[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 30 → 38] Dr. Nicholas Gruner rejected Francis' claim to the papacy and believed that Benedict XVI was still Pope. [ 39 → 49] Number two, a sodomite couple from Brazil is claiming that Pope Francis has congratulated them on getting their three adopted children baptized. [ 50 → 53] Now let's look at both of these breaking stories in some detail. [ 53 → 60] First, yesterday, August 7th, Dr. Peter Hainowski published on his blog Rad Trat Thomas [ 60 → 64] a post entitled, What Father Gruner Actually Thought and Wanted. [ 65 → 68] And in this post, among other things, he claims the following, quote, [ 68 → 73] Father Gruner came to believe that Francis I was not a true Pope, [ 73 → 77] but that Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, had retained the office. [ 77 → 83] So it would have to be Benedict that would consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart and not Francis. [ 83 → 88] John Venari told me this on two occasions in private after the death of Father Gruner. [ 89 → 90] At the time, I had not. [ 90 → 92] I had not known that this was the case and was surprised. [ 93 → 100] John also said that Father was making statements in this regard during his speeches at his conferences, at least by late 2014. [ 101 → 103] John was not pleased by this turn of events at all. [ 104 → 104] Not at all. [ 105 → 105] Unquote. [ 106 → 109] Now, Dr. Hainowski isn't just anybody. [ 109 → 112] He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Fordham University. [ 113 → 119] He's an SSPX parishioner and, if I'm not mistaken, teaches at Immaculate Conception Academy in Post Falls, Idaho, [ 119 → 120] which is a very good place to be. [ 120 → 123] which is one of the nation's Lefebvre's strongholds. [ 124 → 129] In addition, Dr. Hainowski has been a frequent speaker at various semi-traditionalist conferences, [ 130 → 131] including some by the Fatima Center, [ 132 → 137] which is the organization that was headed by Mr. Gruner until his death in April of 2015. [ 138 → 142] In any case, there has since been some confirmation of this. [ 142 → 147] Gruner's associate, Father Paul Kramer, has posted on his Facebook page [ 147 → 150] that what Hainowski revealed here regarding Gruner's beliefs, [ 150 → 153] beliefs about Benedict and Francis, is accurate. [ 153 → 155] And just a short time ago today, [ 156 → 160] Louis Verrecchio released a video clip from a speech given by Gruner [ 160 → 166] in which he talks about how Benedict XVI never validly resigned. [ 166 → 171] You can see all the details about this at our Novos Ordo Wire blog, [ 171 → 174] novosordowatch.org slash wire. [ 174 → 179] Go to the post of August 7th, titled Dr. Peter Hainowski, [ 179 → 184] By late 2014, Fr. Gruner had come to believe Francis is an antipope, [ 185 → 187] Benedict XVI the true pope. [ 188 → 193] So, this bombshell revelation here is surely going to cause a firestorm of problems [ 193 → 196] at the Fatima Center, at the Remnant, with the SSPX, [ 197 → 200] and probably among a few other semi-traditionalists. [ 200 → 203] By the way, a new photograph has just emerged, [ 203 → 205] taken very recently, of Benedict XVI, [ 205 → 209] in which he is seen wearing the Fisherman's Ring, [ 209 → 213] which is a ring the pope wears with which he seals his official documents. [ 214 → 218] When the pope dies, that ring is destroyed, for obvious reasons. [ 218 → 222] Now, with Benedict, when he resigned, that ring was not destroyed, [ 222 → 225] but reportedly a big X was carved through it, [ 225 → 228] and I guess that's the ring he's still wearing now. [ 229 → 230] So, whatever. [ 231 → 233] Look, folks, all this stuff about, [ 233 → 236] ooh, Benedict XVI is the real pope, [ 237 → 238] is nothing but a... [ 239 → 241] sort of Sedevacantism light, okay? [ 242 → 246] Do you really think that anybody would be talking about Benedict's resignation now [ 246 → 251] if Francis had turned out to be, say, a St. Pius X? [ 251 → 252] Of course not. [ 253 → 256] Are there a number of things fishy about Benedict's resignation? [ 257 → 259] Yes, there are, indeed. [ 259 → 262] But I believe they are entirely by design, [ 262 → 266] because this ultimately helps to advance the modernist revolution. [ 267 → 268] Look, it was clear that, [ 268 → 271] Francis wouldn't be able to just steamroller through [ 271 → 273] with his program of apostasy just like that. [ 274 → 277] Too many people would be offended and would resist. [ 278 → 282] Well, the Vatican II sect obviously can't risk losing all of