[Rank] S. Silvestri Abbatis;;Duplex;;3;;vide C5 [Rule] vide C5; 9 lectiones [Oratio] Most merciful God, Who when the holy Abbot Sylvester was devoutly meditating upon the vanity of this world beside an open grave, graciously willed to call him into the desert and enrich him with unusual merits, we humbly pray that, following his example, despising the things of earth, we may thoroughly enjoy Thy everlasting presence. $Per Dominum [Commemoratio] !Commemoration of St. Peter of Alexandria, Martyr @Commune/C2:Oratio:s/N\./Peter/ [Lectio4] This Silvester was born of a noble family at Osimo, in Picenum, and in his childhood was a wonderful example both in regard to letters and good living. When he grew older his father sent him to Bologna to study the law, but God warned him to give himself to divinity, and he thereby incurred the wrath of his father, which he bore with complacency for ten full years. On account of his eminent graces he was elected an honorary canon of the Cathedral of Osimo, in the which dignity he ministered to the people by his prayers, his example, and his sermons. [Lectio5] At the funeral of a certain nobleman he perceived in an open grave the disfigured corpse of a kinsman of his own who had been very comely in his lifetime, and he said to himself, I am what he was, and what he is I shall be. Straightway after the funeral he read the words of the Lord, If any man will come after Me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me (Matth. xvi. 24.) Thereupon he withdrew into the desert to seek after greater perfection, and then gave himself up to watching, praying, and fasting, very often taking no food but uncooked herbs. In order, however, to cut himself off the more from men, he moved from one place to another, and at length came to Mount Fano, which is hard by Fabriano, but was itself then absolutely uninhabited. Then he built a church in honour of the holy Father Benedict, and founded the congregation of Silvestrians, with a rule and dress which were revealed to him in a vision by the holy Patriarch himself. [Lectio6] Satan envied him, strove to trouble his monks by diverse terrors, and made an hostile attack by night upon the gates of his monastery, but the man of God so overcame the assault of the enemy that his monks were the more confirmed in their Institute and recognised the holiness of their father. He shone with the spirit of prophecy and other gifts. These things he always preserved by the deepest lowliness, whereby he so stirred up against him the ill-will of the devil that that evil spirit cast him headlong down the stairs of his oratory, and went near to slay him, but he was restored to soundness by the helpful gift of the Virgin. This help he remembered with an unceasing and singular love toward her until the last breath of his life, the which breath he resigned to God, famous for holiness and miracles, aged almost ninety years, upon the 26th day of November, in the year of salvation 1267. The Supreme Pontiff Leo XIII extended his Office and Mass to the whole Church. [Lectio93] !Commemoration of St. Peter of Alexandria, Martyr This Peter succeeded that eminent Saint, Theonas, as Pope of Alexandria, (in the year of our Lord 300,) and the glory of his holiness and teaching hath enlightened not Egypt only, but the whole Church of God. The wondrous patience wherewith he bore the roughness of the times in the persecution under Maximian Galerius caused many greatly to increase in Christian graces. He was the first who cut off Arius, then a Deacon of Alexandria, from the Communion of the faithful, on account of his leaning to the Meletian schism. He was condemned to death by Maximian, and was in prison when there came to him the two Priests Achilles and Alexander to plead for Arius, but Peter told them that Jesus had appeared to him in the night clad in a rent garment, and when he asked what was thereby signified, had said unto him Arius hath torn My vesture, which is the Church. Also, he foretold to them that they should be Popes of Alexandria after him, and strictly commanded them never to receive Arius into Communion, because he knew him to be dead in the sight of God. That this was a true prophecy the event did shortly prove. At length, in the twelfth year of his papacy, upon the 26th day of November, (in the year of salvation 311,) his head was cut off, and he went hence to receive the crown of his testimony. &teDeum [Lectio94] Born of a noble family at Osimo in Picenum, Sylvester was remarkable even as a boy for his scholarship and his good character. Having duly studied the sacred sciences and been made a canon, he benefited the people by his example and his preaching. When, at the funeral of a certain dead nobleman, he saw the decaying corpse of the handsome man who had been his neighbor, he said, "I am what this man was; what he is, I shall be"; and soon, from a desire for greater perfection, he withdrew into solitude and there devoted himself to vigils, prayers and fasting. That he might hide more completely from men's eyes, he changed his location several times. Finally he went to Monte Fano; a place deserted at that time, where he built a church in honor of St. Benedict and laid the foundation of the Congregation of the Sylvestrines. There his monks saw in him a wonderful model of holiness; he was famous for the spirit of prophecy, for power over demons and for other gifts, which in his deep humility he always kept hidden. He fell asleep in the Lord in the year of salvation 1267. &teDeum