[Rank] In Nativitate Domini;;Duplex I Classis;;6.9 [Rank1960] In Nativitate Domini;;Duplex I Classis;;7 [Rule] 9 lectiones Psalmi Dominica Antiphonas Horas Doxology=Nat Special Evangelii Benedictio [Ant Vespera] The King of Peace * is magnified, whose face the whole earth desireth.;;109 The Peaceful King * exceeded all the kings of the whole earth.;;110 The days of Mary * were accomplished that she should bring forth her first-born Son.;;111 Know ye that the kingdom * of God is at hand? Amen, I say unto you, it will not tarry.;;112 Lift up your heads; * behold, your redemption draweth nigh.;;116 [Capitulum Vespera] !Titus 3:4-5 v. But when the goodness and kindness of God our Saviour appeared: Not by the works of justice, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us. $Deo gratias [HymnusM Vespera] @:Hymnus Vespera [Hymnus Vespera] v. Jesus, the Ransomer of man, Who, ere created light began, Didst from the sovereign Father spring, His power and glory equalling. _ The Father’s Light and Splendor Thou, Their endless hope to Thee that bow; Accept the prayers and praise to-day That through the world Thy servants pay. _ Salvation’s Author, call to mind How, taking form of humankind, Born of a Virgin undefiled, Thou in man’s flesh becam’st a Child. _ Thus testifies the present day, Through every year in long array, That Thou, salvation’s source alone, Proceedest from the Father’s throne. _ The heavens above, the rolling main And all that earth’s wide realms contain, With joyous voice now loudly sing The glory of their new-born King. _ And we who, by Thy precious Blood From sin redeemed, are marked for God, On this the day that saw Thy birth, Sing the new song of ransomed earth. _ O Lord, the Virgin-born, to Thee Eternal praise and glory be, Whom with the Father we adore And Holy Ghost forevermore. Amen. [Versum 1] V. Tomorrow the iniquity of the earth shall be blotted out. R. And the Saviour of the world shall reign over us. [Ant 1] When the sun shall have risen * from heaven, ye shall see the King of kings proceeding from the Father, as a bridegroom from his chamber. [Oratio] Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that the new birth of thy Only-begotten Son as man may set us free, who are held by the old bondage under the yoke of sin. $Per eumdem [Invit] Unto us a Christ is born, * O come, let us worship Him. [Ant Matutinum] The Lord hath said unto Me: * Thou art My Son, this day have I begotten thee.;;2 The Lord is as a bridegroom * coming out of his chamber.;;18 Grace is poured into thy lips, * therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.;;44 V. The Lord is as a bridegroom. R. Coming out of his chamber. We have drunk in thy loving-kindness, * O God, in the midst of thy temple.;;47 In the Lord's days * shall abundance of peace arise and flourish.;;71 Truth is sprung out of the earth, * and righteousness hath looked down from heaven.;;84 V. Thou art fairer than the children of men. R. Grace is poured into thy lips. He shall cry unto Me, alleluia, * Thou art My Father, alleluia.;;88 Let the heavens rejoice, * and let the earth be glad before the Lord, for He cometh.;;95 The Lord hath made known, alleluia, * His salvation, alleluia.;;97 V. He shall cry unto Me, alleluia. R. Thou art My Father, alleluia. [Lectio1] !Isa 9:1-6 1 At the first time the land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephtali was lightly touched: and at the last the way of the sea beyond the Jordan of the Galilee of the Gentiles was heavily loaded. 2 The people that walked in darkness, have seen a great light: to them that dwelt in the region of the shadow of death, light is risen. 3 Thou hast multiplied the nation, and hast not increased the joy. They shall rejoice before thee, as they that rejoice in the harvest, as conquerors rejoice after taking a prey, when they divide the spoils. 4 For the yoke of their burden, and the rod of their shoulder, and the sceptre of their oppressor thou hast overcome, as in the day of Median. 5 For every violent taking of spoils, with tumult, and garment mingled with blood, shall be burnt, and be fuel for the fire. 6 For a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace. [Responsory1] R. This is the day whereon the King of heaven was pleased to be born of a Virgin, that He might bring back to heaven man who was lost. * There is joy among the hosts of Angels, because eternal salvation hath appeared unto men. V. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, to men of goodwill. R. There is joy among the hosts of Angels, because eternal salvation hath appeared unto men. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. R. This is the day whereon the King of heaven was pleased to be born of a Virgin, that He might bring back to heaven man who was lost. There is joy among the hosts of Angels, because eternal salvation hath appeared unto men. [Lectio2] !Isa 40:1-8 1 Be comforted, be comforted, my people, saith your God. 2 Speak ye to the heart of Jerusalem, and call to her: for her evil is come to an end, her iniquity is forgiven: she hath received of the hand of the Lord double for all her sins. 3 The voice of one crying in the desert: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the wilderness the paths of our God. 4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall become straight, and the rough ways plain. 