[Rank] Ss. Proti et Hyacinthi Martyrum;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C3 [Rule] vide C3 [Lectio93] !Commemoratio for the holy Martyrs Protus and Hyacinth. Protus and Hyacinth were brethren, eunuchs of the blessed Virgin Eugenia, and were baptized along with her by Bishop Helenus. They gave themselves to the study of God's Word, and dwelt for a while in wonderful lowliness and holiness of life in a monastery in Egypt. However, they afterwards followed the holy Virgin Eugenia to Rome, in the reign of the Emperor Gallienus, and were arrested in that city for professing the Christian faith. By no means could they be brought to leave the Christian religion and to worship the gods, and they were therefore severely scourged and beheaded, upon the 11th day of September. &teDeum [Oratio] O Lord, we beseech thee, that the feast of thy blessed Martyrs and Bishops Protus and Hyacinth may keep us, and their worshipful prayers commend us. $Per Dominum