[Rank] In Octavam Omnium Sanctorum;;Duplex majus;;4;;vide Sancti/11-01 [RankTrident] ln Octavam Omnium Sanctorum;;Duplex majus;;4.1;;ex Sancti/11-01 [Rule] vide Sancti/11-01; 9 lectiones Quorum Festum [Commemoratio] !Commemoration of the Four Crowned Martyrs @Commune/C3:Oratio proper $Oremus. Grant, we beseech thee, O Almighty God, that we who know thy glorious witnesses to have been in their testifying leal toward thee, may feel, now that they are with thee, that they are in their prayers pitiful towards us. $Per Dominum [Lectio4] From the Book upon Death, written by the holy Martyr Cyprian, Bishop (of Carthage.) !At end Dearly beloved brethren, we should keep well in our mind and thoughts that we are living here meanwhile as strangers and pilgrims. Let us hail that day which will see us each at home in one of the many mansions, which will see us delivered hence, and disentangled from the nets and snares of things temporal, and put us back into the Garden of Eden, and into the kingdom of heaven. Is there any in a far country but is quick to make his way to his Fatherland? Was ever any in haste to make his voyage homeward, but longed for a fair wind, that he might the sooner embrace his loved ones? [Lectio5] We reckon Paradise to be our home; already we begin to have the Patriarchs for our kinsmen. Why should we not make haste and run, to see our home, and to greet our kinsfolk? There are a great many of those we love waiting for us there father, and mother, and brothers, and children, there in great company they await us, they who are sure now never to die any more, but not yet sure of us. O, when we come to see them and to embrace them, what gladness will it be both for us and for them! O, what will be the brightness of life in that heavenly kingdom where there is no more fear of death, but the certainty of living everlastingly! O, what consummated, O, what enduring happiness? [Lectio6] There is the glorious company of the Apostles, there is the jubilant fellowship of the Prophets, there is the countless army of Martyrs crowned for victory in strife and in suffering. There triumph the virgins who by noble self-control have tamed the desires of the flesh and of the body. There are repaid with mercy the merciful, who by feeding and gifting the needy, have wrought righteousness, have kept the commandments of the Lord, and have exchanged heritages upon earth for treasures in heaven. Thitherward, dearly beloved brethren, let us eagerly run, with such as these soon to be, unto Christ soon to come, let us be fain. [Lectio7] From the Holy Gospel according to Matthew !Matt 5:1-12 At that time Jesus seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain, and when he was set down, his disciples came unto him. And so on. _ Homily by St. Augustine, Bishop (of Hippo.) !Bk. i. on the Lord's Sermon. Blessed are ye, saith the Lord, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven. If any be seeking under the name of a Christian the pleasures of this world and the possession of temporal goods, let him bethink him that our blessedness is inward, even as the mouth of the Prophet saith concerning the soul of the Church The King's daughter is all glorious within. (Ps. xliv. 15.) Without, she is reviled, and persecution and evil report are her promised portion. And yet for these very things, great is her reward in heaven, as indeed is felt in the hearts of the sufferers, at least of such as are able already to say But we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope; and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, Which is given unto us. ~(Rom. v. 3-5.) [Lectio8] To suffer such things is not in itself fruitful; what is fruitful, is to bear them for Christ's Name's sake not calmly only but gladly. There are a great many heretics who mislead souls under the name of Christians, and they suffer such things plentifully, but they are cut out from the reward, for it is not said only Blessed are they which are persecuted, but Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake. Where there is not sound faith there cannot be righteousness, for the just shall live by faith. (Heb. x. 38.) Neither let schismatics promise themselves any of that reward, for as righteousness cannot exist where there is no faith, so neither can it exist where there is no love. And schismatics have no love, for love worketh no ill to his neighbour, (Rom. xiii. 10,) and if they had it, they would not tear the Body of Christ, which is the Church. [Lectio93] !Commemoration of the Martyrs In the persecution under Diocletian four brothers named Severus, Severian, Carpophorus, and Victorinus, boldly refused to worship the gods, and were lashed with whips loaded with lead until they gave up their lives for Christ's Name's sake under the strokes. Their bodies were thrown out to be eaten by the dogs, but as they remained untouched after a long while, the Christians took them away, and buried them in a sand-pit upon the Lavican Way at the third milestone from the City, hard by the grave of the holy martyrs Claudius, Nicostratus, Symphorian, Castorius, and Simplicius, who had suffered under the same Emperor, because being excellent sculptors they could nowise be brought to make figures of idols, and when they were brought to the image of the Sun to do reverence to it, they had said they would never worship the works of men's hands. For this reason they were thrown into prison, and when after many days they were still found of the same mind, they were first lashed with scourges armed with hooks, and then soldered up alive in leaden coffins and thrown into the river. There is in the City of Rome a Church called that of the Four Holy Crowned. Their actual names were long unknown, but afterwards made manifest by God. In this Church are honorably buried the bodies of these four, and also those of the other five; and a Festival is held in their honor upon the 8th day of November. &teDeum