[Rank] S. Remigii Episcopi Confessoris;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C4 [Rule] vide C4;mtv [Oratio] Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that we who celebrate the feast of Remigius, bishop, also enjoy his intercession. $Per Dominum [Lectio93] Remigius, Archbishop of Rheims, flourished in the time of Chlodwig, King of the Franks, whom he baptised, and was the first who, by his preaching and miracles, brought the Franks to believe in the Lord Christ. At his prayers, a dead maiden was raised to life. He expounded many books of the Holy Scriptures. He ministered to the Church of Rheims with the utmost acceptance for above three score and ten years, and the holiness of his life and death were witnessed by many signs and wonders which befell afterwards. &teDeum