[Rank] Tertia die infra Octavam Omnium Sanctorum;;Semiduplex;;2;;vide Sancti/11-01 [Rule] vide Sancti/11-01; 9 lectiones Quorum Festum [Lectio4] The Lesson is taken from the Sermons of St. Venerable Bede, the Priest !Ex Sermone 18. de Sanctis. Never shall there be discord anywhere there, but all things in harmony. For everywhere there, things are in such concord that all the Saints are at unity with each other in one peace and joy. Everywhere there, all things are tranquil and quiet. Perpetual is the splendour there; not like unto the sunlight which we know here, but a light which is the brighter, as it is the more blessed. For that city, as saith Scripture, needeth not the light of the sun, because the Lord Almighty doth enlighten it by the Lamb which is the Light thereof. There the Saints shall shine like as the brightness of the firmament, and they that have turned many to righteousness, as the stars, for ever and ever. [Lectio5] And so there is no night there, no darkness, no gathering of clouds, no asperity of heat or cold. But such is the nature of things there as no eye hath seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, except of those only who have been found worthy to enjoy it, whose names are written in the book of life; and who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, and are before the throne of God, serving him day and night. There is no old age anywhere there, nor misery of old age, for all are come to perfect manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. [Lectio6] But far above all these things is the fellowship there. That is, to enjoy the companionship of the heavenly citizens: to look upon the choirs of Angels and Archangels, of Thrones and Dominions, Principalities, Powers, and all the heavenly Virtues on high: and to behold the army of the Saints shining more gloriously than the stars; of the Patriarchs glowing with faith; of the Prophets rejoicing in hope; of the Apostles judging the world reformed into twelve tribes of the new Israel; of the Martyrs resplendent in their ruddy crowns of victory; and of the Virgins wearing garlands of the purest white. [Lectio7] From the Holy Gospel according to Matthew !Matt 5:1-12 At that time, Jesus, seeing the multitudes, went up into a mountain, and when he was set down, his disciples came unto him. And so on. _ Homily by St. Augustine the Bishop !Ex Lib. 1. de Serm. Domini in monte. Cap. 2.et 3. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. How foolish therefore be they that seek God with their outward eyes, since it is in the heart that he is seen. Thus it is written elsewhere: In simplicity of heart seek him. For a pure heart is one that hath the simplicity of single-mindedness. And just as light can be seen only insofar as the bodily eyes have clear vision, so God can be seen only insofar as the heart is clear by reason of its single-mindedness of purpose. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. Peace is perfect where there is no strife. And the children of God are peacemakers because there is nothing in them which withstandeth God. And surely children ought to be like unto their father. [Lectio8] Peacemakers are all those that have peace within themselves. That is, those who have set all the passions of their souls in order. This they do by subjecting their passions to reason, namely, to the mind and spirit. Thus, by conquering their fleshly desires, they have made of themselves a little kingdom of God. In this kingdom, everything is ordered into an harmonious whole, by virtue of the fact that the element which chief and pre-eminent in man (namely, mind or reason) ruleth, without resistance, over the elements which we have in common with the beasts. And in this fashion, the element of mind or reason, which is pre-eminent in man, is made subject to something pre-eminent to itself, namely, the Truth, even the Only-Begotten Son of God. For no one is able to govern except he be subject unto the higher powers. Now, herein we have set forth the peace which is given on earth to men of good-will. This is the life of one who is thoroughly and completely wise. [Lectio9] From a kingdom such as this, which is a state of complete peace and order, the prince of this world is cast out. For he is one that can rule only through perversity and disorder. When this peace hath been inwardly established and confirmed, then whatever persecutions the prince of this world, who is now cast out, shall stir up from without, he only increaseth the glory which doth redound to God. For he is unable to tear down anything in that which is so upbuilt. And by the failure of his machinations, he doth but make manifest the strength with which it hath been inwardly built. Hence it followeth: Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. &teDeum