[ 0 → 4] TRATCAST EXPRESS [ 30 → 40] The Coptic Catholic Bishop of Egypt says Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is now very weak at age 90 but still aware of everything. [ 40 → 49] Bishop Kyrillos William Simon of Assyria gave this report after a meeting with the Pope Emeritus at the beginning of September, [ 49 → 55] according to the Swiss Catholic information agency cath.ch, in an article published today. [ 55 → 60] On September 23rd, the German news website Mittelbayerische reported, [ 60 → 64] that Benedict is now too weak to celebrate Mass by himself. [ 64 → 71] Archbishop Gerhard Genswein, his private secretary, who is also prefect of the pontifical household, assists him. [ 71 → 72] Unquote. [ 72 → 79] Secondly, Benedict has written a preface for the Russian edition of his book Theology of the Liturgy. [ 79 → 86] And in this preface, he laments that God is being obscured in the modern Novus Ordo liturgy. [ 87 → 88] Here's what he says, quote, [ 88 → 90] In the years following, [ 90 → 91] the Second Vatican Council, [ 92 → 96] I became aware again of the priority of God and the divine liturgy. [ 96 → 101] The misunderstanding of the liturgical reform that has spread widely in the Catholic Church [ 101 → 108] has led to more and more emphasis on the aspect of education and its activity and creativity. [ 108 → 112] The doings of men almost completely obscured the presence of God. [ 113 → 114] In such a situation, [ 114 → 120] it became increasingly clear that the Church's existence lives in the proper celebration of the liturgy, [ 120 → 128] and that the Church is in danger when the primacy of God no longer appears in the liturgy, and so in life. [ 128 → 136] The deepest cause of the crisis that has upset the Church lies in the obscurity of God's priority in the liturgy. [ 136 → 137] Unquote. [ 137 → 140] Blah, blah, blah. [ 140 → 150] Ratzinger is shedding the same old crocodile tears about those oh-so-terrible abuses found in the misunderstood Novus Ordo, [ 150 → 157] when few people in the entire world are more to blame for it than his very self. [ 158 → 164] Ratzinger was the number two man in the Vatican from 1982 until 2005, [ 165 → 169] and the number one man from 2005 until 2013. [ 170 → 174] He could have done just about anything he wanted done during that time, [ 174 → 176] and look at what he did. [ 176 → 179] Ooh, he gave a little wider permission for the 1960s. [ 180 → 182] 162 masks to be offered. [ 182 → 184] Big freaking deal. [ 184 → 190] You know what the same Joseph Ratzinger said in the 1985 interview book, The Ratzinger Report? [ 191 → 192] Here, let me quote it to you. [ 192 → 196] Page 125 of the Ignatius Press edition. [ 196 → 196] Quote, [ 196 → 203] It seems that certain abuses associated with the post-conciliar years are lessening. [ 203 → 206] It seems to me that a reconciliation is in process, [ 207 → 210] and some people are becoming aware that they went too far. [ 210 → 211] And too fast. [ 212 → 212] Unquote. [ 213 → 216] Well, I guess that speaks for itself. [ 216 → 222] So, Benedict is concerned that God has gotten eclipsed in the new church's liturgy and in life? [ 223 → 225] Gee, I wonder why that is. [ 225 → 230] Maybe that has something to do with his, Benedict's, false man-centered theology. [ 230 → 235] Maybe he should have had a great ceremony honoring Christ the King and Our Lady of Fatima [ 235 → 240] to obtain world peace instead of inviting every pagan, heretic, and schismatic [ 240 → 244] under the sun for an inter-religious prayer gathering in Assisi in 2011. [ 245 → 251] Maybe he shouldn't have approved a mass without a consecration on January 17th, 2001. [ 251 → 256] Maybe he shouldn't have endorsed Teilhard de Chardin's vision of a cosmic liturgy [ 256 → 258] on July 24th, 2009. [ 259 → 264] Maybe he shouldn't have blasphemed Christ in the Cologne Synagogue at World Youth Day 2005 [ 264 → 269] when he said that he who encounters Christ encounters Judaism. [ 269 → 273] Maybe he shouldn't have paid his obeisance to the Talmudic Jews [ 273 → 275] at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem in 2009. [ 276 → 279] Maybe he shouldn't have endorsed Hans Urs von Balthasar's call [ 279 → 286] for the raising of the Catholic bastions in his 1982 book, Principles of Catholic Theology. [ 286 → 290] And maybe he shouldn't have given Novus Ordo Communion [ 290 → 296] to the Swiss Protestant brother Roger Schutz at the funeral of John Paul II in 2005. [ 297 → 299] You think that all of these things help the teaching of Catholic theology? [ 299 → 303] Or to obscure the true faith and therefore the true God? [ 304 → 306] To ask the question is to answer it. [ 307 → 312] Folks, every so often the Vatican II modernists put on their sad face [ 312 → 315] and bewail how terrible things are in their church, [ 315 → 320] while at the same time it is they themselves who have done all in their power [ 320 → 322] to get it to this point. [ 322 → 325] Joseph Ratzinger is a master at it. [ 325 → 327] Do not fall for it. [ 327 → 329] Tradcast Express. [ 329 → 331] Tradcast is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 332 → 334] Check us out at tradcast.org. [ 334 → 335] And if you like what we're doing, [ 335 → 338] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 338 → 341] at novusordowatch.org slash donate.