[ 0 → 4] TRATCAST EXPRESS [ 30 → 60] TRATCAST 018 [ 60 → 67] We cover a lot of ground and many different topics in that show, so be sure to check it out. You don't want to miss it. [ 68 → 78] So, what's going on? Well, the papacy is under attack, not only from the usual suspects, most notably the false Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio. [ 78 → 89] No, it is also, and perhaps even more so, under attack, wittingly or unwittingly, by those people who obstinately refuse to let go of the idea [ 89 → 90] that France is a country of the rich and the poor. [ 90 → 95] Francis is a valid Pope, the true vicar of Christ and successor to St. Peter. [ 96 → 104] We've pointed this out many times before. The papacy has consequences, and if you try to squeeze the Jesuit apostate Bergoglio into it, [ 104 → 108] you're doing great damage to the Catholic notion of the papacy. [ 109 → 111] To demonstrate that, we just put up a post entitled, [ 111 → 117] A Dangerous Experiment, Taking Francis' Claim to the Papacy Seriously. [ 118 → 120] And that post, published on July 4th, [ 120 → 127] we go through the entire dogmatic constitution on the Church, promulgated by the First Vatican Council in 1870, [ 127 → 136] and every time the phrase Roman Pontiff appears, we put in Pope Francis instead, to show you how it reads. [ 136 → 139] And the results are staggering. Check it out yourself. [ 139 → 147] Go to novosortowatch.org slash wire, and look for the post dated July 4th, 2017. [ 148 → 150] In his June 16th installment, [ 150 → 154] for his Fatima Perspectives column, Christopher Ferreira writes, [ 154 → 160] As incredible as it may seem, the Church is under attack by the Pope himself. [ 161 → 164] And there we go again. [ 164 → 170] They would rather make the papacy into an instrument that can defect and attack the Church, [ 170 → 176] rather than be its sure foundation, its unshakable rock, where the faith can know no failing, [ 176 → 180] than come to the conclusion that there's someone in the Vatican who claims, [ 180 → 182] to be the Pope, but actually isn't. [ 183 → 185] And so the semi-traditionalists, like Chris Ferreira, [ 186 → 189] are sooner willing to give up the Catholic doctrine of the papacy, [ 190 → 193] than the belief that Jorge Bergoglio possesses it. [ 193 → 194] That is madness. [ 195 → 199] Now, in case you didn't hear about it yet, but you probably did, [ 199 → 203] Francis has fired Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, [ 203 → 206] the supposed chief guardian of orthodoxy in the Vatican. [ 207 → 210] Technically and officially, it was not a firing, of course. [ 210 → 216] It was merely a non-renewal of the five-year term that expired on July 1st. [ 216 → 221] But anyone who's been paying attention knows that this was simply Francis waiting for an opportune moment [ 221 → 225] to finally get rid of Müller, who, although a heretic himself, [ 226 → 229] does oppose adultery, which Francis is trying to promote. [ 230 → 238] Müller found out about his dismissal one day prior in a papal audience that lasted one minute. [ 238 → 238] What? [ 240 → 242] He was not given any reasons for his dismissal, [ 242 → 247] other than being told that Francis was now going to start limiting all terms in the Curia [ 247 → 251] to just five years, and he, Müller, was going to be the first one. [ 252 → 253] Sure. [ 255 → 259] Now, although Müller didn't know he was going to be fired, and certainly didn't expect it, [ 260 → 265] he made what could be called an effective farewell gift to the Society of St. Pius X, [ 265 → 267] and that is a huge story, [ 268 → 270] although almost no one has picked up the call. [ 270 → 277] On June 27th, just a few days ago, and less than 72 hours before he was told of his dismissal, [ 278 → 283] Müller sent a letter to the Society of St. Pius X headquarters in Menzingen, Switzerland, [ 283 → 289] informing them that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had some new requirements for them [ 289 → 294] if they want to be in full communion with the Vatican and be regularized. [ 294 → 296] Those new requirements are... [ 296 → 297] Number one. [ 300 → 314] Number two. [ 314 → 320] The new doctrinal declaration they need to sign must include an explicit statement from the signatories [ 320 → 325] in which they declare their acceptance of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council [ 325 → 329] and those of the post-conciliar period, [ 329 → 330] rendering their acceptance of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council. [ 330 → 333] Those teachings the degree of adherence that is due to them. [ 334 → 335] And number three. [ 335 → 342] Last but not least, each member of the SSPX must recognize not only the validity of the new Mass, [ 342 → 347] the Novos Ordo Missae, but also its lawfulness. [ 348 → 349] Now you might say, [ 349 → 355] Oh, but what does it matter since Müller is no longer part of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith now? [ 355 → 358] Well, here is why it matters. [ 358 → 358] Müller made sure... [ 360 → 361] just before his dismissal... [ 361 → 365] that Francis would approve these new requirements, [ 365 → 367] and that's exactly what happened. [ 367 → 372] In other words, Francis is the one imposing these new conditions. [ 372 → 377] And with that, the SSPX Vatican Reconciliation is dead in the water [ 377 → 381] because obviously they cannot fulfill these new conditions [ 381 → 384] without totally betraying everything they've ever stood for. [ 385 → 389] At that point, they would just be the Fraternity of St. Peter 2.0. [ 390 → 395] Meanwhile, although the SSPX has not yet published any official response to the letter [ 395 → 397] and the new conditions, [ 397 → 401] Bishop Fellay made some comments about it on June 29th [ 401 → 403] during his sermon at an ordination ceremony. [ 404 → 407] He said that this new development was a huge blow [ 407 → 412] and acknowledged that they were basically back to where they started 17 years ago. [ 412 → 413] Quote, [ 413 → 416] It is like in the Game of the Goose. [ 416 → 418] We were almost at the end, [ 418 → 420] and then we landed on the go-back-back, [ 420 → 421] to start square. [ 421 → 423] Everything has fallen to the ground. [ 423 → 427] It is necessary to begin again from square one. [ 428 → 428] Unquote. [ 429 → 431] Yes, Bishop Fellay, you are correct. [ 431 → 433] It is like in the Game of the Goose. [ 434 → 436] The question is, why are you even playing? [ 437 → 440] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 441 → 443] Check us out at tradcast.org, [ 443 → 444] and if you like what we're doing, [ 445 → 447] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 447 → 449] at novusortowatch.org. [ 450 → 451] Slash donate. [ 451 → 452] Donate now. [ 452 → 453] Donate now.