[Rank] S. Marci Papae Confessoris;;Simplex;;1;;vide C4 [Rule] vide C4; [Oratio] Gratiously hear our supplications, O Lord, and for the sake of thy Blessed Confessor and Bishop Mark, grant to us in thy mercy both pardon and peace. $Per Dominum [Commemoratio] !Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus and Apuleius @Commune/C3:Oratio proper !Prayer Pause there to come upon us, O Lord, a grace from the blessed and worthy wrestling of thine holy Martyrs Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus, and Apuleius, fanning ever in us the fire of the love of thyself. $Per Dominum [Lectio93] !Commemoration of St. Mark, Pope This Mark was a Roman, who sat as Pope in the reign of the Emperor Constantine the Great. He ordained that the Bishop of Ostia, by whom the Bishop of Rome is consecrated, should use the Pallium. He built two Churches, one in the city and the other on the Ardeatine Way, which Constantine enlarged and richly gifted. Mark lived as Pope eight months, and was buried in the Cemetery of Balbina. &teDeum