[ 0 → 4] TrapCast Express [ 4 → 15] TrapCast Express, it's Wednesday, October 18th, 2017. [ 16 → 22] Tomorrow is the Hindu feast of Diwali, their festival of lights. [ 22 → 27] False pagan lights, of course, but that doesn't keep the Vatican from rejoicing [ 27 → 32] with these poor souls unhappily caught up in the darkness of idolatry, [ 32 → 35] to borrow a phrase from Pope Pius XI. [ 35 → 41] As they do every year, this year too, the Vatican has released a message to Hindus for Diwali, [ 41 → 46] and instead of using the opportunity to call all Hindus to conversion to Jesus Christ, [ 47 → 52] who alone is the true light of the world, who alone can dispel the darkness of paganism, [ 52 → 57] the president of the so-called Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue [ 57 → 63] Cardinal Jean-Louis Toron congratulated them for their wonderful celebration, saying, [ 64 → 64] quote, [ 64 → 68] On behalf of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, [ 69 → 76] we offer cordial greetings to all of you as you celebrate Diwali on October 19th, 2017. [ 77 → 81] May this festival of lights illumine your minds and lives, [ 81 → 86] bring joy to your hearts and homes, and strengthen your families and communities. [ 87 → 87] Unquote. [ 88 → 90] This is apostasy. [ 90 → 96] There is no light in Diwali that could possibly illumine the mind or bring joy to anyone's life. [ 97 → 102] What Toron is basically doing, and what the Novus Ordo sect has done since Vatican II, [ 103 → 107] is confirm the pagans in their idolatry. [ 107 → 108] That's what this is. [ 108 → 112] And that is a complete negation of the gospel. [ 112 → 114] It is the anti-gospel. [ 114 → 116] It is, in fact, true hatred. [ 117 → 118] For those pagans. [ 118 → 121] Because by confirming them in their idolatry, [ 121 → 123] Toron is basically telling them, [ 123 → 125] Go to hell. [ 125 → 128] Toron then talks about tolerance, saying, quote, [ 128 → 132] Tolerance certainly means being open and patient with others, [ 133 → 135] recognizing their presence in our midst. [ 135 → 139] If we are to work for lasting peace and true harmony, however, [ 139 → 141] tolerance is not enough. [ 141 → 146] What is also needed is genuine respect and appreciation for the diversity of cultures [ 146 → 147] and cultures. [ 147 → 170] We are to work for lasting peace and true harmony, which we all ought to do, then we [ 170 → 176] must convert the nations to Christ, because only Christ can give true peace. [ 176 → 177] Peace. [ 177 → 178] Peace I leave with you. [ 179 → 181] My peace I give unto you. [ 181 → 190] Not as the world giveth do I give unto you, our Lord said in St. John's Gospel, chapter 14, verse 27. [ 191 → 198] You see, these modernists always act as though the Catholic Church had never known how to foster peace [ 198 → 205] and harmony among people until Vatican II came around and preached its Masonic doctrine of fraternal humanism [ 205 → 206] and interreligion. [ 206 → 208] Religious dialogue. [ 208 → 209] Nonsense. [ 209 → 214] Pope Pius XI, for example, taught very clearly in 1925, quote, [ 214 → 225] When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, [ 226 → 229] well-ordered discipline, peace, and harmony. [ 229 → 230] Unquote. [ 230 → 232] And that's from the encyclical Quas Primus. [ 233 → 236] Now, in 1922, three years prior, the same Pius, [ 236 → 241] the 11th, had taught this in his encyclical Ubi Arcano, quote, [ 241 → 250] True peace, the peace of Christ, is impossible unless we are willing and ready to accept the fundamental principles of Christianity, [ 250 → 258] unless we are willing to observe the teachings and obey the law of Christ, both in public and private life. [ 259 → 263] If this were done, then society being placed at last on a sound foundation, [ 264 → 266] the Church would be able, in the exercise of Christ, to be able to observe the teachings and obey the law of Christ, [ 266 → 271] and by means of its divinely given ministry and by means of the teaching authority which results therefrom, [ 271 → 275] to protect all the rights of God over men and nations. [ 276 → 276] Unquote. [ 276 → 281] Well, obviously, no one in the Vatican II sect believes that anymore. [ 282 → 286] In Asmissive to Hindus, Toron continues as follows, quote, [ 286 → 290] Respect for others is an important antidote to intolerance, [ 291 → 294] since it entails authentic appreciation for the human person [ 294 → 296] and his or her inherent dignity, [ 296 → 300] In the light of our responsibility to society, [ 300 → 310] fostering such respect demands showing esteem for different social, cultural, and religious customs and practices. [ 310 → 311] Unquote. [ 311 → 313] Ah, see how clever he is. [ 314 → 318] He starts with respect, because who wants to be disrespectful, right? [ 318 → 321] He starts with respect, ties it to human dignity, [ 321 → 325] and then declares that such respect is only authentic [ 325 → 326] if it includes respect for others. [ 326 → 331] Not just a toleration or even acceptance of the person's