5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh together shall see, that the mouth of the Lord hath spoken. 6 The voice of one, saying: Cry. And I said: What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the glory thereof as the flower of the field. 7 The grass is withered, and the flower is fallen, because the spirit of the Lord hath blown upon it. Indeed the people is grass: 8 The grass is withered, and the flower is fallen: but the word of our Lord endureth for ever. [Responsory2] R. This day is the true peace come down unto us from heaven. * This day throughout the whole world the skies drop down sweetness. V. This day is the daybreak of our new redemption, of the restoring of the old, of everlasting joy. R. This day throughout the whole world the skies drop down sweetness. [Lectio3] !Isa 52:1-6 1 Arise, arise, put on thy strength, O Sion, put on the garments of thy glory, O Jerusalem, the city of the Holy One: for henceforth the uncircumcised, and unclean shall no more pass through thee. 2 Shake thyself from the dust, arise, sit up, O Jerusalem: loose the bonds from off thy neck, O captive daughter of Sion. 3 For thus saith the Lord: You were sold gratis, and you shall be redeemed without money. 4 For thus saith the Lord God: My people went down into Egypt at the beginning to sojourn there: and the Assyrian hath oppressed them without any cause at all. 5 And now what have I here, saith the Lord: for my people is taken away gratis. They that rule over them treat them unjustly, saith the Lord, and my name is continually blasphemed all the day long. 6 Therefore my people shall know my name in that day: for I myself that spoke, behold I am here. [Responsory3] R. O ye shepherds, speak, and tell us what ye have seen; who is appeared in the earth? * We saw the new-born Child, and Angels singing praise to the Lord. V. Speak; what have ye seen? And tell us of the Birth of Christ. R. We saw the new-born Child, and Angels singing praise to the Lord. &Gloria R. We saw the new-born Child, and Angels singing praise to the Lord. [Lectio4] From the Sermons of Pope St. Leo (the Great) !1st for Christmas Dearly beloved brethren, Unto us is born this day a Saviour, (Luke ii. 11.) Let us rejoice. It would be unlawful to be sad to day, for today is Life's Birthday; the Birthday of that Life, Which, for us dying creatures, taketh away the sting of death, and bringeth the bright promise of the eternal gladness hereafter. It would be unlawful for any man to refuse to partake in our rejoicing. All men have an equal share in the great cause of our joy, for, since our Lord, Who is the destroyer of sin and of death, findeth that all are bound under the condemnation, He is come to make all free. Rejoice, O thou that art holy, thou drawest nearer to thy crown! Rejoice, O thou that art sinful, thy Saviour offereth thee pardon! Rejoice also, O thou Gentile, God calleth thee to life! For the Son of God, when the fulness of the time was come, which had been fixed by the unsearchable counsel of God, took upon Him the nature of man, that He might reconcile that nature to Him Who made it, and so the devil, the inventor of death, is met and beaten in that very flesh which hath been the field of his victory. [Responsory4] R. How great is this mystery, how wonderful is the teaching of the faith! The beasts saw the new-born Lord lying in a manger. * Blessed is that Virgin whose womb was made meet to bear our Lord Christ. V. Hail, Mary, full of grace the Lord is with thee. R. Blessed is that Virgin whose womb was made meet to bear our Lord Christ. [Lectio5] When our Lord entered the field of battle against the devil, He did so with a great and wonderful fairness. Being Himself the Almighty, He laid aside His uncreated Majesty to fight with our cruel enemy in our weak flesh. He brought against him the very shape, the very nature of our mortality, yet without sin. ~(Heb. iv. 15.) His birth however was not a birth like other births for no other is born pure, nay, not the little child whose life endureth but a day on the earth. To His birth alone the throes of human passion had not contributed, in His alone no consequence of sin had had part. For His Mother was chosen a Virgin of the kingly lineage of David, and when she was to grow heavy with the sacred Child, her soul had already conceived Him before her body. She knew the counsel of God announced to her by the Angel, lest the unwonted events should alarm her. The future Mother of God knew what was to be wrought in her by the Holy Ghost, and that her modesty was absolutely safe. [Responsory5] R. Blessed is God's holy Mother, Mary, maiden undefiled. * This day hath she brought forth the Saviour of the world. V. Blessed is she that believed; for there is a performance of all those things which were told her from the Lord. R. This day hath she brought forth the Saviour of the world. [Lectio6] Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us give thanks to God the Father, through His Son, in the Holy Ghost: Who, for His great love wherewith He loved us, hath had mercy on us and, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (Eph. ii. 4, 5,) that in Him we might be a new creature, and a new workmanship. Let us then put off the old man with his deeds (Col. iii. 9); and, having obtained a share in the Sonship of Christ, let us renounce the deeds of the flesh. Learn, O Christian, how great thou art, who hast been made partaker of the Divine nature, (2 Pet. i. 4,) and fall not again by corrupt conversation into the beggarly elements above which thou art lifted. Remember Whose Body it is Whereof thou art made a member, and Who is its Head, (1 Cor. vi. 15.) Remember that it is He That hath delivered thee from the power of darkness and hath translated thee into God's light, and God's kingdom, (Col. i. 13.) [Responsory6] R. O Mary, how holy and how spotless is thy virginity! I am too dull to praise thee! * For thou hast borne in thy breast Him Whom the heavens cannot contain. V. