[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 20] TrapCast Express. It's Monday, July 17th, 2017. Listen closely. Did you hear it? Listen again. [ 21 → 28] The silence. Everyone in the Vatican is on summer break, and that means Francis isn't preaching. [ 28 → 35] Woo-hoo! So we get a little bit of a much-needed break from the daily barrage of Bergolian attacks [ 35 → 41] on the Catholic faith, but only until early September, so enjoy it while it lasts. [ 41 → 47] That is not to say, though, that there isn't anything going on. Oh, on the contrary, there's [ 47 → 52] plenty. I can't go over every big news story that broke last week, but let me mention just a few [ 52 → 57] things very quickly. In an interview published in the Italian Il Mattino, [ 58 → 65] the Italian atheist philosopher and politician Marcello Pera has publicly slammed Francis, [ 65 → 72] quote, this is a pope who, from the very day of his election, just does politics. He looks for [ 72 → 78] easy applause playing the part at times of secretary general of the UN, at times of head [ 78 → 85] of government, at times as a union leader. Bergoglio is little or not at all interested [ 85 → 87] in Christianity as doctrine. [ 88 → 94] Theological aspect. And this is a novelty, without a doubt. This pope has taken hold of [ 94 → 100] Christianity and has turned it into politics. His affirmations are apparently based in scripture, [ 100 → 106] but in reality are strongly secularist. Bergoglio is not concerned with the salvation of souls, [ 106 → 114] but only with social welfare and security, unquote. Bam! Folks, at this point, [ 114 → 118] the apostasy of Francis is so bad and so, [ 118 → 125] obvious that even an atheist can see it. And those are tough times for Tim Haines, [ 125 → 132] Jimmy Akin, Tim Staples, and the other Novus Ordo apologists. Then Francis has posted a [ 132 → 139] no complaining sign on the door of his room at the Casa Santa Marta, the Vatican guest house [ 139 → 145] where he resides. With all the maturity of a modern day teenager, and my apologies here to [ 145 → 152] modern day teenagers, the chief complainer of Vatican City is now complaining about too much [ 152 → 159] complaining. Truth is stranger than fiction, people. You just can't make this stuff up. [ 159 → 166] But clearly the best news story of the whole week came on Saturday at the funeral of Cardinal [ 166 → 174] Joachim Meisner in Cologne. Benedict XVI's private secretary, Georg Genswein, read a message from the [ 174 → 175] Pope Emeritus, [ 175 → 182] in which he, Ratzinger, honors Meisner as a man who refused to give in to the spirit of the age [ 182 → 189] and trusted in the Lord even when things are so bad that the church is on the verge of capsizing. [ 189 → 194] It didn't take much reading between the lines to figure out that Ratzinger was taking a stab [ 194 → 201] at his successor here, Pope Francis. And that's exactly how countless news sites and blogs are [ 201 → 205] reporting this. But here's the rub. Benedict XVI, [ 205 → 210] Joseph Ratzinger, better not be talking. Because, let me say this loud and clear, [ 211 → 217] few people in the world bear more personal responsibility for the theological, moral, [ 217 → 225] liturgical, and pastoral chaos in the Vatican II sect than Joseph Ratzinger. It's an old trick. [ 225 → 230] Lament the very problems you yourself are responsible for creating or aggravating. [ 231 → 235] Governments love to use it. It evokes compassion and makes you look good. [ 235 → 240] It makes you look like a hero. It works every time it's tried because people have a very short [ 240 → 249] memory. Folks, don't be taken in by Benedict's crocodile tears. Back in 1985, a mere 20 years [ 249 → 255] after the close of the council, he was already making headlines claiming we needed to rediscover [ 255 → 262] the true Vatican II. And he warned against degrading the liturgy to the level of a parish [ 262 → 265] tea party and the intelligibility of the Vatican II. So, let's get to it. [ 265 → 285] Now, let's have a quick look at Ratzinger's influence in and on the Novus Ordo sect. In a [ 285 → 290] nutshell, Ratzinger helped draft the documents of Vatican II and helped steer the council in [ 290 → 295] a particular direction. He taught theology to seminarians and university students. [ 295 → 301] He wrote countless articles and books about Vatican II and its theology. And as prefect of [ 301 → 309] the Novus Ordo Holy Office, he spent over 23 years overseeing so-called Catholic theology [ 309 → 317] throughout the entire Vatican II Church. The theological milestones, such as the 1983 Code [ 317 → 323] of Canon Law, the 1992 Catechism, the 1993 Directory for the Application of Principles [ 323 → 325] and Norms on Ecumenism. [ 325 → 333] The 1993 Balamon Declaration, the 1999 Lutheran Catholic Accord on Justification, and the [ 333 → 340] 2000 Domino's Jesus Declaration were all issued under Ratzinger's watch. And then, for nearly [ 340 → 346] eight years as Novus Ordo Antipope, he had the opportunity and power to do whatever he [ 346 → 354] deemed necessary to clean up what needed cleaning up. Instead, he had Hans Kung over for coffee, [ 354 → 355] he went to synagogues and mosques, he went to the Catholic Church, he went to the Catholic [ 355 → 360] Church, he paid his obeisance to the Jews at the Wailing Wall, continued the blasphemous [ 360 → 366] Assisi prayer meetings introduced by John Paul II, and appointed cardinals like Donald [ 366 → 372] Wuerl, Reinhard Marx, Rainer Wolke, Kurt Koch, Louis Tegel, Gianfranco Ravasi, and Francesco [ 372 → 381] Cocco Palmerio. Is the Novus Ordo sect capsizing? You bet it is, but not despite Joseph Ratzinger, [ 381 → 383] but in large part because of him. [ 383 → 384] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 384 → 384] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 384 → 385] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 385 → 386] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 386 → 387] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 387 → 388] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 388 → 389] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 389 → 390] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 390 → 391] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 391 → 392] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 392 → 393] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. [ 393 → 394] TRIBECAST EXPRESS. 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