[Rank] S. Francisci Confessoris;;Duplex majus;;4;;vide C5 [Rule] vide C5; 9 lectiones [Oratio] O God, Who didst use the worthy deeds of thy blessed servant Francis as a mean whereby to make thy Church again the mother of children, grant that we like him may set little price by earthly things, and attain unto a portion of those good things which Thou givest in heaven. $Per Dominum [Lectio4] Francis was born at Assisi in Umbria, (in the year of our Lord 11 82.) From his early youth he followed the example of his father, (Peter Bernardone,) and busied himself with merchandise. It befell one day that, contrary to his usage, he had thrust from him a beggar, who cried for money for Christ's sake, when, being cut to the heart with regret, he gave him large alms, and promised to God from that day forth never to deny to any that asked of him. He fell after this into a grievous sickness, and from the time that he was healed thereof, he gave himself more earnestly to works of love for his neighbour. At length he became fain in this sort to be perfect, even as the Lord hath said in the Gospel, ~(Matth. xix. 21,) and gave to the poor whatsoever he had. His father would not have it so, and brought him before the Bishop of Assisi, that he might renounce all right to any inheritance. He cheerfully gave up all to his father, even to his clothes, telling them that now he should be able with more utter dependence to say Our Father, Who art in heaven. [Lectio5] Upon the 24th day of February, in the year 1209,) he heard read the words of the Gospel Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes. (Matth. x. 9, 10.) Thereupon he determined that that should be his rule of living. He took off his shoes, and contented himself with one coat. When he had gathered twelve comrades, he founded the Order of Friars Minor. He went to Rome in the (same) year, to get from the Apostolic See a confirmation of his Order. When he came Pope Innocent III. thrust him away. Thereafter he dreamt that he saw the Church of the most Holy Saviour falling, and whom he had cast forth bearing it up with his shoulders. He bade therefore that he should be sought for and brought again before him, welcomed him kindly, and approved all the Rule which he had established. Francis therefore sent his Friars into all quarters of the world to preach the Gospel of Christ. He himself was fain to find some occasion of martyrdom, and therefore made a voyage into Syria, (in the year 1219,) but the Sultan treated him with the greatest kindness, offering him many gifts, and, since he could do no good, he returned again to Italy. [Lectio6] Towards the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, (in the year 1224), when there had already been built many houses of Friars of his Order, he withdrew himself into a most secret place upon Mount Alverno, and began to fast for forty days in honour of the holy Archangel Michael. Upon the Feast-day of the Uplifting of the Holy Cross, (as he was praying upon the side of the mountain,) he saw a vision of a crucified Seraph, which left in his hands and feet holes with nails therein, and in his side a great wound. Holy BuonaVentura hath left it in writing that he once heard Pope Alexander IV., when preaching, testify that he had himself seen these marks. It was a sign of such love of Christ toward him as stirred up the great wonder of all men. Two years thereafter he fell sick unto death, and was fain to be carried into the Church of St. Mary-of-the-Angels, that he might give up the breath of life in the same place where God had breathed into him the breath of the life of grace. Being there (laid on the earth, sprinkled with ashes, and covered with an old habit,) he exhorted the Friars to be poor and lowly, and to cleave to the faith of the Holy Church of Rome. (He then caused the Gospel of St. John to be read from the words Now before the feast of the Passover to the end,) after which he began to recite the 141st Psalm: I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and in uttering the words, the righteous wait for me, till Thou deal bountifully with me, he gave up the ghost. It was the 4th day of October, (in the year 1226.) He was famous for miracles, and Pope Gregory IX. added his name to the list of the Saints. [Lectio94] Francis was born at Assisi in Umbria and, following his fathers example, as a young man became a merchant. After recovering from a very serious illness he began most eagerly to undertake works of charity and, since his father indignantly objected, he gave up to him everything he had, adding that henceforth he had a better right to say, "Our Father who art in heaven." Having heard the Gospel. words concerning the poverty of Apostles, he took off his sandals and kept only one cloak and, when he had gained twelve disciples, founded the Order of Friars Minor. This was confirmed by Pope Innocent III, who had been divinely forewarned, and it spread in a wonderful way. Later Francis went to the solitude of Mount Alvernia where, on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, he received the stigmata from a Seraph carrying between his wings the image of the Crucified; the traces of the nails and the lance then appeared in his hands, feet and side. Two years afterwards he fell very ill and, in the Church of St. Mary of the Angels where he had received the spirit of grace from God, he exhorted the brothers to poverty, patience and the preservation of the faith of the holy Roman Church and, on October 4, most lovingly breathed forth his soul. &teDeum