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. R. For thou hast borne in thy breast Him Whom the heavens cannot contain. &Gloria R. For thou hast borne in thy breast Him Whom the heavens cannot contain. [Benedictio3] May the Almighty and merciful Lord loose us from the bonds of our sins. Amen. Grant, Lord, a blessing. May the Gospel's saving Lord Bless the reading of His Word. Amen. May the Gospel's glorious word, cleansing to our souls afford. Amen. Christ That sent the Gospel preacher, In his meaning be our Teacher. Amen. [Lectio7] From the Holy Gospel according to Luke !Luke 2:1-14 At that time, it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that the whole world should be enrolled. And so on. _ Homily by Pope St. Gregory (the Great) !8th on the Gospels By God's mercy we are to say three Masses today, so that there is not much time left for preaching; but at the same time the occasion of the Lord's Birthday itself obliges me to speak a few words. I will first ask why, when the Lord was to be born, the world was enrolled? Was it not to herald the appearing of Him by Whom the elect are enrolled in the book of life? Whereas the Prophet saith of the reprobate: Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous. (Ps. lxviii. 29.) Then, the Lord is born in Bethlehem. Now the name Bethlehem signifieth the House of Bread, and thus it is the birth-place of Him Who hath said: I am the Living Bread, Which came down from heaven. (John vi. 51.) We see then that this name of Bethlehem was prophetically given to the place where Christ was born, because it was there that He was to appear in the flesh by Whom the souls of the faithful are fed unto life eternal. He was born, not in His Mother's house, but away from home. And this is a mystery, showing that this our mortality into which He was born was not the home of Him Who is begotten of the Father before the worlds. [Responsory7] R. Blessed be the womb of the Virgin Mary, which bore the Son of the Eternal Father, and blessed be the paps which give suck to Christ our Lord. * This day hath He been pleased for the salvation of the world to be born of a Virgin. V. This day which is breaking is holy; O come, ye Gentiles, and worship the Lord. R. This day hath He been pleased for the salvation of the world to be born of a Virgin. [Lectio8] From the holy Gospel according to Luke !Luke 2:15-20 At that time, the shepherds said one to another: Let us go over to Bethlehem, and let us see this word that is come to pass, which the Lord hath showed to us. And so on. _ Homily by St. Ambrose, Bishop (of Milan) !Book II on Luke II Behold the beginning of the Church. Christ is born, and the shepherds watch; shepherds, to gather together the scattered sheep of the Gentiles, and to lead them into the fold of Christ, that they might no longer be a prey to the ravages of spiritual wolves in the night of this world's darkness. And that shepherd is wide awake, whom the Good Shepherd stirreth up. The flock then is the people, the night is the world, and the shepherds are the Priests. And perhaps he is a shepherd to whom it is said: Be watchful and strengthen, (Apoc. iii. 2,) for God hath ordained as the shepherds of His flock not Bishops only, but also Angels. [Responsory8] R. The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. * And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. V. All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made. R. And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. &Gloria R. And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. [Lectio9] From the holy Gospel according to John !John 1:1-14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. And so on. _ Homily by St. Augustine, Bishop (of Hippo) !1st Tract on John Lest thou shouldest think all things mean, as thou art accustomed to think of things human, hear and digest this The Word was God. Now perhaps there will come forward some Arian unbeliever, and say that the Word of God was a creature. How can the Word of God be a creature, when it was by the Word that all creatures were made? If He be a creature, then there must have been some other Word, not a creature, by which He was made. And what Word is that? If thou sayest that it was by the word of the Word Himself that He was made, I tell thee that God had no other, but One Only-begotten Son. But if thou say not that it was by the word of the Word Himself that He was made, thou art forced to confess that. He by Whom all things were made was not Himself made at all. Believe the Gospel. &teDeum [Ant Laudes] O ye shepherds, speak, * and tell us what ye have seen; who is appeared in the