those. [ 282 → 283] So what do they do? [ 284 → 287] They create an ostensible alternative pope, so to speak, [ 287 → 290] that the conservatives in their sect can fall back on [ 290 → 294] and attach themselves to as the real pope. [ 294 → 297] This keeps them from leaving the Novus Ordo Church altogether, [ 297 → 298] and especially... [ 298 → 301] keeps them from defecting to Sedevacantism. [ 301 → 305] And it ultimately allows Francis to continue at full blast, [ 305 → 308] because at the end of the day, he really doesn't care [ 308 → 310] if anybody believes Benedict is the real pope or not, [ 311 → 314] because that doesn't keep him from appointing bad bishops, [ 315 → 317] giving out marriage annulments like candy, [ 317 → 320] and causing more damage in all sorts of other ways. [ 321 → 324] All right, let's move on to the other big story today. [ 324 → 328] Tony Reyes and David Herod are two sodomites in Brazil, [ 328 → 330] with three adoptive children, [ 331 → 333] who were baptized in April of this year [ 333 → 337] in the Cathedral of the Modernist Archdiocese of Curitiba. [ 338 → 342] This event, of course, made front-page news in the secular press back then, [ 342 → 344] and now they're back in the news, [ 344 → 347] because after writing to Pope Francis about it, [ 347 → 349] they received the following response from the Vatican. [ 350 → 350] Quote, [ 351 → 352] Dear Sir, [ 352 → 355] The Holy Father has looked appreciatively at your letter, [ 355 → 358] in which you expressed feelings of esteem and veneration, [ 359 → 362] and expressed your wishes for the good spiritual fruits of his ministry [ 362 → 364] as pastor of the Universal Church. [ 365 → 367] In thanking you on behalf of the successor of Peter [ 367 → 371] for your demonstration of attachment and your honorable words, [ 371 → 376] I can assure you that Pope Francis also wishes you all the best [ 376 → 380] and invokes for your family an abundance of divine graces [ 380 → 384] in order that you may live constantly and faithfully as Christians, [ 384 → 387] as good children of God and of the Church, [ 387 → 388] sending you an endowment, [ 388 → 390] indulgenced apostolic blessing, [ 391 → 393] asking you not to forget to pray for him. [ 394 → 398] I take this occasion to express my fraternal esteem in Christ the Lord. [ 399 → 399] Unquote. [ 400 → 406] This letter was signed by a certain Monsignor Paolo Borgia, [ 406 → 410] who is an assessor for the Vatican Secretariat of State. [ 411 → 416] You can read about this with all the links and photos and other details [ 416 → 418] on our blog at novosortowatch.org, [ 418 → 423] just click on the post of August 8th, [ 423 → 423] entitled [ 423 → 432] Now, this story is making waves, [ 432 → 435] at least in the Portuguese and Spanish-speaking press right now, [ 436 → 440] after Reyes posted this on his Facebook page yesterday, [ 440 → 445] and now he's already given an interview to the local radio station in Curitiba, [ 446 → 448] so he's making sure that this is getting coverage. [ 449 → 452] Now, at the same time, some are saying, [ 452 → 456] well, wait a minute, this is just a form letter from the Vatican. [ 456 → 463] We can't assume that Francis actually read what Reyes had sent him and so forth, [ 463 → 466] so everybody gets this letter and you get the idea. [ 467 → 471] The point being that maybe this is really no endorsement whatsoever [ 471 → 473] of the two perverts and their pseudo-family. [ 475 → 477] Now, while that may be true, [ 477 → 478] the fact of the matter, [ 478 → 483] is that this is being reported all over as a [ 483 → 487] quote-unquote papal endorsement of sodomites raising children [ 487 → 493] and having them baptized and being fully accepted in ecclesiastical life. [ 493 → 500] So, if, therefore, what is being reported is not what the Vatican intended, [ 500 → 505] then the Vatican now has an obligation to set the matter straight, [ 505 → 508] to condemn such sodomite pseudo-families, [ 508 → 512] and redress the scandal unwittingly caused, [ 512 → 519] because otherwise they are guilty of tacitly approving of it. [ 519 → 521] So, what do you think? [ 521 → 522] Is that going to happen? [ 522 → 527] Is the Vatican going to come out and condemn pseudo-families of sodomites? [ 528 → 529] Fat chance. [ 530 → 533] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 534 → 535] Check us out at tradcast.org, [ 535 → 537] and if you like what we're doing, [ 537 → 538] please consider making a tagline, [ 538 → 543] tax-deductible contribution at novosordowatch.org slash donate.