[ 0 → 4] TRADCAST EXPRESS [ 30 → 47] On behalf of himself, Raymond Burke, Joachim Meisner, and Walter Braunmüller, to Pope Francis, to request a joint audience with him to discuss the dubia they had submitted to him back in September of last year, and which the Argentinian apostate has so far refused to answer. [ 47 → 60] If you remember, these dubia, the Latin word for doubts or questions needing to be resolved, consisted of various points of doctrine and discipline that Francis' exhortation on Morris' liturgy, [ 60 → 71] puts forth that are in contradiction to 2,000 years of Catholic teaching and practice, and which even the false popes of the Novus Ordo sect before Francis have upheld. [ 71 → 76] You know what I'm talking about. Communion and absolution for the so-called divorced and remarried. [ 77 → 86] When the dubia were made public this past November, Francis reportedly blew a fuse, and we can rest assured that this happened again today or yesterday, [ 86 → 90] when Francis found out that now Cafara's request for an audience, [ 90 → 92] has been made public as well. [ 93 → 99] The letter requesting the audience was written on April 25th and delivered to Francis on May 6th. [ 99 → 104] So, since Francis refused to respond, once again, it was made public. [ 104 → 109] Now, the letter is written in an extremely deferential, docile, humble tone. [ 109 → 118] What's really curious is that Cafara apparently saw the need to reassure Francis that he and his three other dubia brothers are not Sedevacantists, [ 118 → 120] nor do they believe that Benedict, [ 120 → 122] the 16th, is really the true pope. [ 123 → 124] Here's what Cafara said, [ 124 → 125] quote, [ 125 → 138] unquote, [ 138 → 143] munus being the Latin word for gift, meaning the Petrine ministry. [ 144 → 149] Well, considering that they're addressing Francis as the Holy Father, [ 149 → 150] and petitioning him, [ 150 → 157] it should have been rather obvious that they actually believe the Argentinian apostate is the pope. [ 158 → 163] But, okay, apparently they thought they'd better clarify it. [ 163 → 168] Now, the Canadian blogger Vox Cantoris put up a post today about the story, [ 169 → 175] and I want to draw attention to it because it shows how accepting Bergoglio as pope [ 175 → 180] makes people who mean to be traditional Catholics ultimately reject the Pope. [ 180 → 180] So, let's take a look. [ 180 → 188] The post, which was published today at voxcantor.blogspot.com, [ 189 → 190] is entitled, [ 190 → 195] Pope Not Only Ignores the Cardinal's Dubia, But Their Request for an Audience. [ 196 → 199] And the blogger, Vox Cantoris, says this, [ 199 → 199] quote, [ 200 → 204] Remember, friends, your job and mine is to be faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ, [ 204 → 208] the Son of the Eternal Father, begotten from the beginning, [ 208 → 210] consubstantial with him, and the Son of the Holy Father, [ 210 → 213] and the second person in the unity of the Godhead of the Holy Trinity. [ 214 → 216] Your job is to be faithful to him. [ 216 → 218] Let us praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. [ 219 → 220] Let us praise him forever. [ 221 → 224] Put not your trust in princes or popes. [ 225 → 230] You must remain faithful to Jesus and to his church and to the papacy as an institution [ 230 → 234] and the magisterium of teaching of Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition. [ 234 → 238] You must be faithful to Christ, not to men. [ 238 → 238] Unquote. [ 240 → 245] This, ladies and gentlemen, shows precisely how accepting Francis as the Pope of the Catholic [ 245 → 251] Church leads to rejecting the papacy altogether, because that's basically what the blogger just [ 251 → 251] did. [ 252 → 257] Yes, he says that he believes in the papacy as an institution, but he actually doesn't. [ 258 → 261] See, the papacy doesn't just exist in the abstract. [ 261 → 267] If Francis is Pope, then everything that the Catholic Church teaches about the papacy applies [ 267 → 268] to him. [ 268 → 270] Think about this. [ 270 → 276] If you believe that Jorge Bergoglio is a valid Pope, then you are required to affirm of him [ 276 → 280] all those things that the Church affirms of the papacy. [ 280 → 283] That is what accepting him as Pope actually means. [ 284 → 290] This idea that is now spread around by John Salza and the remnant, Steve Skojak and all [ 290 → 295] those people, where Francis being Pope has no practical consequences to anything, but [ 295 → 298] is nevertheless still somehow absolutely necessary. [ 298 → 300] for you to affirm, is false. [ 301 → 304] Put not your trust in princes, in men, says the Bible. [ 304 → 304] Indeed. [ 305 → 312] But that does not apply to the Pope, precisely because, even though he is but a man, he holds [ 312 → 316] a divinely instituted office that cannot fail. [ 317 → 323] The beautiful thing is that a Catholic knows that by being faithful to the Pope, he is [ 323 → 325] being faithful to Christ. [ 325 → 327] That is the beauty of the papacy. [ 327 → 330] And that is precisely why it was instituted. [ 331 → 336] Now, the impossibility of failing of this office is due, of course, not to the Pope [ 336 → 343] as the man himself, but to Jesus Christ, who founded it, who instituted it as the bulwark [ 343 → 344] against the gates of hell. [ 345 → 350] Now, the reason why that doesn't describe Francis in the