earth? We saw the newborn Child, and angels singing praise to the Lord, alleluia, alleluia. The Mother brought forth the King, * Whose name is called The Eternal; the joy of a Mother was hers, remaining a Virgin unsullied; neither before nor henceforth hath there been or shall be such another, alleluia. The Angel said unto the shepherds * I bring you good tidings of great joy; for unto you is born this day a Saviour of the world, alleluia. There was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host, * praising God, and saying Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, to men of good will, alleluia. Unto us this day a little Child is born, * and His name shall be called the Mighty God, alleluia, alleluia. [Capitulum Laudes] !Heb 1:1-2 v. God, who, at sundry times and in diverse manners, spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, last of all, in these days hath spoken to us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the world. $Deo gratias [Hymnus Laudes] v. From lands that see the sun arise To earth's remotest boundaries, The Virgin-born today we sing, The Son of Mary, Christ the King. _ Blest Author of this earthly frame, To take a servant's form He came, That, liberating flesh by flesh, Whom He had made might live afresh. _ In that chaste parent's holy womb Celestial grace hath found its home; And she, as earthly bride unknown, Yet calls that Offspring blest her own. _ The mansion of the modest breast Becomes a shrine where God shall rest: The pure and undefilèd one Conceived in her womb the Son. _ That Son, that Royal Son she bore, Whom Gabriel's voice had told afore; Whom, in His mother yet concealed, The infant Baptist had revealed. _ The manger and the straw He bore, The cradle did He not abhor; By milk in infant portions fed, Who gives e'en fowls their daily bread. _ The heavenly chorus filled the sky, The Angels sang to God on high, What time to shepherds, watching lone, They made creation's Shepherd known. _ All honor, laud, and glory be, O Jesu, Virgin-born to thee: All glory, as is ever meet, To Father and to Paraclete. Amen. [Versum 2] V. The Lord hath made known, alleluia. R. His salvation, alleluia. [Ant 2] Glory be to God in the highest; * and on earth, peace to men of good will, alleluia, alleluia. [Lectio Prima] !Heb 1:11-12 v. They shall perish, but thou shalt continue: and they shall all grow old as a garment. And as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: but thou art the selfsame, and thy years shall not fail. [Responsory Tertia] R.br. The Word was made flesh. * Alleluia, Alleluia. R. The Word was made flesh. * Alleluia, Alleluia. V. And dwelt among us. R. Alleluia, Alleluia. &Gloria R. The Word was made flesh. * Alleluia, Alleluia. _ V. He shall cry unto Me, Alleluia. R. Thou art My Father, Alleluia. [Capitulum Sexta] !Heb 1:10 v. And: Thou in the beginning, O Lord, didst found the earth: and the works of thy hands are the heavens. $Deo gratias [Responsory Sexta] R.br. The Lord hath made known. * Alleluia, Alleluia. R. The Lord hath made known. * Alleluia, Alleluia. V. His salvation. R. Alleluia, Alleluia. &Gloria R. The Lord hath made known. * Alleluia, Alleluia. _ V. All the ends of the earth have seen. Alleluia. R. The salvation of our God. Alleluia. [Responsory Nona] R.br. All the ends of the earth have seen. * Alleluia, Alleluia. R. All the ends of the earth have seen. * Alleluia, Alleluia. V. The salvation of our God. R. Alleluia, Alleluia. &Gloria R. All the ends of the earth have seen. * Alleluia, Alleluia. _ V. The Word was made flesh. Alleluia. R. And dwelt among us. Alleluia. [Ant Vespera 3] Thine shall be the dominion * in the day of thy power, amid the brightness of the saints, from the womb, before the day-star, have I begotten thee.;;109 The Lord sent redemption * unto His people, He hath commanded His covenant for ever.;;110 Unto the upright there ariseth * light in the darkness; the Lord is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.;;111 With the Lord * there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption.;;129 Of the fruit * of thy body will I set upon thy throne.;;131 [Ant 3] This day the Christ is born this day the Saviour is appeared; * this day the Angels sing praise in the earth and the Archangels rejoice; this day the righteous are glad and say: Glory to God in the highest. Alleluia. [Octava 3] !Commemoration of the Octave of the Nativity Ant. This day the Christ is born: this day the Saviour is appeared; * this day the Angels sing praise in the earth and the Archangels rejoice; this day the righteous are glad and say: Glory to God in the highest. Alleluia. _ V. The Lord hath made known, alleluia. R. His salvation, alleluia. _ $Oremus v. Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that the new birth of thy Only-begotten Son as man may set us free, who are held by the old bondage under the yoke of sin. $Per eumdem [Octava 2] !Commemoration of the Octave of the Nativity Ant. Glory be to God in the highest; * and on earth, peace to men of good will, alleluia, alleluia. _ V. The Lord hath made known, alleluia. R. His salvation, alleluia. _ $Oremus. v. Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that the new birth of thy Only-begotten Son as man may set us free, who are held by the old bondage under the yoke of sin. $Per eumdem