false religion, [ 331 → 333] but a positive esteem for it. [ 334 → 336] And that is diabolical. [ 337 → 342] See, I can respect another person without respecting his false religion. [ 342 → 345] That's what the Church has done for 2,000 years. [ 345 → 350] She respected people in false religions, but never the false religions themselves. [ 351 → 356] Consider what Pope St. Pius X taught in 1910 in his Apostolic, [ 356 → 360] Notre Charge Apostolique, Our Apostolic Mandate. [ 360 → 363] It is a direct rebuke of the apostate nonsense [ 363 → 367] spouted by Cardinal Toron and the Vatican II Church. [ 367 → 367] Quote, [ 368 → 371] The same applies to the notion of fraternity, [ 371 → 374] which they found on the love of common interest, [ 374 → 379] or beyond all philosophies and religions on the mere notion of humanity, [ 379 → 382] thus embracing with an equal love and tolerance [ 382 → 384] all human beings and their miseries, [ 384 → 386] whether these are intellectual, moral, [ 386 → 387] or physical and temporal. [ 388 → 392] But Catholic doctrine tells us that the primary duty of charity [ 392 → 395] does not lie in the toleration of false ideas, [ 396 → 398] however sincere they may be, [ 398 → 401] nor in the theoretical or practical indifference [ 401 → 404] towards the errors and vices in which we see our brethren plunged, [ 404 → 408] but in the zeal for their intellectual and moral improvement, [ 409 → 412] as well as for their material well-being. [ 412 → 412] Unquote. [ 413 → 414] In the same apostolic letter, [ 415 → 416] Pope Pius X also made clear, [ 416 → 417] Quote, [ 417 → 421] Whilst Jesus was kind to sinners and to those who went astray, [ 421 → 424] he did not respect their false ideas, [ 424 → 427] however sincere they might have appeared. [ 427 → 428] He loved them all, [ 428 → 432] but he instructed them in order to convert them and save them. [ 433 → 433] Unquote. [ 434 → 434] And lastly, [ 435 → 438] consider also the teaching of Pope Leo XIII [ 438 → 439] in his encyclical, [ 440 → 441] Custodi di quella fede, [ 442 → 443] from 1892. [ 443 → 444] Quote, [ 444 → 446] Every familiarity should be avoided, [ 446 → 449] not only with those impious libertines [ 449 → 451] who openly promote the character of the sect, [ 451 → 453] he's talking about the Freemasonic sect, [ 454 → 458] but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, [ 459 → 461] respect for all religions, [ 461 → 465] and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the gospel [ 465 → 467] with those of the revolution. [ 467 → 470] These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, [ 470 → 474] the church of God and the state without God. [ 474 → 474] Unquote. [ 474 → 476] And that's from paragraph number, [ 476 → 479] 15 from Pope Leo XIII's encyclical, [ 480 → 481] Custodi di quella fede. [ 482 → 485] And here you can see just how opposed [ 485 → 488] to the traditional true Roman Catholic teaching, [ 488 → 493] the post-conciliar Novus Ordo drivel really is. [ 493 → 496] Now, Cardinal Toron isn't finished yet, of course. [ 497 → 502] He gives his full support to the Vatican II era of religious liberty [ 502 → 504] when he says this, [ 504 → 504] Quote, [ 504 → 506] It likewise demands, [ 507 → 509] the recognition of inalienable rights, [ 509 → 511] such as the right to life [ 511 → 513] and the right to profess and practice [ 513 → 516] the religion of one's choice. [ 516 → 517] Unquote. [ 517 → 522] Ah, the right to profess the religion of one's choice. [ 522 → 524] That's precisely what was condemned [ 524 → 529] by Pope Pius IX in the encyclical Quanta Cora. [ 529 → 529] Quote, [ 530 → 533] They do not fear to foster that erroneous opinion [ 533 → 535] most fatal in its effects [ 535 → 538] on the Catholic Church and the salvation of souls [ 538 → 541] called by our predecessor, Gregory XVI, [ 542 → 544] an insanity, namely, [ 544 → 546] that liberty of conscience and worship [ 546 → 549] is each man's personal right [ 549 → 552] which ought to be legally proclaimed [ 552 → 555] and asserted in every rightly constituted society [ 555 → 558] and that a right resides in the citizens [ 558 → 559] to an absolute liberty [ 559 → 562] which should be restrained by no authority [ 562 → 564] whether ecclesiastical or civil [ 564 → 565] whereby they may be able to do so. [ 565 → 567] whereby they may be able openly and publicly [ 567 → 571] to manifest and declare any of their ideas whatever [ 571 → 575] either by word of mouth, by the press, or in any other way. [ 576 → 578] But while they rationally affirm this, [ 578 → 579] they do not think and consider [ 579 → 583] that they are preaching liberty of perdition. [ 583 → 584] Unquote. [ 584 → 586] Well then, ladies and gentlemen, [ 586 → 587] happy Diwali. [ 589 → 592] Tradcast Express is a production of Novus Ordo Watch. [ 592 → 594] Check us out at tradcast.org [ 594 → 595] and if you like what we're doing, [ 595 → 598] please consider making a tax-deductible contribution [ 598 → 600] at novusordowatch.org [ 600 → 601] slash donate.