[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Saturday, September 2nd, 2017. [ 15 → 16] BAM! [ 16 → 19] Yeah, BAM! Francis has struck again. [ 20 → 24] There's been a flurry of breaking news in the last 48 hours or so, [ 24 → 31] and the biggest one is the new interview book that will be published in France this coming Wednesday, [ 32 → 40] which is a whopping 432 pages of Francis talking, uncensored. [ 40 → 41] And you know how it is. [ 42 → 45] Whenever Jorge Bergoglio speaks his mind freely, [ 45 → 49] it is guaranteed to be a free advertisement for Sedevacantism, [ 50 → 52] so you can thank Frank. [ 52 → 54] Well, let me give you a preview. [ 54 → 56] Let me give you what's in this new book. [ 57 → 62] The French Le Figaro magazine published an exclusive yesterday with select excerpts, [ 63 → 65] and they contain fireworks. [ 65 → 70] For example, in this new book, Francis says that when he was in Argentina, [ 70 → 76] he was heavily influenced by a communist named Esther Balestrino de Cariaga. [ 77 → 78] No surprise there. [ 78 → 82] And he adds that communists are Christians. [ 83 → 84] They have... [ 84 → 87] If only Pope Pius XI had known that, [ 87 → 89] he could have saved himself a lot of time. [ 89 → 93] He wouldn't have needed to write a big encyclical against communism. [ 94 → 98] I'm talking about the 1937 encyclical Divini Redemptoris, [ 98 → 103] which denounces communism as being absolutely contrary to the natural law [ 103 → 109] and undermining the very foundations of Christian civilization. [ 109 → 110] A minor detail. [ 111 → 113] Then, in that new book, [ 113 → 118] Francis also declares that there is no such thing as a just war. [ 118 → 119] Quote, [ 119 → 121] No war is just. [ 121 → 124] The only just thing is peace. [ 125 → 125] Unquote. [ 126 → 130] Well, I guess he's willing to make an exception for his war on Catholicism. [ 132 → 133] Francis also, [ 133 → 135] and this is heresy, by the way, [ 135 → 140] denies that the Catholic Church is essentially hierarchical. [ 140 → 140] Quote, [ 140 → 142] The Church is not bishops, [ 142 → 144] popes, and priests. [ 144 → 147] The Church is the people. [ 147 → 148] Unquote. [ 149 → 152] Too bad that the Council of Trent saw that a bit differently. [ 152 → 152] Quote, [ 153 → 158] If anyone says that in the Catholic Church a hierarchy has not been instituted by divine ordinance, [ 159 → 161] which consists of the bishops, priests, and ministers, [ 162 → 163] let him be anathema. [ 164 → 164] Unquote. [ 165 → 167] And that's found in Denzinger 966. [ 168 → 172] Now, the best part of this whole book is perhaps the following. [ 172 → 173] Francis says, [ 174 → 174] Quote, [ 174 → 177] How do we Catholics teach morality? [ 177 → 180] You cannot teach it with precepts such as, [ 181 → 182] You can't do that. [ 182 → 184] You have to do that. [ 184 → 186] Have to, can't, have to, can't. [ 187 → 193] Morality is a consequence of the encounter with Jesus Christ. [ 193 → 194] Unquote. [ 195 → 196] Wrong. [ 197 → 201] Morality is not an encounter or a consequence of an encounter, [ 202 → 202] and neither, [ 202 → 203] is faith. [ 204 → 208] These novelist-orto-modernists think they're so brilliant when they call everything an [ 208 → 211] ooh, an encounter, but it's a bunch of hooey. [ 212 → 215] The Catholic Encyclopedia defines morality as [ 215 → 222] human conduct insofar as it is freely subordinated to the ideal of what is right and fitting. [ 223 → 226] And of course, to say that morality cannot be taught with precepts, [ 227 → 229] you know, as in thou shalt and thou shalt not, [ 230 → 232] you've probably heard that somewhere before, [ 232 → 234] is absolutely idiotic. [ 235 → 236] Not to mention blasphemous, [ 236 → 239] because that is exactly how our blessed Lord taught it. [ 239 → 239] Remember? [ 240 → 243] Check St. Mark's Gospel, for example, chapter 10. [ 244 → 249] It's amazing how well this rigid thou shalt and thou shalt not works, [ 250 → 251] especially with children. [ 252 → 255] And that doesn't have to exclude an encounter, by the way. [ 256 → 257] I don't know how it was with you, [ 257 → 259] but when I misbehaved as a little boy, [ 259 → 262] there was quite an encounter with mom and dad, [ 262 → 262] actually. [ 262 → 268] Hey, Francis also addresses the controversy about Amoris