[ 0 → 15] Tradcast Express, it's Friday, September 15th, 2017. [ 15 → 18] You know, it really is pathetic. [ 18 → 28] Once again, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller is being paraded around as though he were a traditionalist, a defender of Catholicism, and so forth. [ 28 → 30] What's the latest reason for doing that? [ 30 → 41] Well, he's attending the Summorum Pontificum conference currently taking place in Rome, together with cardinals Raymond Berg, Robert Serra, and others. [ 41 → 48] This conference celebrates and commemorates the 10th anniversary of Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum. [ 48 → 56] That's the big motu proprio letter that basically allowed the widespread use of the Indult Mass, the 1962 Missal, [ 56 → 58] which is basically the tradition. [ 58 → 66] Well, the problem with Müller is that he is a Vatican II man through and through, just like Berg. [ 67 → 75] In particular, Müller is on record denying the dogma of transubstantiation, among other dogmas. [ 76 → 78] Yes, transubstantiation. [ 78 → 83] That is the dogma defined by the Council of Trent in the 16th century, and also before, of course, [ 83 → 86] according to which at the consecration of the Holy Mass, [ 87 → 88] bread and wine, [ 88 → 91] come the literal body and blood of Christ, [ 91 → 95] with the substance of the bread and wine ceasing to exist entirely, [ 95 → 97] and only their appearance remaining. [ 98 → 104] This dogma is denied by Cardinal Müller and replaced with a very obscure fantasy, [ 104 → 109] which could perhaps best be labeled transcommunication. [ 109 → 112] Here's a quick excerpt from his book on the Mass, [ 113 → 116] called The Mass Source of Christian Life, [ 116 → 118] Die Messe, Quelle Christlichen Lebens, [ 118 → 120] published in German in 2002. [ 121 → 122] This is our translation. [ 123 → 123] Quote, [ 123 → 130] In reality, body and blood of Christ do not mean the material components of the man Jesus during his lifetime [ 130 → 132] or in his transfigured corporeality. [ 133 → 139] Rather, body and blood here mean the presence of Christ in the sign of the medium of bread and wine, [ 139 → 144] which presence is made communicable in the here and now of sense-bound human perception. [ 144 → 148] Just as before Easter the disciples were perceptibly together with, [ 148 → 154] Jesus by hearing his words and perceiving him in his sensory figure in accordance with human nature, [ 154 → 162] we now have fellowship with Jesus Christ communicated through the eating and drinking of the bread and the wine. [ 162 → 163] Unquote. [ 164 → 167] And that's from pages 139 to 140. [ 167 → 169] Well, ladies and gentlemen, [ 169 → 174] would it surprise you to find out that with this kind of an understanding of the real presence, [ 174 → 178] Müller also has some rather interesting things to say, [ 178 → 181] about the point of consecration in the Mass. [ 182 → 183] Listen to this. [ 183 → 188] And this is taken from the same book, pages 141 to 142. [ 188 → 189] Quote, [ 189 → 194] There still remains to be clarified a question which has arisen in the history of theology [ 194 → 201] concerning the exact moment at which takes place the sacred conversion of bread and wine [ 201 → 206] into real signs of the salvific communication with God in Jesus Christ. [ 206 → 208] Is it the calling down of the Holy Spirit, [ 208 → 209] the Holy Ghost, [ 209 → 214] which in the liturgy of the Eastern churches mostly takes place after the institution narrative? [ 215 → 219] Or is it the recitation of the words of institution of Jesus itself, [ 219 → 220] which affects the conversion? [ 221 → 226] It will not be necessary to answer the question the one way or the other, [ 226 → 231] because the question does not really make sense theologically. [ 232 → 233] The conversion, [ 233 → 238] which is part of the fundamentals of the Catholic faith in the Eastern and Western, [ 238 → 243] Church occurs through the incorporation of the sacrificial gifts [ 243 → 247] into the dialogue of Father, Son, and Spirit. [ 248 → 252] This is the content of the three parts of the prayer following the preface, [ 253 → 258] in which the Father is addressed in the communication of the Son and the Holy Ghost. [ 258 → 263] By including the gifts of bread and wine in this action of triune love, [ 263 → 267] which in salvation history actualized itself to our benefit, [ 268 → 268] they become, [ 268 → 269] come for us, [ 269 → 272] the body and blood of Christ. [ 272 → 272] Unquote. [ 273 → 276] And this guy, Gerhard Muller, [ 276 → 283] now gives a talk at the Summorum Pontificum conference on dogma and liturgy. [ 284 → 284] Wow. [ 285 → 290] Now, if you want to see all this and much more evidence against Muller for yourself, [ 290 → 293] go to NovosOrdoWatch.org [ 293 → 298] and look for the post published on August 14th, 2017, [ 298 → 302] entitled The Heresies of Cardinal Muller, Part 1, [ 302 → 305] Denial of Transubstantiation. [ 306 → 312] See, ladies and gentlemen, this is one of the problems with Novos Ordo traditionalism. [ 312 → 318] People are so easily swayed by external appearances and by emotion. [ 319 → 322] Someone like Muller is one of the worst heretics around. [ 323 → 326] But because he's against adultery, he's against abortion, [ 326 → 327] and now says, [ 328 → 329] these things about the Latin Mass, [ 329 → 332] all the rest is forgotten and forgiven. [ 332 → 337] This is one of the reasons why the Indult Mass was instituted in the first place. [ 338 → 344] To keep traditional leaning people firmly inside the Vatican II sect. [ 344 → 346] Give them the externals, [ 346 → 347] keep them busy, [ 347 → 348] keep them hoping, [ 348 → 354] and they will not place any effective obstacle in the way of the apostasy. [ 355 → 355] Keep them busy. [ 356 → 357] Have them write open letters, [ 358 → 359] sign petitions, [ 359 → 361] follow Mr. Zuhlstorff's blog, [ 361 → 363] have them attend a conference, [ 363 → 366] or get excited about a new book on Latin or something. [ 367 → 369] And while they're busy with all of that, [ 369 → 370] the false popes, [ 371 → 372] currently Francis, [ 372 → 375] keep on advancing the apostasy. [ 375 → 378] That is what has been happening. [ 379 → 381] And just look at Amoris Laetitia, for example. [ 382 → 384] For nearly a year and a half now, [ 384 → 387] people have been debating about what it does and doesn't, [ 388 → 389] say how it's to be understood, [ 390 → 392] what the Holy Father really meant, [ 392 → 394] what it would mean in practice, [ 394 → 400] and then you have dubia and endless talk about a supposed formal correction and all that. [ 400 → 403] And what does any of that do, [ 403 → 405] other than keep everyone distracted [ 405 → 411] while Francis continues to wreck the remaining vestiges of Catholicism [ 411 → 413] in people's minds and souls? [ 414 → 416] See, and that's the point. [ 416 → 417] While people are arguing about, [ 418 → 419] what Amoris Laetitia means, [ 419 → 421] and what the consequences might be, [ 422 → 425] Francis is just quietly implementing the thing, [ 426 → 428] refusing to address any objections, [ 428 → 433] waiting for his high-profile paper tiger opponents to die. [ 433 → 437] While two of the four dubia cardinals are already dead, [ 437 → 439] he's only got two to go. [ 440 → 443] Tradcast Express is a production of Novos Ordo Watch. [ 443 → 446] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 446 → 447] And if you like what we're doing, [ 447 → 450] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 450 → 452] at novosordowatch.org.