@Sancti/10-07 [Rank] Festum Beatae Mariae Virginis a Rosario;;Duplex classis;;5;;ex C11 [Commemoratio] !Commemoration of St. Mark, Pope @Commune/C4:Oratio proper Gregem _ $Oremus Graciously hear our supplications, O Lord, and for the sake of thy Blessed Confessor and Bishop Mark, grant to us in thy mercy both pardon and peace. $Per Dominum [Hymnus Matutinum] @Sancti/10-07:Hymnus Vespera:s/To God the Three in.*//s @Sancti/10-07::s/^v. // [Lectio8] @Sancti/10-07::s/ If I think of any.*// [Lectio9] @Sancti/10-07:Lectio8:s/.* with godliness, with holiness\? //s &teDeum