. V. Pray for the people, plead for the clergy, entreat for all women dedicated to God: let everyone that keepeth holy-day in honour of thy Birthday know the benefit of thine intercession. R. For out of thee arose the Sun of Righteousness. &Gloria R. Even Christ our God. [Lectio9] !Commemoration for the holy Martyr Adrian. Adrian was a man who was employed by the Emperor Maximian to persecute the Christians of Nicomedia. The firmness with which they owned their faith and endured their torments oftentimes excited his wonder, and at last so powerfully moved him that he himself turned to Christ. For this he was thrown into prison along with three-and-twenty other Christians. There he was visited by Natalia his wife, who also herself already had believed in Christ, and by her urged on to lift up his testimony. When he was brought out of prison he was lashed until his bowels fell out. His shins were then broken, and his hands and feet cut off, whereafter, in company with many others, he brought to an happy end the conflict of martyrdom. &teDeum [Lectio9](rubrica 1960) And Jacob begat Joseph. Julian Augustus citeth this passage as an example of the lack of harmony among the Evangelists. Matthew the Evangelist saith that Joseph was the son of Jacob; Luke calleth him the son of Eli. But Julian did not understand scriptural custom. One writer may refer to a father according to nature, another to a father according to the law. We know that by God's command Moses laid down a law that should a man die without children his brother or his nearest relative was to marry the widow to raise up seed to the dead man. Joseph was the husband of Mary. When you hear the word husband do not entertain the notion of marriage in the usual sense. In the language of the Scriptures a betrothed pair were often called husband and wife. &teDeum [Ant Laudes] This day was born the glorious Virgin Mary, * a child of the seed of Abraham, a daughter of the tribe of Judah, a Princess of the lineage of David. This day is the Birthday of the holy Virgin Mary, * whose famous life still sheddeth lustre upon all the Churches. Mary was a maiden of illustrious birth, * the daughter of a Kingly race. We earnestly entreat her to help our minds and souls by her prayers. With all our heart and with all our soul let us sing praise to Christ * on this the solemn Feast-day of Mary, the mighty Mother of God. Let us keep with rejoicing the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, * that she may pray for us to our Lord Jesus Christ. [Ant 2] Let us this day keep solemnly * the Birthday of Mary, Mother but still Maiden, her Birth, a step toward the loftiness of her throne. Alleluia. [Commemoratio] !Commemoration of St. Adrian, Martyr @Commune/C2:Oratio proper $Oremus v. Grant, we beseech thee, that we who celebrate the feast of blessed Adrian, martyr, may also enjoy his intercession. $Per Dominum [Ant 3] Thy Birth, * O Virgin Mother of God, was a message of joy to the whole world, for out of thee rose the Sun of righteousness, even Christ our God. Who hath taken away the curse and brought a blessing, confounded death, and given unto us everlasting life. [Octava] !Commemoration of the Octave of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ant. Thy Birth * O Virgin Mother of God, was a message of joy to the whole world, for out of thee rose the Sun of righteousness, even Christ our God. Who hath taken away the curse and brought a blessing, confounded death, and given unto us everlasting life. _ V. This day is the Birthday of the holy Virgin Mary. R. Whose famous life still sheddeth lustre upon all the Churches. _ $Oremus. v. Grant unto us thy servants, we beseech thee, O Lord, the gift of thy heavenly grace, unto whom Thou didst give the first sight of a Saviour as the offspring of a Blessed Virgin, and grant that this Feast, which they keep in honour of the same Virgin, may avail them unto the increase of peace. $Per Dominum