least is that he isn't the [ 350 → 350] Pope. [ 351 → 352] It's really not that difficult. [ 353 → 357] What does the Catholic Church teach about the papacy? [ 357 → 357] Let me. [ 357 → 362] Let me give you just two quotes, one from Pope Pius VII and the other from Pius IX. [ 363 → 363] Quote, [ 363 → 368] From these events, men should realize that all attempts to overthrow the house of God [ 368 → 376] are in vain, for this is the church founded on Peter, rock, not merely in name, but in [ 376 → 376] truth. [ 377 → 382] Against this, the gates of hell will not prevail, for it is founded on a rock. [ 382 → 387] There has never been an enemy of the Christian religion who was not simultaneously, [ 387 → 394] at wicked war with the sea of Peter, since while this sea remained strong, the survival [ 394 → 400] of the Christian religion was assured, as St. Irenaeus proclaims openly to all, by the [ 400 → 405] order and succession of the Roman pontiffs, the tradition from the apostles in the church [ 405 → 408] and the proclamation of the truth has come down to us. [ 409 → 414] And this is the fullest demonstration that it is the one and the same life-giving faith [ 414 → 417] which has been preserved in the church until now. [ 417 → 417] Quote, [ 417 → 421] It is the time of the apostles and has been handed on in truth. [ 422 → 422] Unquote. [ 422 → 430] That's Pope Pius VII from the encyclical Deus Satis, and that was paragraph number six. [ 431 → 433] Now, here's the quote from Pope Pius IX. [ 434 → 434] Quote, [ 434 → 440] This chair, it's talking about the chair of St. Peter, is the center of Catholic truth [ 440 → 441] and unity. [ 441 → 447] That is the head, mother, and teacher of all the churches to which all honor and obedience [ 447 → 449] must be offered. [ 449 → 453] Every church must agree with it because of its greater preeminence. [ 453 → 456] That is, those people who are, in all respects, faithful. [ 457 → 461] Now, you know well that the most deadly foes of the Catholic religion have always waged [ 461 → 465] a fierce war, but without success, against this chair. [ 465 → 470] They are by no means ignorant of the fact that religion itself can never totter and [ 470 → 475] fall while this chair remains intact, the chair which rests on the rock which the proud [ 475 → 477] gates of hell cannot overthrow. [ 477 → 481] And in which there is the whole and perfect solidity of the Christian religion. [ 482 → 487] Therefore, because of your special faith in the church and special piety toward the same [ 487 → 492] chair of Peter, we exhort you to direct your constant efforts so that the faithful people [ 492 → 497] of France may avoid the crafty deceptions and errors of these plotters and develop a [ 497 → 501] more filial affection and obedience to this apostolic see. [ 502 → 507] Be vigilant in act and word so that the faithful may grow in love for this holy church. [ 507 → 510] venerated and accepted with complete obedience. [ 511 → 516] They should execute whatever the see itself teaches, determines, and decrees. [ 516 → 526] That's Pope Pius IX, Encyclical Intermultiplicis, and that was paragraphs number 1 and 7. [ 526 → 530] So here you can see, ladies and gentlemen, who really believes in the papacy. [ 531 → 536] It is the sare vacantist, not the recognize and resist traditionalist. [ 536 → 537] We reject the papacy. [ 537 → 542] Francis and his five predecessors of unhappy memory, not because we don't believe in the [ 542 → 548] papacy, but because we do. It is possible, entirely possible, that these men are not true [ 548 → 555] popes, but it is not possible that the papacy should fail. So, for all of you listening right [ 555 → 561] now who are waiting for this one big sign from God to tell you that Francis isn't the pope and [ 561 → 565] his sect isn't the Catholic Church, let me give you something to ponder from the parable of the [ 565 → 572] rich man and Lazarus found in St. Luke's Gospel, chapter 16, verses 27 through 31. [ 573 → 579] And he said, Then, Father, I beseech thee that thou wouldst send him to my father's house, [ 579 → 584] for I have five brethren, that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place [ 584 → 591] of torments. And Abraham said to him, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. [ 591 → 595] But he said, No, Father Abraham, but if one went to them from the [ 595 → 601] dead, they will do penance. And he said to them, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, [ 602 → 610] neither will they believe if one rise again from the dead. And so it is here, God has given you [ 610 → 615] everything you need to be able to tell that Francis is not a true pope and that his church [ 615 → 623] is an anti-Catholic Masonic sect eclipsing the true Catholic Church. If you do not accept this [ 623 → 625] as sufficient evidence, everything that you've seen, everything that you've seen, everything that [ 625 → 630] we've seen here in the last, not just in the last four years regarding Francis, but really [ 630 → 636] everything since the death of Pope Pius XII, if you do not accept this as sufficient evidence, [ 636 → 641] neither will you accept if God sent you a sign from heaven. [ 642 → 647] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 647 → 651] And if you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 651 → 653] at novusortowatch.org. [ 655 → 656] Thank you.