Laetitia. [ 269 → 271] I mean, this must be quite the book to get. [ 272 → 275] And don't worry, although it'll be released in French only on Wednesday, [ 275 → 280] they're working on getting it translated into various other languages before Christmas. [ 281 → 285] So beware of what you might find under that tree this year. [ 286 → 290] Anyway, Amoris Laetitia and the never-ending story of whether [ 290 → 292] unrepentant public adulterers can be saved, [ 292 → 293] can receive the sacraments. [ 294 → 295] Francis says, [ 295 → 295] quote, [ 295 → 299] What is happening in reality is that we are hearing people say [ 299 → 301] they cannot receive communion. [ 302 → 303] They cannot do this or that. [ 304 → 306] The temptation of the church, it is that. [ 307 → 309] But no, no, and no. [ 310 → 311] These types of prohibitions, [ 312 → 316] these are what we find in Jesus' drama with the Pharisees. [ 316 → 317] The same thing. [ 318 → 318] Unquote. [ 319 → 322] So here Francis is saying that [ 322 → 326] traditional Catholic teaching and practice is Pharisaical. [ 328 → 329] Well, shocker, right? [ 330 → 332] That he would say that. [ 334 → 339] There is lots more, but I'll just mention one more thing because this is hilarious. [ 340 → 346] In this new book, Francis reveals that in 1979, when he was 42 years old, [ 346 → 351] he spent six months in therapy with a Jewish psychoanalyst. [ 352 → 357] You can't make this stuff up. [ 359 → 364] Anyway, we've got all that and more in two blog posts recently published, [ 364 → 367] one on August 31st and the other on September 1st, [ 367 → 369] entitled Analyze This. [ 370 → 374] Francis reveals he spent six months in therapy with Jewish psychoanalysts [ 375 → 377] and Francis uncensored. [ 377 → 381] Communists or Christians refusing communion to adulterers is Pharisaical. [ 382 → 384] And no war is just. [ 385 → 387] You can read these blog posts at [ 387 → 396] Oh yeah, by the way, the German Diocese of Mainz, [ 397 → 400] which for decades was Cardinal layman territory, [ 400 → 403] has a new Novus Ordo bishop now. [ 403 → 405] It is Mr. Peter Kohlgraf, [ 406 → 408] and he's just as non-Catholic as his predecessor. [ 409 → 411] In an interview with the paper, [ 411 → 411] Frank, [ 412 → 420] he said that traditional Catholic morality just doesn't correspond with reality [ 420 → 423] and that we need to work on our view of sin. [ 424 → 426] See, that's how it works in Germany. [ 426 → 429] The way to get rid of sin is to change the definition. [ 430 → 431] Jawohl. [ 432 → 436] Yeah, you can find that on the blog too, by the way, posted on August 31st. [ 439 → 440] Man, I'm exhausted. [ 440 → 441] But we're not done. [ 441 → 442] We're not done yet. [ 442 → 445] Yesterday, the new Pope video came out. [ 446 → 448] You know, the prayer intentions for the month. [ 448 → 451] And yeah, something about clean water, [ 451 → 454] the usual corporal works of mercy stuff. [ 454 → 461] But this time it shows people walking backwards into church even. [ 462 → 462] Yeah. [ 463 → 466] I mean, folks, what's at matter at this point? [ 466 → 466] Yeah. [ 468 → 471] Hey, look, you selfish eco centers, [ 471 → 472] probably missed it. [ 473 → 478] But September 1st was the day of prayer for the care of creation. [ 479 → 481] And of course, Francis had something to say about that. [ 482 → 486] Together with the Eastern Sismatic Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I, [ 487 → 491] he issued a joint statement in which they appeal, quote, [ 491 → 498] to those in positions of social and economic as well as political and cultural responsibility [ 498 → 501] to hear the cry, [ 501 → 502] quote, [ 502 → 503] unquote. [ 503 → 509] Well, you know, maybe if he'd finally stopped talking, we could all actually hear it. [ 509 → 512] But that's not going to happen. [ 512 → 513] All right. [ 513 → 518] I'll tell you about Francis meeting with the delegation of rabbi some other time. [ 518 → 521] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 521 → 523] Check us out at Tradcast.org. [ 523 → 529] And if you like what we're doing, please consider making a tax deductible contribution at NovosOrdoWatch.org [ 529 → 530] slash donate. [ 530 → 531] Tradct.org. [ 531 → 532] leursgas.org [ 532 → 533] Transcription by CastingWords [ 533 → 533] Page 2 of 12